Welcome to the Vienna Symphonic Library's series of Synchron Instruments! As the name says, Big Bang Orchestra furnishes you with a selection of full-orchestra articulations, at the same time allowing you (if you haven't done so already) to explore our powerful Synchron Player software. If you're looking for that extra dramatic effect or want to highlight a passage in your composition, this bonus library could be the solution, or at least point you in the right direction.

Big Bang Orchestra: Ganymede consists of a full choir with soprano, alto, tenor, and bass ensembles - 48 singers in all.
BBO Ganymede offers regular Presets for the entire choir as well as separate ones for its soprano, alto, tenor, and bass ensembles. The ensembles' articulations are the same as those of the main Preset, where you also have access to the individual voices.
This main Preset contains all four ensembles in differently grouped mappings as well as separately. Apart from the Tutti Effects, all the mappings' articulations are concurrent.

The Male/Female mappings feature the male singers on C2–C4, and the female singers on C#4–D6.
Choir stacked also ranges from C2–D6, but has the four voices stacked and crossfaded. Because each voice is mapped to its entire range without transposition, this is especially useful for quick layouts, making it easy later to transfer voicings written for this mapping to the individual choir ensembles.
The voices are mapped according to their natural range:
- Soprano C4–D6
- Alto E3–E5
- Tenor C3–C5
- Bass C2–C4
Section Keyswitches: C1–G1
Articulation Keyswitches: C7–G7
Short notes, sustain, espressivo, legato, soft swell, sforzato, short and long swell.

Major and minor chords, cluster A and B, cluster glissandi, cluster building, and shouts.
- Range: C4–D5 (except specials below)

Mapping Cluster Glissandi
- Range: C4–D5 (white keys)

Mapping Cluster building
- Range: C3–F6 (white keys)

Mapping Shouts
- Range: C4–A5 (white keys)