Synchron Smart Orchestra


Welcome to the Vienna Symphonic Library’s Synchron Smart Orchestra!

While the previously released Vienna Smart Orchestra includes VI Series instruments recorded at the Silent Stage and placed on our virtual Stage A using the Synchron Player’s internal convolution reverb, the performances of the Synchron Smart Orchestra were initially recorded with the ambience of the large hall of Vienna Synchron Stage, which was originally built for the recording of film and TV scores.

The performances of the ensembles and percussion were taken from these libraries:

  • Tutti Strings, Violin & Cello Ensemble Legato: Synchron Duality Strings
  • Tutti Brass: Big Bang Orchestra Altair - Section Essentials
  • Tutti Woodwinds: Big Bang Orchestra Neptune - Tutti Woodwinds
  • Tutti Choir: Big Bang Orchestra Ganymede - Choirs
  • Unpitched Percussion: Synchron Percussion I

Except for horn, harp, and celesta, the performances of the solo instruments are all-new recordings specifically created for this product. A novel way of recording and mapping legatos makes for especially authentic note connections.

All sections and solo instruments are available on separate channels in the mixer of the Vienna Synchron Player where you can fine-tune the overall balance with automatable faders and adjust each sound to your liking using the player’s on-board effects.

Flow and Precision Presets

The library provides two different kinds of Presets, accessible by clicking on the icons “Flow” resp. “Precision” in the Synchron Player’s top bar. Precision Presets are what you may already know if you own other VSL libraries. Precision Presets allow you to explore the depths of the library, adjusting and tweaking parameters as you see fit. Flow Presets offer an intuitive, graphic approach to the library’s contents, with instrument, articulation, and sound parameters displayed in a single window.

Flow Browser

Precision Browser

Smart Orchestra – Flow Presets

Flow presets give you instant access to the most important parameters of an instrument. Synchron Smart Orchestra features two kinds of Flow presets: one includes the entire orchestra and its ensembles as well as the choir, where you can choose soloists to play along without having to switch to another Synchron Player instance. The other type comprises the individual solo instruments playing over their full range.

Smart Orchestra + Soloists

The preset contains the orchestra ensemble sections mapped to the lower half of the keyboard (C2–B4) on the left side, and the soloists in the middle part, mapped to the upper region of the keyboard starting with C5, transposed where necessary, and selected by keyswitches. The third subdivision displays general sound settings.


The Orchestra section shows a symbolic image of the symphonic orchestra with its sections displayed in different colors: red for strings, blue for woodwinds, yellow for brass, and white for the choir. You can return to the Flow browser by clicking on the image.

The four ensembles’ relative volume can be adjusted with the fader knobs under the image. They are assigned for automation to individual MIDI Controllers (MIDI CC41–44).

The Orchestra Dynamics fader under the instrument is set to the modwheel (MIDI CC1) by default, and can also be assigned to a breath controller (MIDI CC2) or MIDI Expression (MIDI CC11) if you want to use the modwheel or keep your hands free for other tasks.

Below the dynamics fader, there is the Articulation parameter, which is controlled by keystroke velocity, meaning that a stronger keystroke will result in short notes, while a soft touch sounds long notes. For the Strings section, you can also choose between regular and tremolo/pizzicato notes with the help of MIDI CC3.


The Soloist pane puts the included solo instruments at your fingertips. In the upper field, you see the possible instrument choices with their keyswitches (A0–A#1), which are also marked on the Synchron Player’s virtual keyboard. Of course, you can also click on a square to switch to that articulaton.

As with the ensembles, there is a Soloist Dynamics fader under the instruments. It is set to breath controller (MIDI CC2) by default, and can likewise be assigned to the modwheel (MIDI CC2) or MIDI Expression (MIDI CC11). Just make sure that Orchestra and Soloist Dynamics are assigned to different controllers if you don’t want them to change in unison!

Next to the dynamics fader there is a Volume knob for the instrument, assigned to MIDI CC61.

Below the dynamics fader, you will find a First note indicator. again, this is controlled by keystroke velocity –stronger keystrokes for phrases to begin with a staccato note, soft for a legato start. The instruments without performance options are harp, celesta, timpani, and percussion.

Sound / Tone

In the Sound pane, you can select a basic Mixer Preset – close, classical, or long and lush – by clicking on the selection at the top.

FX/Reverb (MIDI CC5) sets the amount of reverb, which is different in intensity according to the selected preset.

Output Volume (MIDI CC63) takes care of how much of what you do comes out of the Synchron Player …

The Tone field provides access to three other sound-related parameters.

Expression (MIDI CC11) is an additional volume control defining a percentage of CC7 (volume), and can be used for automation. Attention: if you choose CC11 as controller for Orchestra or Soloist Dynamics, this fader will switch to MIDI CC12.

Timbre (MIDI CC8) affects the tone of the instrument, making it sound brighter or darker.

Dynamic Range (MIDI CC31) affects the impact of keystroke velocity: if set to zero, all notes will sound at the same volume irrespective of how forcefully or softly you play.

Soloist Presets

The presets for individual solo instruments lack the ensemble section, but otherwise have the same panel structure of Soloist and Sound/Tone. The main difference is that the instruments are mapped to their full range and without transposition. Only the celesta is mapped an octave lower than it sounds.

– – –

Smart Orchestra – Precision Presets

As already mentioned in the introduction, there are two main Presets – “Tutti” and “Tutti + Solo”. These are available in three different configurations regarding controls, to be found in separate folders named “VelXF sus - MOD”, “VelXF - MOD”, and “Velocity”. In VelXF sus Presets, velocity crossfading by modwheel is only activated for long notes, while the dynamics of short notes are controlled by keystroke velocity, thus facilitating phrasing.

In VelXF - MOD Presets, all articulations have velocity crossfading activated, so that you can control dynamics with MIDI controller CC1, the modwheel. Velocity crossfading can be enabled or disabled by clicking its on/off symbol in the Synchron Player's Perform tab, or you can use the Velocity Presets where dynamics are generally controlled by keystroke velocity.


The Presets offer different combinations of the ensembles under the heading “Instruments”. These combinations have the same structure and provide short and long notes: staccato, pizzicato + staccato (only in strings combinations – others have a copy of the staccato in that slot), long notes and tremolo normal and with marcato attack option. Combinations involving choir do not offer staccatos.

  • Preset keyswitches: C0–G0
  • Articulations: C1–F1; choir presets D1–F1 (no staccato)
  • Play Ranges: instruments C2–C6; percussion D6–C8

Percussion mapping

All Tutti articulations include percussion mapped to the keyboard range from D6 to C8.


  • D6, E6: Bass drum, single hits (alternating)
  • D#6: Bass drum, roll
  • F6, G6: Snare drums a4, single hits
  • F#6: Snare drums a4, roll
  • G#6, B6: Piatti, single hits normal, slow
  • A6: Tam-tam, single hit
  • A#6: Tam-tam, roll
  • C7: Triangle, single hit
  • C#7: Triangle, roll
  • D7: Tambourine, single hit
  • D#7: Tambourine, roll
  • E7: Suspended cymbal, single hit
  • F7, G7: Snare drum, single hits
  • F#7: Snare drum, roll
  • G#7: Cymbal, roll
  • A7–C8: Concert toms 1–4


Staccato, Pizzicato + staccato
Long notes, Tremolo

For the marcato versions of long notes and tremolo, marcato attack can be adjusted with the help of Dim.Ctrl/A (CC3). Please note that slots which are not affected directly by marcato control will disappear in the display when the controller is on over 50 % marcato (MIDI value 64), but of course can be played as before.

  • Attack XF: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC3)

Orchestra + Choir


Woodwinds, Brass


Choir + Strings


Alternating timpani hits.

  • Left hand: C2–B3
  • Right hand: C4–C6

Tutti & Solo

In these Presets, instead of percussion there are solo instruments with legatos or long notes mapped to the upper range from C5 (depending on the instrument’s lowest note), so that you can quickly set up your ensembles to accompany a soloist of your choice. To facilitate balance settings, you can select the orchestra’s dynamics range. Otherwise, the Presets’ layout is the same as that of the Tutti.

The Timpani Preset is the same as that of Tutti, as it is not combined with a solo instrument.

An additional “Solo full range” slot provides you with the solo instruments on their own.

Ensemble and solo instrument combinations

  • Instruments: C0–G#0
  • Orchestra dynamics: A0–B0
  • Articulations: C1–F1; choir presets D1–F1 (no staccato)
  • Solo instrument group: F#1–G#1 strings/woodwinds/brass and celesta
  • Solo instrument: A1–B1 violins/cellos/harp; flute/oboe/clarinet; trumpet/horn, celesta

Crossfading option between the ensembles’ regular long notes / tremolo, and marcato. Please note that when marcato is over 50 % (i.e., a MIDI controller value of 64) as illustrated below, the solo instruments’ slot display will no longer be visible although they remain playable as before.

  • Marcato XF: Dim.Ctrl/A (MIDI CC 3)

Solo Full Range

Legato resp. long notes of the solo instruments in their full play range.

  • Instrument ranges
    • Violins: G3–D7
    • Cellos: C2–E5
    • Harp: C2–G#7
    • Flute: C4–C7
    • Oboe: A#3–G6
    • Clarinet: D3–F6
    • Trumpet: F#3–C6
    • Horn: D2–F5
    • Celesta: C2–F7
  • Instrument group: F#1–G#1 strings/woodwinds/brass and celesta.
  • Instrument: A1–B1 violins/cellos/harp; flute/oboe/clarinet; trumpet/horn, celesta.

Smart Spheres

Vienna Smart Spheres was created to provide you with a versatile collection of pad and ambiance sounds and comes as a bonus for Synchron Smart Orchestra.

Included Presets

Vienna Smart Spheres has 6 different preset categories. The Multi Presets contain the basic patches and their variations. In addition, there is a wealth of presets combining different patches and applying various effects and filters to provide you with all kinds of spherical sounds derived from these basic Patches.

01 Multi Presets

This Preset category contains all Smart Sphere Patches, first in a Preset without any effects applied, and then in 5 more Presets offering different basic effect settings.

There are three types of "Spheres": Pads, Percussive, and Bass. For every Patch (or basic sound) contained therein, there are two variations which can be crossfaded using Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1, modwheel). If CC1 is used to control specific effects, this happens in addition to crossfading.

  • Sphere keyswitches: A0–B0.
  • Basic sound keyswitches: Pads C1–F1, Percussive C1–E1, Bass C1–C#1
  • Variation crossfading: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1, modwheel)

00 Original Smart Spheres (No FX)

– – – Pads – – –

  • Heaven Pad

    • Variation: Heaven Pad Distorted

    • Play Range: C3-G6

  • Dark Organ
    • Variation: Dark Organ Nervous
    • Play Range: C3–G6
  • Stormy Pad
    • Variation: Stormy Pad Distorted
    • Play Range: C2–D6
  • Crystal Lead
    • Variation: Crystal Lead + Dark Pad
    • Play Range: C4–G6
  • Tremolo Pad
    • Variation: Tremolo Pad Celestial
    • Play Range: C3–C6
  • High Anxiety
    • Variation: High Anxiety Mellow
    • Play Range: C4–C6

– – – Percussive – – –

  • Steel Mallets

    • Variation: Steel Mallets FX Attack

    • Play Range: C3–E6

  • Big Bell Mallets
    • Variation: Big Bell Mallets Plucked
    • Play Range: C3–E6
  • Mallet Strings
    • Variation: Mallet Strings Plucked
    • Play Range: G2–G6
  • Frozen Mallets
    • Variation: Frozen Mallets Dark Attack
    • Play Range: C3–C6
  • Plucked Pad
    • Variation: Plucked Pad Spain Attack
    • Play Range: C3–C6

– – – Bass – – –

  • Pad Bass

    • Variation: Pad Bass - Fat

    • Play Range: C2–C4

  • Distorted Bass
    • Variation: Distorted Bass FX Attack
    • Play Range: C2–C4

01 Delay-Inferno

This Preset allows you to experiment with 2 delays and your Vienna Smart Spheres, with dedicated FX Faders in the mixer.

  • CC1: Return 2 (Stereo Delay)
  • CC3: Send 1 (Delay)

02 Spaced-Out

Adds a deep reverb, with a dedicated FX Fader in the mixer.

  • CC3: amount of reverb added

03 Filtered

Applies a 6 dB band pass filter, with a dedicated FX Fader in the mixer.

  • CC3: FX Filter Channel volume

04 Phased

Applies a phaser effect, with a dedicated FX Fader in the mixer.

  • CC3: FX Phaser Channel volume

05 Space-Stutter

Introduces a synchronized pulse to your Vienna Smart Spheres, with dedicated FX Faders in the mixer.

  • CC1: Return 2 (FX)
  • CC3: amount of stutter

02 Pads

01 2049

Rising spheres floating and stabilizing over time, with built-in tremolo control and aftertouch tuning.

  • Patches: Plucked Pad, Frozen Mallets, Stormy Pad, Dark Organ
  • CC1: Slot XF
  • Aftertouch: Tuning

02 Invasion

Transformation patch with brooding sonic energy and a high dynamic range. A dense wall of sound –arrival of the emperor?

  • Patches: Pad Bass, Crystal Lead
  • CC1: Filter, Send 1 (FX)

03 Dark Bee Swarm

Scary scattered sound with pulse control and ponderous stereo movement.

  • Patches: Distorted Bass, Dark Organ, Tremolo Pad
  • CC1: Slot XF
  • CC3: Send 1 (Reverb)

04 Drama Queen

Massive rolling waves of shape-shifting sounds.

  • Patches: Heaven Pad, Heaven Pad Distorted, Stormy Pad
  • CC1: Slot XF

05 Padshop Noise

Driving steady cotton-wool clouds in a sunny sky.

  • Patches: Tremolo Pad, Tremolo Pad Celestial, Heaven Pad
  • CC1: Filter, Tuning, Return 1 (FX)

06 Dune

An ethereal, soaring soundscape, as if flying across a desert.

  • Patches: Tremolo Pad, Heaven Pad, Crystal Lead
  • CC1: Filter, Return 1 (Saturator, Reverb)

07 Halifax Point

Glistening warm pad with a warm filter control.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, Tremolo Pad, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Filter

08 Yin & Yang

Pitched pads for sonic slack-lining.

  • Patches: Plucked Pad, Frozen Mallets, Stormy Pad, Dark Organ
  • CC1: Slot XF
  • CC3: Send 1 (FX)

09 Mighty Organ

An elegant organ manual with a shimmering tail.

  • Patches: Dark Organ, High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Return 1 (Reverb)

10 Waking Giants

Distant FX Thunderstorm on your fingertips. A mystic pad with random ramp FX.

  • Patches: Tremolo Pad Celestial, Dark Organ Nervous, Plucked Pad Spain Attack, Distorted Bass FX Attack
  • CC1: Filter

11 Sad Star

Tender translucent spheres with depth control, srom soft to screeching.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow, Mallet Strings
  • CC1: Filter, Return 1 (Saturator, Reverb

12 Shimmering

Multi-layered, evolving pad for bright, glossy textures.

  • Patches: Steel Mallets FX Attack, High Anxiety, Dark Organ, Tremolo Pad
  • CC1: Filter

13 Spheronica

Space Harmonica with extreme chorus control.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, Pad Bass Fat
  • CC1: Send 1 (Chorus)

14 Colfax

A soft blanket of sound, with a glistering filter peak.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Filter

15 Distant Choir

Towering Voices with humanized attack control, contacting otherworldly spirits.

  • Patches: Pad Bass
  • CC1: Filter

16 Herman Loves Pauline

Evolving harmonic cluster pad with gentle filter control.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, Dark Organ Nervous, Dark Organ, Crystal Lead, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Filter

17 Massive Pad

Majestic and dignified multi-layered wall of sound.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat, Dark Organ, Heaven Pad Distorted, Heaven Pad
  • CC1: Return 1 (Reverb)

18 Space Organ

Deep Space Pad with a ringing touch.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, Crystal Lead
  • CC1: Volume of Left and Right channels

19 Glass Organ

See-through sound with intensity control.

  • Patches: Frozen Mallets
  • CC1: Return 1 (Delay, Power Pan)

20 Pimped Harmonium

With a harsh initial attack for the first note, additional notes will fade in timidly, to end abruptly upon release. With reverb control.

  • Patches: Dark Organ
  • CC1: Send 2 (Reverb, Rotary)

03 Basses

01 Vader Voltage

Carving into darkness, revolving and floundering through space. A breathing, distorted bass.

  • Patches: Distorted Bass, Distorted Bass FX Attack
  • CC1: Tuning, Return 1 (FX)
  • CC3: Send 2 (FX)

02 Canon

A true gate-opener, this sound comes alive with wide intervals and controlled distortion. A heavily distorted, earth-shattering bass.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat, Pad Bass, Tremolo Pad
  • CC1: Filter, Send (Reverb, Auto Gain)

03 Beta Bass

A lucent attack starts this slightly pulsating sound, with a disturbing downward spiral that also affects pitch. A heavily distorted, rough bass.

  • Patches: Distorted Bass, Distorted Bass FX Attack
  • CC1: Tuning, Send 2 (FX)

04 Malicious Thoughts

A hollow sound with percussive movement, exploring the boundaries of sonic sanity.

  • Patches: Pad Bass, Dark Organ
  • CC1: Volume Bass

05 Breathing Void

Like travelling to another universe, you will discover more dimensions than you thought possible. A pulsing bass with simmering effects.

  • Patches: Dark Organ, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Send 2 (Reverb)

06 Alpha Bass

A haunting fragile tremolo with an incredibly dark bass foundation.

  • Patches: Dark Organ Nervous, Pad Bass
  • CC1: Volume of Bass channel

07 Devil's Horns

A brass-like lead that sounds most powerful when played in octaves.

  • Patches: Pad Bass
  • CC1: Filter, Send (EQ, Reverb)

08 Filter Bass

Dark and brooding, like monster machines. Filters will accentuate various types of distortion.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat
  • CC1: Filter, Send (Reverb)
  • Keyswitches: C1–D1

09 Uncontainable Anger

Soaring and breathing and screaming out loud. All in one.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat
  • CC1: Filter, Reverb of Mid Channel

10 Monster Traces

A defined percussive bass with an interesting aftermath and an aggressive filter effect.

  • Patches: Distorted Bass, Distorted Bass FX Attack, Frozen Mallets
  • CC1: Filter

11 Plucked Bass

From round, warm and friendly to a very defined, urgent, breathy bass, this sound is a chameleon.

  • Patches: Plucked Pad, Mallet Strings
  • CC1: Filter
  • CC3: Send 2 (Reverb)

12 Punchbowl

A messenger of sound from the depths of distortion.

  • Patches: Pad Bass, Distorted Bass FX Attack, Pad Bass Fat, Distorted Bass
  • CC1: Filter

13 SUBstitution

A wide, subtle, ambient bass with a lot of potential to remind you of the dark side.

  • Patches: Pad Bass, Pad Bass Fat
  • CC1: Return 1 (FX)

14 Tap Into Madness

Synchronized delays make this scary golem an irresistible partner for intense tracks. A thrilling effect that unveils its full character with short notes.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat
  • CC1: Filter

15 Saturated Brass Drone

Heavy Metal Brass, with an oscillating effect when playing chords.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat
  • CC1: Filter

04 Pulses

01 Barrax

Multi-rhythmic pulsating pad with growl control, good for building up tension.

  • Patches: Pad Bass, Pad Bass Fat, Distorted Bass
  • CC1: Send 2 (FX)

02 Blurred Bells

Mesmerizing bells with an intriguing aftermath and controllable stereo delay.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow, Frozen Mallets, Big Bell Mallets
  • CC1: Return 2 (FX)

03 Magic Chimes

Angelic melodic wind chimes with acoustic body control.

  • Patches: Steel Mallets
  • CC1: HP Filter

04 Crystalline

Shiny, soft-attack pad with a ringing follow-up effect.

  • Patches: High Anxiety
  • CC1: Send 1 (Auto Gain, Reverb)

05 Heavenly Stutter

Warm glowing pad with a vibrant radiation control feature.

  • Patches: Crystal Lead + Dark Pad, Dark Organ Nervous, Heaven Pad Distorted
  • CC1: Volume of FX channels

06 Pelican Falls

Tension pulse with intensity control.

  • Patches: Stormy Pad, Stormy Pad Distorted, Dark Organ
  • CC1: Filter

07 Repeater Bass

Frightening bass pulse with EQ, reverb and filter control.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat
  • CC1: Filter Keyswitches: C1–C#1 fast/slow, F1–G1 light/medium/strong

08 Wake-up Call

Slowly evolving ghost pad with long delays.

  • Patches: Dark Organ
  • CC1: Send (Reverb)

09 Patient Smith

Evolving pad with many tonal colors.

  • Patches: Big Bell Mallets, High Anxiety, Pad Bass Fat, Tremolo Pad, Mallet Strings
  • CC1: Filter
  • CC3: Send (Reverb)

10 Pluquencer

Multi-pattern sequences with octave control. Plucky sounds with different speeds and rhytms.

  • Patches: Dark Organ, Heaven Pad Distorted, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Slot XF Dimension 2
  • Keyswitches: C1–D#2 rhythm and speed variations

11 Smartwatch

Ticking high-range pulse with short impulses, soft ringing effects.

  • Patches: Dark Organ
  • CC1: Send 1 (Reverb)

12 Trance Bass

Sequenced, growling bass with random room effects.

  • Patches: Dark Organ, Pad Bass Fat, Tremolo Pad
  • CC1: Volume of FX channel

13 Rolling Bass

Defined, sequenced bass pulse with filter control.

  • Patches: Distorted Bass, Distorted Bass FX Attack
  • CC1: Return 1 (Distortion)
  • CC3: Send 2 (Reverb, FX)

14 Pulsar II

Pulsating warmth pad with a glassy component.

  • Patches: Dark Organ
  • CC1: Filter, Send (Reverb)

15 Sunrise

Positive spheres with a diffident, long attack.

  • Patches: High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Send 1 (Reverb)

05 Plucks

01 Devil's Mallets

Filter-controlled deep mallet sound. Hard-hitting mallets with a demonic appearance.

  • Patches: Frozen Mallets, Frozen Mallets Dark Attack, Distorted Bass
  • CC1: Filter

02 Stranger Pings

Multi-faceted space pluck with FX Reverb Control. Strange noises and defined sounds.

  • Patches: Steel Mallets, Big Bell Mallets, Mallet Strings, Frozen Mallets, Plucked Pad (all including variations)
  • CC1: Return 2 (FX Reverb)
  • Keyswitches: C1–E1

03 Crunk Walk

Double-hitting wooden crystal synergetic pluck sound. High octaves only.

  • Patches: Big Bell Mallets, Steel Mallets FX Attack, Steel Mallets
  • CC1: Filter

04 Inner Child

Intimate multi-layer pluck sound with a soft sustain patch. "A touch of Spain."

  • Patches: Plucked Pad, Plucked Pad Spain Attack, Frozen Mallets
  • CC1: Slot XF, Return 1 (Rever, Chorus)

05 Oblivion

Shimmering eastern pluck sound with attack control. Good for for softer or more pronounced passages.

  • Patches: Plucked Pad
  • CC1: Mixer Attack, Send Attack (Reverb, Compressor)

06 Space Pub Harpsichord

Harpsichord pad with infusion control for detuning effect.

  • Patches: Mallet Strings, Mallet Strings Plucked
  • CC1: Slot XF

07 Steel Cups

Vibrato steel cups wth attack control.

  • Patches: Frozen Mallets, Plucked Pad
  • CC1: Filter, Return (FX)

08 Tibet

Golden metallic delay pluck pad with delay speed control. Icy bell sounds.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow, Mallet Strings
  • CC1: Return 2 (Delay)

09 Broken FX

Chopped sounds, scattered in the stereo field, with random noises.

  • Patches: Frozen Mallets, Plucked Pad Spain Attack, Steel Mallets, Heaven Pad, Crystal Lead, Tremolo Pad, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Return 1 (FX)
  • Keyswitches: C1–C#1 Mallets/Pads, F1–G#1 Patches

10 Loose Strings

Slap-back echo with attack control. The delay effect produces a sound similar to strings hitting the body of an instrument.

  • Patches: Distorted Bass FX Attack, Mallet Strings Plucked
  • CC1: Filter

11 Lost In The Shell

Crawling sound exploring a creepy space.

  • Patches: Mallet Strings Plucked, Steel Mallets, Mallet Strings, Plucked Pad, Steel Mallets FX Attack, Big Bell Mallets
  • CC1: Filter
  • CC3: Send 2 (Reverb, Pan)

12 M.A.

Carefully plucked harpesque sound, with depth control.

  • Patches: Crystal Lead, Crystal Lead + Dark Pad
  • CC1: Return 1 (FX)

13 Ohio Heat

Warm multi-layered pluck pad with attack control.

  • Patches: Tremolo Pad, Stormy Pad, Mallet Strings, Mallet Strings Plucked, Frozen Mallets
  • CC1: Filter

14 Space Mallets

Multi-layered singing bowls with space control. Big, bright sound.

  • Patches: Steel Mallets, Frozen Mallets, Dark Organ
  • CC1: Return 1 (Reverb)

15 Orbit Dulcimer

Filter-controlled, shiny dulcimer with a magic afterglow.

  • Patches: Mallet Strings Plucked
  • CC1: Filter

16 Octave Toy Piano

Spooky de-tuned piano with delay control.

  • Patches: Mallet Strings Plucked
  • CC1: Send 2 (Delay, Reverb)

17 Stockberg Mallet

Bright mallets with stereo delay control.

  • Patches: Big Bell Mallets
  • CC1: Send (Auto Gain, Reverb)

18 Stuck Stacks

Breathy pluck pad with reverb/delay control.

  • Patches: Tremolo Pad, Tremolo Pad Celestial, Heaven Pad
  • CC1: Return (Reverb, Delay)

19 Crystal Pluck

Shimmering pluck with a turn-around ringing sound.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, Frozen Mallets, Plucked Pad Spain Attack
  • CC1: Return 2 (Chorus, Saturator)

20 Knocking and Listening

A mallet bass sound with a great perspective.

  • Patches: Mallet Strings
  • CC1: Tuning
  • CC3: Send 1 (Reverb)

21 Singing Plastic Koto

Simple pluck with depth control.

  • Patches: Plucked Pad
  • CC1: Send (Reverb)

06 Leads

01 Joi

Enhanced Space Harp with intuitive micro-tuning. A sharp and direct sound.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow, Plucked Pad
  • CC1: Tuning, Return 2 (Reverb, Chorus)

02 Alpha Centauri

Embark on a sonic journey that will resonate with you with this bright airy lead sound.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow, Crystal Lead
  • CC1: Filter, Return 2 (Saturator, Phaser, Reverb)

03 Leader

Minimal, electronic-sounding lead for blazing fast lines and pinprick chords.

  • Patches: Plucked Pad Spain Attack
  • CC1: Filter, Send 1 (Chorus, Reverb) + 2 (Delay, Reverb)

04 Nautilus Organ

Oscillating organ sound with depth control and a wide range.

  • Patches: Pad Bass Fat, Tremolo Pad
  • CC1: Filter
  • CC3: Send 2 (Reverb)

05 Neon

Vibrant and pulsating sound, also great as a modulated pad.

  • Patches: High Anxiety, High Anxiety Mellow, Plucked Pad
  • CC1: Filter

06 Orion

Multi-facetted solo and pad sound, with a spectrum from solemn to diabolic, soft to screeching.

  • Patches: Heaven Pad, Heaven Pad Distorted, High Anxiety Mellow
  • CC1: Slot XF

07 Winter Evening

Shimmering bliss with a glazing afterglow and a highly addictive controllable feedback loop. Charming winds and sparkling sounds create the image of a snowy landscape.

  • Patches: Dark Organ, Crystal Lead, Tremolo Pad, High Anxiety
  • CC1: Volume of Sparkle channel

08 Star Gazing

Fine-grained, inspirational lead for chords and soft, floating themes.

  • Patches: Plucked Pad Spain Attack, Plucked Pad
  • CC1: Filter

Smart Hits

Vienna Smart Hits was created to provide you with a collection of ready-to-use orchestral effect sounds and comes as a bonus for Synchron Smart Orchestra.

Included Presets

Vienna Smart Hits offers 2 different presets, in which the samples of Braams, Risers, and Swells are mapped following different concepts. Which one you are more comfortable with may depend on your working style, but also on what you are trying to achieve. Just give them a try!

Within the presets, you will find that there are "organic" variants of each category (except Subbooms). These are strictly based on VSL instruments, although with ample application of effects and creative sound design. The "plain" variants are actually less plain, because here the layered VSL instruments were also reinforced with various synthesizers in order to extend the range of sounds into more synthetic terrain, too.

01 Root key mapping

With this type of mapping the variations of a sound category are arranged according to their root key, so that when you play them on the keyboard you get different variations on the same key.

  • Sound category keyswitches: C1–G#1.
  • Root key: Braams and Risers C2–C3, Swells A2–D#3.
  • Risers and Swells length: A1–B1.

Hits, Subbooms

The categories Hits, Organic Hits, and Subbooms have no other options. Each contain several variations of their respective type of sound.

Play Range: Hits C2–D#5, Organic Hits and Subbooms C2–D4.


The Braams category features short sounds with a drone-like quality.

  • Root key Keyswitches: C2–C3.
  • Play Range: C4–G5.


As the name indicates, Risers contain sounds whose tone rises gradually.

  • Root key Keyswitches: C2–C3.
  • Length Keyswitches: A1–B1 (short, medium, long).
  • Play Range: Risers C4–F4, Organic Risers C4–G4.


As opposed to Risers, Swells keep their tone but increase in loudness.

  • Root key Keyswitches: A2–D#3.
  • Length Keyswitches: A1–B1 (short, medium, long).
  • Play Range: Swells C4–F4, Organic Swells C4–G4.

02 Tonal mapping

With tonal mapping, the Braams, Risers, and Swells are arranged so that you get one variation per keyswitch, which is tonally mapped to an octave of the keyboard.

  • Braams subbank keyswitches: A1/B1.
  • Variations: Braams C2–A2, Risers and Swells C2–F2, Organic Risers and Swells C2–G2.
    If you hit these keyswitches with a velocity above 70 (mezzoforte, perhaps?) you can listen to a preview of the respective sound variation.
  • Risers and Swells length: A1–B1.

Hits, Subbooms

Hits, Organic Hits, and Subbooms are identical with their root key mapping namesakes.

  • Play Range: Hits C2–D#5, Organic Hits and Subbooms C2–D4.


  • Subbank Keyswitches: A1/B1.
  • Variations: C2–A2.
  • Play Range: C4–C5.

Risers, Swells

  • Variation Keyswitches: Risers and Swells C2–F2, Organic Risers and Swells C2–G2.
  • Length Keyswitches: A1–B1 (short, medium, long).
  • Play Range:
    • Risers, Organic Risers C4–C5
    • Swells, Organic Swells A3–D#4.
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