Big Bang Orchestra: Phoenix


Welcome to the Vienna Symphonic Library's series of Synchron Instruments! As the name says, Big Bang Orchestra furnishes you with a selection of full-orchestra articulations, at the same time allowing you (if you haven't done so already) to explore our powerful Synchron Player software. If you're looking for that extra dramatic effect or want to highlight a passage in your composition, this bonus library could be the solution, or at least point you in the right direction.

Upgrade Info

The instruments in this collection were derived from our Libraries Synchron Percussion I and Synchron Percussion II, which not only feature more instruments, but also offer additional articulations. Owners of BBO Phoenix and/or BBO Quasar will receive discounts on the purchase of these Libraries.


Make sure you are logged in on the product pages, so you can see your personal upgrade discounts!

Included Presets

BBO Phoenix offers an assortment of pitched percussion instruments, including timpani, glockenspiel vibraphone, xylophone, Burma gongs, plate bells, and tubular bells.


Timpani - soft mallets

Timpani five timpani sized from 20" to 32" and played with soft mallets: single strokes, rolls, and octaves. The instruments are stacked so that they provide a continuous chromatic range from C2 to C4.

  • Articulation Keyswitches: F1–G1
  • Range
    • single strokes left/right: C2–C6
    • rolls: C2–C4
    • octaves: C2–C3

Apart from the regular Preset, there is also one that features rolls with velocity crossfading.

Mapping single strokes


Glockenspiel - plastic beater

Single notes. You can choose between a mapping transposed down by an octave for regular keyboards with 88 keys, and a loco mapping.

  • 88 keys/loco: A0/B0
  • Range: C4–E7/C5–E8

Vibraphone - soft beater

Single notes, played without and with running motor.

  • Motor off/on: A0/B0
  • Range: F3–F6

Xylophone - wood beater

Single notes.

  • Range: C4–C8

Bells and Gongs

Burma gongs - soft beater

Single notes.

  • Range: C2–C5

Plate bells - bell hammer

Single notes.

  • Range: C3–C7

Tubular bells - medium beater

Single notes.

  • Range: F3–F5
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