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  • Ode to Heroes
  • Ethereal Secrets
  • 12 Shades of SSO
  • Smart Agents Coming In (no add'l plug-ins)
  • Synchron Smart Orchestra Trailer
  • Riding Through a Mythical Land

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Your Hands-on Synchron Stage Orchestra

  • The entire Synchron Stage Orchestra at your fingertips
  • Powerful sections from Synchron Duality Strings, Synchron Brass, Woodwinds, Percussion, Choir + solo instruments
  • Quick orchestrations for sketching, scoring and live playing
  • Crossgrade pricing from Synchron Collections and towards Synchron Duality Strings (regular)

Get your hands on a full-blown orchestra that’s easy and fun to play! The Synchron Smart Orchestra brings the power of Vienna’s acclaimed Synchron Stage Orchestra to your studio, laid out over the entire keyboard and ready to play with a mesmerizing sound right out of the box.

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Whether you’re playing the entire orchestra including choir and percussion at once, or you’re playing the individual sections separately, this powerful and versatile software instrument can be used in so many different ways. It’s great for playing live, for quickly creating powerful orchestrations, for sketching ideas, and for getting new ideas in the first place.

What’s more, you can play the orchestra or each section with your left hand and one of nine solo or lead voices with your right hand at the same time – perfect for those beautiful melodies soaring above the orchestra! These solo/lead instruments are available: Violin ensemble, cello ensemble, flute, oboe, clarinet, trumpet, horn, harp, celesta.
To refine your arrangements, you can place each orchestra section, as well as each solo instrument with its full range, on separate tracks of the DAW, which makes the Synchron Smart Orchestra an extremely simple to use and resource-saving orchestral library that delivers impressive results in an instant. Creating a big symphonic track has never been faster or easier!

While the previously released Vienna Smart Orchestra includes VI Series instruments recorded at the Silent Stage and placed on the virtual Stage A using the Synchron Player’s internal convolution reverb, the performances of the Synchron Smart Orchestra were recorded with the ambience of the large hall of Synchron Stage Vienna, where the finest musicians lend their talent and artistry to film and TV score recordings on a daily basis.

The performances of the ensembles and percussion were taken from these libraries:

Tutti Strings, Violin & Cello Ensemble Legato     Synchron Duality Strings (regular)
Tutti Brass Big Bang Orchestra Altair - Section Essentials
Tutti Woodwinds Big Bang Orchestra Neptune - Tutti Woodwinds
Tutti Choir Big Bang Orchestra Ganymede - Choirs
Unpitched Percussion Synchron Percussion I

The performances of the solo instruments are all-new recordings specifically created for this product (except for horn, harp, and celesta). A novel way of recording and mapping legatos makes for especially authentic note connections, as previously evidenced in the lyrical legato of the solo horn included in the Synchron Brass Collection, which is also part of the Synchron Smart Orchestra.

All sections and solo instruments are available on separate channels in the mixer of the Vienna Synchron Player where you can fine-tune the overall balance with automatable faders and adjust each sound to your liking using the on-board effects. The mixer presets Close, Classical, Long and Lush get you started with a well-balanced, cohesive sound straight away.

The “Tutti” presets include all orchestra sections without the solo/lead voices. The full span of the orchestra ranges from C2 to C6 on the keyboard, with the most common unpitched percussion instruments mapped from D6 upwards.
With the “Tutti & Solo” presets, nine solo/lead voices are mapped from C5 upwards. These presets also include an option to lower the volume of the orchestra to mezzoforte or to piano, helping the lead instrument played with the right hand to stand apart from the orchestra played with the left hand. In case the broader note range of an instrument is needed, all solo/lead instruments are also available separately with their full note ranges.

Crossgrade Discounts

Users of the Synchron Smart Orchestra benefit from a €30 discount when purchasing Synchron Duality Strings (regular) (Standard or Full Library).

Having registered one, two or more of the following products significantly reduces the price of the Synchron Smart Orchestra:

20% Crossgrade Discount for having registered 1 eligible product*
30% Crossgrade Discount for having registered 2 eligible products*
40% Crossgrade Discount for having registered 3 or more eligible products*

* Products eligible for crossgrade discounts:
Vienna Smart Orchestra
Synchron Duality Strings (regular)
Big Bang Orchestra Altair - Section Essentials
Big Bang Orchestra Neptune - Tutti Woodwinds or Synchron Woodwinds Standard Library
Big Bang Orchestra Ganymede - Choirs
Synchron Percussion I Standard Library

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Installed File Size 20.2 GB