Oboe 1 & 2
1st Violins
2nd Violins, Violas, Cellos, Double Basses

- Oboe 1&2 / VelXF sus / Wide
- Legato / con Vibrato
- Long / con Vibrato (to trigger new phrases)
- Short Notes / Portato agile (end of Phrase 1, controlled by Velocity)

- Velocity & Velocity Crossfade (CC1) (see the picture above)
- Timbre Adjust (CC8) (see the picture above)
- Humanization Delay Scaler (CC25): ~45

- 1st Violins / Velocity (!) / Wide
Usage of Velocity preset is an exception here (Force sforzatos acting like short notes)!
- Sforzato (very pronounced accent)
- Velocity (with velocity variations and accents on downbeats)
- Expression (CC11) to increase dynamic

- Timbre Adjust (CC8): ~113 (slightly darker sound)
- Release (CC23): ~51 (less connected sforzatos)
- Humanize Delay Scaler (CC25): ~37

- 2nd Violins, Violas, Cellos, Double Basses / VelXF sus - MOD / Wide
- Staccato Agile
- Velocity (with velocity variations and accents on downbeats and a crescendo at the end)
- Expression (CC11) to increase dynamic

- Humanize Delay Scaler (CC25): ~30
- Oboe 1: Master Volume: 86
- Oboe 2: Master Volume: 82
- Reverb + 1dB (Bring them together)
- Disable EQ (Slightly darker, more place for oboe)
- Violin 1 Master Volume: 120
- Double Basses Master Volume: 85
- Other Strings Master Volume: 110
- Difference between 'Velocity XF sus' and 'Velocity'. More details on YouTube here
- Difference between Midi Velocity, Velocity Crossfade, Timbre Adjust and Expressions, and how to use them for authentic phrasing
- Basics of Mixing in the Synchron Player's Mixing Tab
On this page
- Used Instruments
- Downloads and further Information
- Oboes
- Instrument / Preset Selection
- Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Basic Phrasing
- Finishing Touches
- 1st Violins
- Instrument / Preset Selection
- Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Basic Phrasing
- Finishing Touches
- 2nd Violins / Violas / Cellos / Double Basses
- Instrument / Preset Selection
- Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Basic Phrasing
- Finishing Touches
- Mixing
- Oboes
- Strings
- Top learnings