previously "SYNCHRON-ized Plucked Instruments"
Our Studio Plucked Instruments were specifically created to enrich the tonal palette of your Synchron Instruments with sounds that complement the scope of the symphonic orchestra very well. This document will provide you with the information you need to use the Library with our Vienna Synchron Player.
The Presets of each instrument are subdivided into different Articulation categories, ready for your own creations:
Short notes
Long notes
Tremolo & trills
Grace notes
Power chords
Fast repetitions
Scale runs
Within these Articulation categories, you can select different types – e.g., short notes staccato or portato. For some of the types there are additional options available, such as "ringing" or "stopped" sustains with or without vibrato.
The instrument Presets comprise all recorded Patches in Articulation groups, which again contain Types of the respective Articulation, with further options if available. The general structure was modeled after our other Synchron Collections, making it easy to switch or combine instruments without major adaptations.
Articulations are enabled by default. Disabling a slot means that all the slots dependent on it will be deactivated, too, so if you happen to be short of RAM it is possible to deactivate anything you don't really need (you can always add more stuff later).
By default the mapping of keyswitches for Articulations starts at C1 (for Middle C = C4) for higher instruments – in this case, concert and overdrive guitar –, and C6 for bass instruments – here, the upright bass. Other slot categories, e.g., release type, vibrato, etc., use keyswitches or dimension controllers such as the modwheel or playing speed.
Articulation groups
- Short notes
- long notes
- long specials
- legato
- repetitions
- fast repetitions
- phrases
- effects
- chords
Range: B1–D6 except where indicated otherwise
Staccato short and regular, portato short and long.
- Note length keyswitch: F6–G#6
Staccato short, staccato, portato short
The staccatos offer variants with soft, medium, and hard attack.
- Staccato attack keyswitch: C7–D7
Portato long
Long portato with normal and hard release, with and without vibrato.
- Release keyswitch: A0/B0 release normal/hard
- Vibrato switch: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1, Modwheel)
Sustained notes without and with vibrato, as well as two variations of whammy bar action.
- Release keyswitch: A0/B0 release normal/hard. Vibrato switch: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1, Modwheel).
Artifical harmonics, fifth and octave with normal and hard release, and natural harmonics low and high.
- Keyswitches
- Release: A0/B0 normal/hard
- Type: C7–D#7
- Range
- Artificial fifths G3–C6
- artifical octave C4–F6
- natural low C2–A#5
- natural high C4–A#6
Natural harmonics mapping
- C2–A#2: low B string
- C3–A#3: low E string
- C4–A#4: A string
- C5–A#5: D string
- C4–A#4: G string
- C5–A5: high B string
- C6–A6: high E string
- C: Root
- D: Octave
- E: 5th (plus octave)
- F: 2nd octave
- G: major 3rd (+ 2 oct.)
- G#: 5th (+ 2 oct.)
- A: minor 7th¯ (+ 2 oct.)
- A#: 3rd octave
Tremolo, trills from minor 2nd to major 3rd, with normal and hard release.
- Release: A0/B0 normal/hard
- Type: C7–E7
Trills range
- minor 2nd B1–C#6
- major 2nd, minor 3rd B1–C6
- major 3rd B1–A#5
Grace noise, octave (harmonics), and whammy bar regular and octave.
- Release: A0/B0 normal/hard
- Type: C7–D#7
- octave E2–G5
- whammy bar B1–C#6
- whammy octave E2–C5
Power chords, fourth, fifth, major and minor, with normal and hard release.
- Release: A0/B0 normal/hard
- Type: C7–D#7
- fourth B1–C5
- fifth B1–B4
- major, minor B2–F#4
Feedback, soft and hard, E-bow, and tuned down, with normal and hard release. Scratching on the E and B strings, with whammy bar, and scratch effects.
- Release: A0/B0 normal/hard
- Type: C7–G7
- tuned down B1–D3 (the actual sounds are an octave lower than mapped)
- E string B2–A#5
- B string B1–G5
- whammy B2–A#3
- effects B2–F3
Legato bends, soft, hard, marcato, and hammered-pulled.
- Release: A0/B0 normal/hard
- Transition: C7–E7
soft, hard B1–C6
marcato, hammer-pull B1–C#6
Soft, hard, marcato
These articulations offer variations without and with vibrato. Soft and hard also have two whammy bar variants.
- Vibrato switch: Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1, Modwheel)
Single note and power chord repetitions.
- Single note/power chord keyswitch: A6/B6.
Single notes
Portato, crescendo, diminuendo, and muted with two variations each, as well as tuned down repetitions.
- Type keyswitch: C7–G#7
- Range
- portato, crescendo v.2, diminuendo v.2, mute B1–C#6
- tuned down B1–C3 (the actual sounds are an octave lower than mapped).
Power chords
Fourths and fifths repetitions, normal as well as crescendo and diminuendo.
- Type keyswitch: C7–F7
- Range: B1–C5
Fast repetitions steady, crescendo, diminuendo, and noise, from 140 to 220 BPM.
- Keyswitches
- Type: C7–D#7
- Tempo: F7–A#7
The runs are mapped to the notes of the respective key. Please note that the last playable note is an octave below the highest mapped note for upward runs, and an octave above the lowest mapped note for downward runs.
- Keyswitches
- Scale: F6–G#6
- Base key: C7–B7