previously "SYNCHRON-ized Woodwinds"
Studio Woodwinds was specifically created to enrich the tonal palette of your Synchron Instruments with the inimitable sound of our concert guitar, overdrive guitar, and upright bass recordings.
The Presets of each instrument are subdivided into several Articulation categories (depending on the instrument) plus a "Custom" slot ready for your own creations:
- Short notes
- Long notes
- Legato
- Dynamics
- Flutter tonguing, trills, fast repetitions
- Runs
- Arpeggios
- Mordents
- Multiphonics (Clarinet Bb 2)
Within these Articulation categories, you can select a Type (if applicable), e.g., soft or normal legato, and for some of the types there are additional options available, such as marcato or vibrato type control.
The instrument Presets comprise all recorded Patches in Articulation groups, which again contain Types of the respective Articulation, with further options if available. The general structure was modeled after our other Synchron Collections, making it easy to switch or combine instruments without major adaptations.
Articulations are disabled by default. Enabling an Articulation means that all the Types contained will be activated, too, so if you happen to be short of RAM it is advisable only to activate what you really need (you can always add more Types later).
By default the keyswitches for Articulations are mapped from C1 to G#1 (for Middle C = C4) for higher instruments, and C6 to F#6 for bass instruments. For the available Types, the keyswitches start from C2 for high instruments, and from C7 for low ones.
Additional options within Articulations or Types are offered by the Dimension Controllers. The controller function is indicated by the respective caption, as of course it may take on different tasks as needed.
Staccato, short and medium portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.
- Flute 1: staccato tongue ram notes on Type keyswitch F#2
- Clarinet in Bb 2: slaps and key noises on Type keyswitches F#2/G2

Sustained notes, regular and marcato, without and with vibrato. Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between vibrato and no vibrato.
- Piccolo flute: progressive instead of no vibrato.
- Clarinet in Bb 1, Bass clarinet: only normal and marcato without vibrato options.
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option.

Use Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to crossfade between vibrato styles.

Performance legato, regular speed and fast, without and with vibrato, and auto-speed. “Pure” legato without XFades into sustained notes, and marcato legato with accented note transitions.
- Piccolo flute: progressive instead of no vibrato.
- Clarinet in Bb 1: no vibrato options, slow and fast glissando on Type keyswitches F2/F#2.
- Bass clarinet: no vibrato options.
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option.
Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) crossfades between vibrato styles if the XF vibrato slot is selected.

This option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; crescendo and diminuendo at several durations, medium and strong, with and without vibrato according to instrument; piano-forte-piano and forte-piano-forte (if available).
- Piccolo flute
- no sforzatissimo
- Flute 2
- no sforzatissimo
- no fpf
- Oboe 1, English horn
- no fpf
- Clarinet Bb 1
- additional light crescendo and diminuendo
- Clarinet Bb 2
- light instead of medium crescendo and diminuendo
- no fpf
- Bass clarinet
- no fpf
- Bassoon 2
- no sforzatissimo
- no pfp and fpf
- Contrabassoon
- crescendo and diminuendo FX on E2/F#2
- no fpf

Where vibrato options are available, use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option.

Vibrato crossfading
Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) crossfades between vibrato styles if the XF vibrato slot is selected. As the vibrato/no vibrato articulations should (roughly) have the same duration, only suitable combinations are used for crossfading.

Contrabassoon FX
Instead of vibrato styles, the contrabassoon's strong crescendo and diminuendo offer the option to switch to FX articulations using Dim.Ctrl/B (CC1).

This Articulation contains different playing types according to instrument.
- Flutter tonguing: normal and marcato. All instruments.
- Trills: half and whole tone. Except Clarinet in Bb 2, Bassoon 2, Contrabassoon.
- Fast repetitions: according to instrument, 4 to 6 speeds between 140 and 210 BPM. Except Oboe 1 and 2, English horn, Bass Clarinet, Contrabassoon.

Flutter tonguing offers the option to create marcato sounds using Dim.Ctrl/A (CC3) to adjust the marcato intensity.

Except English horn, Clarinet Bb2, Bassoon 2, Contrabassoon.
Major and minor octave runs in all 12 keys.

Chromatic and whole tone runs.

Piccolo, Flute 1, Flute 2, Oboe 2, Clarinet in Bb 1.
Major and minor arpeggios in all 12 keys, mapped to the starting notes of the chords and their inversions, e.g., C–E–G for C major.

Diminished arpeggios, legato and staccato, up and down.

Single mordent, minor 2nd up / down; single mordent, major 2nd up / down; minor 2nd – minor 2nd up / down; minor 2nd – major 2nd up / down; major 2nd – minor 2nd up / down; major 2nd – major 2nd up / down.
Piccolo, Flute 1, Oboe 2.

A collection of the clarinet's multiphonics: 4 variations of double-sounds, 7 variations of multi-sounds, and underblowing.

This Articulation does not yet contain any samples. It provides 6 slots ready for you to configure presets of your own.
Patches can be used to customize your own Presets according to your needs and preferences. This section lists the available Articulations for all ensembles.
- Range: C5-C8
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 210
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 315
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 245
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 272
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 372
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 446
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 516
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 42
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 105
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 105
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 759
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 892
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 mf
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1614
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 mf
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1827
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Range: C5-B7
- Samples: 66
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Range: C5-A#7
- Samples: 62
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Range: C5-A7
- Samples: 104
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 306
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 306
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 84
- Velocity Layers: 3
- Release Samples
- Samples: 886
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 362
01 PFL_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 PFL_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Samples: 14
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Samples: 12
- Diminished
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Samples: 18
01 PFL_arp-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 PFL_arp-sta_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 PFL_arp- leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) / 01 PFL_arp- sta_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Arpeggios, legato / staccato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Samples: 6
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release samples
- Samples: 26
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release samples
- Samples: 24
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Samples: 14
- Range: A#3-D7
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-110 f
- 111-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 390
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-110 f
- 111-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 585
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-110 f
- 111-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 585
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 696
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 651
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 852
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 807
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 151
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 114
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 114
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1584
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1561
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3167
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3141
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C#7
- Samples: 148
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C7
- Samples: 136
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 396
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 657
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Samples: 540
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 120
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1039
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1114
01 FL1_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 FL1_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 31
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 28
- Diminished
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 40
01 FL1_arp-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 FL1_arp-sta_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 FL1_arp- leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) / 01 FL1_arp- sta_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Arpeggios, legato / staccato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 14
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 56
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 68
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 30
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 53
- Range: A#3-D7
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 mf
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 156
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 351
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 339
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 581
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 503
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 813
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 774
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 mf
- 81-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 156
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 115
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 115
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C7
- Samples: 1415
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C7
- Samples: 1341
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C7
- Samples: 3015
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C7
- Samples: 2941
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C#7
- Samples: 144
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-C7
- Samples: 128
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 264
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 657
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Samples: 513
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 114
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1053
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 966
01 FL2_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 FL2_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Samples: 16
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Samples: 14
- Diminished
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 35
01 FL2_arp-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 FL2_arp-sta_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 FL2_arp- leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) / 01 FL2_arp- sta_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Arpeggios, legato / staccato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 14
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 72
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 60
- Range: A#3-F#6
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 264
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 396
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 396
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 532
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 532
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 570
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 570
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 34
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 99
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 100
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1374
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1402
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3054
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3018
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-F6
- Samples: 124
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-F6
- Samples: 124
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 236
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 372
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 306
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 976
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 976
01 OB1_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 OB1_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 24
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 22
- Range: A#3-F#6
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 272
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 408
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 408
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 536
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 332
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 432
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 296
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 64
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 102
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 102
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1155
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 960
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 2531
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 2336
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-F6
- Samples: 180
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-E6
- Samples: 168
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 222
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 222
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 288
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 738
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 730
01 OB2_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 OB2_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 24
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 20
- Diminished
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 32
01 OB2_arp-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 OB2_arp- leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Arpeggios, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 10
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 48
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 48
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 30
- Range: E3-C6
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 264
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 363
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 363
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 499
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 499
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 537
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 537
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 34
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 99
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 99
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1339
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1340
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 2723
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 2724
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-F6
- Samples: 126
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#3-E6
- Samples: 126
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 236
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 372
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 306
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 846
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 846
- Range: C3-G6
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-40 p
- 41-60 mp
- 61-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 420
- Velocity Layers: 6
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-60 mp
- 61-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 630
- Velocity Layers: 6
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-60 mp
- 61-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 630
- Velocity Layers: 6
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-60 mp
- 61-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 882
- Velocity Layers: 6
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-60 mp
- 61-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 945
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 70
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 126
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 126
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-20 p
- 21-40 mp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 2061
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-20 p
- 21-40 mp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 4608
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: C3-F#6
- Samples: 164
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: C3-F6
- Samples: 160
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 441
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 693
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 567
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 126
- Velocity Layers: 3
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1423
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1026
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 316
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 316
01 CLBb1_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 CLBb1_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 36
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 30
- Diminished
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 46
01 CLBb1_arp-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 CLBb1_arp- leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) / 01 CLBb1_arp- sta_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 CLBb1_arp- sta_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Arpeggios, legato / staccato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 16
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 84
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release samples
- Samples: 86
- Range: D3-G6
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Samples: 400
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 500
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 500
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 468
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 400
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 650
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 718
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-100 regular
- 101-127 harsh
- Release Samples
- Samples: 92
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 125
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 125
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1625
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1553
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3882
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mp
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3775
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 300
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 450
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 450
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 100
The samples are mapped to their lowest sounding note, corresponding with their mapping from C#4 to A4. The two other sections have the same base notes but higher partials. The patches from 1 to 4 increase in sharpness of tone.
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Alternations: 2
- Range: C#4–A6
- Samples: 81
- Mapping:
- C#4–A4: Var. 1
- C#5–A5: Var. 2
- C#6–A6: Var. 3

The samples are mapped to their lowest sounding note, corresponding with their mapping from A#3 to A4. The two other sections have the same base notes but higher partials. The patches from 1 to 7 increase in sharpness of tone.
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Alternations: 2
- Range: A#3–A6
- Samples: 99
- Mapping:
- A#3, C4–A4: Var. 1
- A#4, C5–A5: Var. 2
- A#5, C6–A6: Var. 3

Underblowing sounds. These multiphonics are created by underblowing and at the same time applying an overblowing fingering. The samples are mapped to their lowest sounding note, corresponding with their mapping from B3 to F#4. The two other sections have the same base notes but higher partials.
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Alternations: 2
- Range: B3–F#6
- Samples: 48
- Mapping:
- B3–D4, E4–F#4: Var. 1
- B4–D5, E5–F#5: Var. 2
- B5–D6, E6–F#6: Var. 3

- Range: A#1-B5
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 p
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 400
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 p
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 600
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 p
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 600
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 p
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 800
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 p
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 850
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-C5
- Samples: 72
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 150
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 150
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 p
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1885
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 pp
- 41-80 p
- 81-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 5996
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-A#5
- Samples: 294
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-A5
- Samples: 288
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 350
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 450
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 450
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1207
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1206
01 BCL_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 BCL_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 38
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 34
- Range: A#1-F5
- Velocity Layers: 4
- 0-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 492
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 574
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 574
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 814
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 609
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 909
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 786
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 78
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 123
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 123
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 1806
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 1565
- Velocity Layers: 5
- 0-20 pp
- 21-40 p
- 41-80 mf
- 81-100 f
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 3564
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 pp
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 3325
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D#5
- Samples: 140
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-C5
- Samples: 144
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 423
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 423
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Samples: 540
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 120
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1116
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1030
01 BA1_run-leg_do/up_C-ma (through to B-ma) / 01 BA1_run-leg_do/up_C-mi (through to B-mi) - Octave runs, legato, up and down (XP)
- C to B major / minor
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 32
- Chromatic resp. whole tone
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Samples: 28
- Range: A#1-F5
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Samples: 288
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 390
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 390
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 312
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 312
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 660
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 660
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 52
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 130
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 130
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 1476
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 1476
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 2506
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Range: A#1-D5
- Samples: 2506
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 312
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 450
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 450
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 100
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1032
- Range: A#0-A#3
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Samples: 333
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 333
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 333
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 485
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 4
- Release Samples
- Samples: 485
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 564
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Variations: 8
- Release Samples
- Samples: 564
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 38
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 111
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Release Samples
- Samples: 111
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1401
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 1409
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 ff
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3138
- Velocity Layers: 3
- 0-40 p
- 41-100 mf
- 101-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 3144
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 264
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Release Samples
- Samples: 416
- Velocity Layers: 2
- 0-80 p
- 81-127 f
- Samples: 342
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 892
- Velocity Layers: 2
- Release Samples
- Samples: 965
- Low effect sounds, crescendo / diminuendo
- Velocity Layers: 1
- Range: A#0–A#1
- Samples: 13
On this page
- Introduction
- Sound Categories
- Included Presets
- Short notes
- Long notes
- Legato
- Dynamics
- Flutter tonguing, trills, fast repetitions
- Runs
- Arpeggios
- Mordents
- Clarinet 2: Multiphonics
- Custom
- Patches
- 01 Piccolo
- 02 Flute 1
- 03 Flute 2
- 11 Oboe 1 (French)
- 12 Oboe 2 (Vienna)
- 13 English horn
- 21 Clarinet Bb 1
- 22 Clarinet Bb 2
- 23 Bass Clarinet
- 31 Bassoon 1
- 32 Bassoon 2
- 33 Contrabassoon