Welcome to the Vienna Symphonic Library's series of Synchron Instruments! As the name says, Big Bang Orchestra furnishes you with a selection of full-orchestra articulations, at the same time allowing you (if you haven't done so already) to explore our powerful Synchron Player software. If you're looking for that extra dramatic effect or want to highlight a passage in your composition, this bonus library could be the solution, or at least point you in the right direction.

Big Bang Orchestra: Eridanus is the percussion-based counterpart of Capricorn.

BBO Eridanus offers regular Presets as well as ones marked "VelXF", where velocity crossfading provides smoother transitions between samples of different velocities. Apart from that, BBO Eridanus is structured in the same way as BBO Capricorn. It provides you with a collection of rhythmical riffs played by main, low, and high sections, and available at tempos of 120, 130, and 140 BPM (if you want to go easy on your RAM, there are also separate Presets for each tempo). Moreover, there are also "Timestretch" variants that allow you to adapt the playing speed to the tempo you need.
Main Riffs as well as Low Riffs are played on the ensemble's low instruments, while High Riffs consequently employ the higher instruments. With the latter, you can also select whether to play with sticks or with brushes.Keyswitches
- Tempo "all" Presets: C1–E1 (white keys only)
- Riffs #1–8, all: D2–A#2
- Sub variants 1a–1c (Main Riffs only): G1–A1
- High Riffs Sticks/Brushes: A0/B0
- C4: loop with cut release (the loop stops immediately when you release the key)
- C#4: loop with note release (plays a final accented note); D4: single note release.
Range "Riff-all" variants
- Main riff: C3–G7
- Low/high riff: C4–G7

The variant "Main Riff-all" has the additional variations of Riff 1 mapped from C3 to G3, Low and High start at C4.