We’re proudly and happily supporting educational programs! If you’re a student or a teacher with a valid student or teacher ID from your educational institution you may upload a scan of the document to receive an educational discount on your future orders.
Your “EDU Status” is valid during six months upon verification, and in this period you can order anytime to benefit from a 30% educational discount*.
After having verified your document, our team will send you an email confirming that your EDU Status has been activated. After six months you can renew your EDU Status by uploading a valid document to keep your educational discounts in our web shop.
Educational discounts apply to all of our sample library and software products, except promotional and introductory prices, hard drives, Vienna Vouchers, and shipping.
* Educational discounts apply to all of our sample library and software products, except promotional and introductory prices, hardware (hard drives, thumb drives), Vienna Vouchers, and shipping.
* Educational discounts apply to all of our sample library and software products, except VI Series products, hardware (hard drives, thumb drives), Vienna Vouchers, and shipping.