previously "SYNCHRON-ized Elements"
The Studio Elements were specifically created to give our renowned Vienna Special Editions a chance to shine in the unique acoustic ambience of the Vienna Synchron Stage, and make the ease-of-use of the Vienna Synchron Player available to them, and you.

Studio Elements is subdivided in 5 Preset/instrument categories: Glass, Metal, Stone, Exotics, and FX Presets. The latter contains processed versions and combinations of the first four sections' instruments. These instruments are:
- Glass Harmonica
- Verrophone
- Musical Glasses A-C
- Bottles
- Tam XXL
- Tam-tams 85-130cm
- Rails
- Bass Waterphone
- Standard Waterphone
- Thundersheets
- Japanese Singing Bowls
- Crotales
- Grande Lithophone
- Orff Lithophone
- Ocean Drums
- Bullroarer
- Spring Drum
- Cuicas
- Waldteufel
- Lion's roar
Due to the instruments' diversity, the articulations and Preset structure vary widely and depend on the specific instrument's requirements and capabilities.
By default the keyswitch mappings for Articulations start at C1 (for Middle C = C4). If there are additional subdivisions with keyswitches, these will start at C2.
Additional options within Articulations or Types are offered by the Dimension Controllers. The controller function is indicated by the respective caption. Generally, Dimension Controllers may take on different tasks as needed, but in this collection the only one employed is marcato control with Dim.Ctrl./A (CC1, modwheel).
- Instruments:
- Glass Harmonica
- Verrophone
- Musical Glasses A-C
- Bottles
- Articulations:
- Portato
- Sustained
- Marcato
- Trills
- Mallet normal and secco
- Mallet glissando

As the glass harmonica has no staccato notes, the keyswitches start at C#1 to keep consistency with other instruments.
- Articulations:
- Staccato, portato
- Sustained normal and marcato
- Rolls normal and marcato
- Trills normal and marcato
- Mallet secco
- Mallet trills
- Mallet glissando

- Articulations:
- Staccato, portato
- Sustained normal and marcato
- Rolls normal and marcato
- Trills normal and marcato

- Articulations:
- Staccato, portato
- Sustained normal and marcato
- Rolls normal and marcato
- Trills normal and marcato
- Mallet soft, medium, hard
- Mallet glissando

- Type keyswitches: C2/C#2 normal/marcato
- Articulations:
- Staccato, portato
- Sustained normal and marcato
- Rolls normal and marcato

- Type keyswitches: C2/C#2 fast/slow (staccato, portato) and normal/marcato (sustained, rolls)
- Articulations:
- Staccato, portato
- Sustained normal and marcato
- Flutter tonguing
- Sforzato

- Type keyswitches: C2/C#2 normal/marcato
- Instruments:
- Tam XXL
- Tam-tams 85-135 cm
- Rails
- Bass Waterphone
- Standard Waterphone
- Thundersheets
- Japanese Singing Bowls
- Crotales

"Fretsaw" has no distinct articulations and a tonal range from F3 to F7.
Regular beater
- Range: C4-C7

- Range: C3-G6

- Range: C3-B7

- Range: C3-A7

- Range: C3-G6

- Range: C3-G#6

Miscellaneous 1
- Range: C3-A#6

Miscellaneous 2
- Range: C3-G6

Tam-tams measuring 85, 100, 110, and 135 cm, played with different beaters and a superball.

- Range: C4-C#6
Five railway rails of different size, with left and right hand strokes, tremolo, and 1 to 3 upbeats.

- Range: C3-A#7
- Articulations:
- Staccato, portato
- Sustained normal and marcato
- Repetitions
- Crescendo f and ff, normal and marcato
- Tremolo crescendo, normal and marcato
- Arpeggios
- FX Loops
- Strokes
Short notes
Staccato A and B, portato A and B
- Range:
- Staccato A G3-G#6
- Staccato B G3-C7
- Portato A E3-A6
- Portato B E3-E6

Long notes
- Range:
- Sustained E3-D6
- Repetitions A#1-F7
- Crescendo f E3-D6
- Crescendo ff E3-G6
- Tremolo crescendo A3-D#6

Arpeggios, FX Loops
These Articulations have no other options.

- Range
- Arpeggios C3-G6
- FX Loops C3-A6
FX Loops

Different strokes with hotrods and wood beaters, as well as glissando strokes.

- Range
- Hotrods C3-E7
- Wood C3-G6
- Glissando strokes C3-C6
Single hits and chords. Mapped to white keys only.

Glissando strokes
Glissandos with a light stick, and with a normal stick p and f.

- Articulations
- Sustained normal and with modulation
- Arpeggios
- FX
- Pizzicato

- Range
- Sustained C4-G6
- Sus modulation C3-E7
- Arpeggios E3-G#5
- FX C2-A#7
- Pizzicato E3-C6
FX mapping
Pizzicato tremolo, glissandos, and multivoice sounds

Five different thundersheets (A to E) with various articulations and individual sound sets.

- Range
- A, B, C: C3-D6
- D: C3-G5
- E: C4-D6

Japanese singing bowls played with a wood beater normal and secco, and with a rubber beater.

- Range: B4-D6
Crotales played with metal and triangle beaters, and bowed. For easier playing you can choose transposition for an 88 keys keyboard (1 octave down), or a loco mapping.

- Range
- 88 keys A#4-F#7
- Loco A#5-F#8
- Instruments:
- Grande Lithophone
- Orff lithophone
A large 5-octave lithophone plaed with various types of mallet, sul ponticello, with finger, stone, needle, shattering, and bowed sounds.
Mallets, Sul ponticello
Ponticello and all mallets except the hard mallet offer open and secco sounds. The soft mallet also features rolls.

- Range
- Soft mallet, Hard mallet, Sul ponticello: F2-D7
- Soft rubber, Medium rubber: F2-D4
- Very hard mallet: A#3-D7
Up and down glissandos, p and f, at various speeds and in the low, middle, and high ranges of the lithophone.
- Range: C2-A7

Open and secco, played with the fingernails normal and accented.

- Range: F2-D7
Played with small and big stones.

- Range: F2-D7
Played with a 3 mm needle, center and effects, and with a 5 mm needle at the side and sul ponticello.

- Range: F2-D7
Shattering sounds, portato and accented.

- Range: F2-D7
Played with a bow, piano and forte.

- Range: F2-D7
Orff lithophone (1 1/2 octave range): single hits, 1-4 upbeats, rolls, and rubbed. For easier playing you can choose transposition for an 88 keys keyboard (1 octave down), or a loco mapping.

- Range: 88 keys G5-D7, loco G6-D8
- Instruments
- Ocean Drums
- Bullroarer
- Spring Drum
- Cuicas
- Waldteufel
- Lions Roar
Ocean drum A and B with short, long, and motion sounds, as well as different performances and excerpts thereof.
- Range
- Ocean drum A C4-C8
- Ocean drum B C4-B6
Ocean drum A

Ocean drum B

Performances with lengths from 14 to 73 seconds, and various excerpts.
- Range: C3-B7

Two spring drums: pizzicato, finger snips, strokes, pulses, and rotation sounds.
- Range: C3-A#6

Three cuicas, piano and forte sounds at different lengths. Cuica 1 also offers FX sounds.
- Range: C2-G7

Large and small Waldteufel, short, medium, and long sounds.
- Range: C3-G#4

Lion's roar with muted and open tones at different lengths, and tremolos.
- Range: C3-G5

This section features Presets with instruments treated with the Synchron Player's internal effects processors such as additional reverb, saturator, equalizers and filters, etc. The first four sections bear the same name as the major Elements sections - Glass, Metal, Stone, and Exotics - and contain three different FX Presets for each instrument. The fifth section is called Combined FX and offers 24 Presets of layered and processed instruments in order to attain a special sound quality that a single instrument might not be able to achieve. The following chapter lists the instruments used in the individual Presets, so that you can get a rough idea of what they sound like. Of course, the naming of these Presets also should give you a hint in that direction!
01 Bottler
- Bottles sustained
- Bass waterphone sustained
- Grande lithophone bowed, piano
- Range: F2-F5
02 Hectic Hector
- Orff lithophone 4 upbeats
- Grande lithophone nail
- Grande lithophone shatter
- Range: G3-D7
03 Mystica
- Waterphone sustained
- Verrophone sustained
- Glass harmonica sustained
- Range: G3-G6
04 Soft Steps
- Verrophone staccato
- Verrophone mallet
- Grande lithophone soft mallet
- Range: C3-C7
05 Stardust
- Bottles flutter tonguing
- Grande lithophone shatter, accented
- Orff lithophone rubbed
- Range: G3-F5
06 Stona
- Bottles staccato
- Grande lithophone soft mallet, secco
- Waterphone pizzicato
- Range: C3-C5
07 Stone Stories
- Glass harmonica sustained
- Verrophone sustained
- Orff lithophone rubbed
- Range: G3-G6
08 Wols
- Verrophone portato
- Grande lithophone sul ponticello, secco
- Grande lithophone bowed, piano
- Range: G3-D7
09 Broken Glass
- Musical glasses B sustained
- Musical glasses C sustained
- Range: C4-D7
10 Dark Winds
- Bottles sustained
- Grande lithophone bowed, piano
- Range: C2-D4
11 Drifting Away
- Verrophone sustained
- Bass waterphone sustained
- Range: G3-D6
12 Dystopia
- Glass harmonica portato
- Musical glasses C portato slow
- Range: C4-G6
13 Impulse
- Verrophone staccato
- Verrophone portato
- Range: C4-E6
14 Marbles
- Grande lithophone soft mallet
- Verrophone portato
- Range: C4-G6
15 Pins and Needles
- Grande lithophone sul ponticello, secco
- Grande lithophone nail, accented
- Range: C4-C7
16 Talos
- Glass harmonica sustained
- Musical glasses C sustained
- Range: C4-D6
17 Fabric of Space
- Waterphone sustained with modulation
- Waterphone sustained
- Bass waterphone portato B
- Waterphone pizzicato
- Grande lithophone soft mallet, low
- Range: E2-C4
18 Jaw Harp
- Japanese singing bowls, wooden beater
- Range: B4-C7
19 Sprite
- Crotales bowed
- Grande lithophone big stone
- Grande lithophone soft mallet, low secco
- Range: C4-C6
20 Resonant Drums
- Grande lithophone big stone
- Grande lithophone shatter, portato
- Grande lithophone needle 3mm, FX
- Grande lithophone finger, secco
- Range: F2-C7
21 Approach
- Bull roarer
- Tam XXL FX-2 metal
- Range
- C3 - 14 sec. performance
- C4 - 27 sec. performance
- C5 - 66 sec. performance
22 Horrid Ensemble
- Thundersheet A-D, bowed
- Range
- white keys only except D#5
- C2-E2
- C3-E3
- C4-D4
- C5-D#5
23 Buried
- Bass waterphone hotrods
- Range: C3-C7
24 Element 115
- Orff lithophone rubbed
- Orff lithophone rolls
- Range: G4-C6