Studio Special Editions 2 - Extended Orchestra

previously "SYNCHRON-ized Special Edition 2"


Welcome to the Vienna Symphonic Library's series of Synchron Instruments! The Studio Special Editions were specifically created to give our renowned Vienna Special Editions a chance to shine in the unique acoustic ambience of the Vienna Synchron Stage, and make the ease-of-use of the Vienna Synchron Player available to them, and you. This document will provide you with information about the Libraries' instruments and structure.


Sound categories

The Presets of each instrument group are subdivided into different Articulation categories (plus one named "Custom", ready for your own creations).

  • Strings

    • Short Notes
    • Long Notes
    • Legato
    • Dynamics
    • Tremolo + Trills
    • Pizzicato + Legno
    • Harmonics
    • Sul ponticello
    • Con sordino (Orchestral strings)
  • Wind instruments

    • Short Notes
    • Long Notes
    • Legato
    • Dynamics
    • Trills + Fast repetitions

Within these Articulation categories, you can select a Type (if applicable), e.g., staccato or détaché, and for some of the types there are additional options available, such as marcato attack or tremolo control.

The articulations of other instruments, such as percussion and keyboards, depend on the specific instrument's requirements and capabilities.

Special Edition 2 / 2 Plus – Presets

By default the keyswitch mappings for Articulations start at C1 (for Middle C = C4) for treble and mid-range instruments (e.g., violins, clarinet), and C6 for low instruments (double basses, bassoon). For the available Types, the keyswitches start at C2 for higher instruments, and at C7 for lower ones.

Additional options within Articulations or Types are offered by the Dimension Controllers. The controller function is indicated by the respective caption, as of course it may take on different tasks as needed.

02 Chamber Strings

The keyswitch mapping for Articulations starts at C1 (Middle C = C4) for violins, violas, and cellos, and at C6 for the double basses.

For the available Types, the keyswitches are mapped from C2 for violins and violas, and from C7 for cellos and basses.

There also are a "multi convolution" and a "flat stereo" Preset, both of which combine all string sections (with an overall playing range from B0 to D7) with their basic articulations except legato.

Short notes


Staccato and regular détaché.

Please note that the "regular" Type keyswitches of short notes are mapped to white keys only. This makes it easier to switch to "Plus" later as the détachés will still be triggered by playing D2 (violins, violas) or D7 (cellos, basses) on the keyboard or entering the respective note in your sequencer – meaning also that you will not have to change an existing composition.


Staccato, short and regular détaché, legato and spiccato performance repetitions.

Long notes

Sustained notes, normal, marcato, and with tremolo crossfading. The articulation types are the same for the regular and Plus versions.


As with regular sustains, but with the option to use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1) to add marcato attacks to the notes.

XF tremolo

Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC20) to crossfade between regular sustains and tremolo.


Performance legato and portamento. The articulation types are the same for the regular and Plus versions.



Sforzato, regular and with tremolo crossfading.

With the tremolo option, use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC20) to crossfade between regular sforzato and tremolo.


Sforzato and fortepiano, regular and with tremolo crossfading.

With the tremolo option, use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC20) to crossfade between regular and tremolo articulations.

Tremolo / Tremolo + Trills


Tremolo sustains, regular and with marcato attack.

With the marcato option you can use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1) to add marcato attacks to the tremolo notes.


Tremolo sustains, regular and with marcato attack, half and whole tone trills, and fast repetitions at 150, 170, and 190 BPM.

With the tremolo's marcato option you can use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1) to add marcato attacks.

Pizzicato / Pizzicato + Legno




Pizzicato and snap pizzicato.

Harmonics (Plus only)

Artificial harmonics, staccato and sustained.

With the marcato option you can use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1) to add marcato attacks to the sustained notes.

06 Plucked Instruments

03 Concert Guitar

Staccato, sustained, and legato.

The sustained notes can be played without or with vibrato using Dim-Ctrl/A (CC1).

04 Overdrive

Staccato, sustained, legato, and slides.

There are no other options for the staccatos. All other articulations can be switched between without vibrato, with vibrato, and whammy bar action using Dim-Ctrl/A (CC1).

05 Upright Bass

Short notes

Staccato and portato.


Sustained notes, with regular and snap release.

Use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1) to switch between no vibrato and vibrato.

Legato, Slide

Legato notes, and slides. Both Articulations feature regular and snap release.


Woodwinds: flute II, alto flute, flute ensemble (3 players), Viennese oboe, oboe d'amore, oboe ensemble (3 players), clarinet in Eb, clarinet in Bb II, basset horn, clarinet ensemble (3 players), bassoon ensemble (3 players), alto saxophone, tenor saxophone, baritone saxophone. Brass: Viennese horn, horn ensemble (8 players), piccolo trumpet, muted trumpet in C, muted trumpet ensemble (3 players), muted tenor trombone, contrabass trombone, muted trombone ensemble (3 players), contrabass tuba, Wagner tuba.

Staccato / Short notes




Staccato, portato, legato and staccato performance repetitions.

Long notes

Sustained notes, normal and with marcato crossfading. The articulation types are the same for the regular and Plus versions.

With the marcato option, use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1) to add marcato attacks to the notes.


Performance legato, normal and with looped sustains. The articulation types are the same for the regular and Plus versions.

Sforzato / Dynamics




Sforzato and fortepiano.

Trills + Fast repetitions (Plus only)

Half and whole tone trills, and fast repetitions at 150, 170, and 190 BPM. Please note that some wind instruments do not feature repetitions, while others cannot play proper trills, and therefore lack these Articulations. Accordingly, the slot names will only be "Trills" (e.g., oboes) or "Fast repetitions" (trombones).

32 Keyboards + Mallets

02 Harpsichord (Cembalo)


Range: F1–E6

03 Konzerthaus Organ

Plenum and Flutes registration. Manual and pedal are implemented separately as well as in a combined version with the pedal transposed down so that both can be played on the same keyboard.

Keyswitches are mapped to white keys only.

  • Range
    • Manual: C2–A6
    • Pedal: C2–F4
    • Combined: C1–A6

04 Harmonium

Stops: Aeoline, Clairon-Fifre, Clarinet Bourdon, and Grand Jeu

Keyswitches are mapped to white keys only.

Range: F1–E6

05 Prepared Piano

Effects: Chain, Harmonic, Glass, and Glissandi.

  • Range
    • Chain, Harmonic, Glass: A0–C8
    • Glissandi: C4–A5

Glissando Mapping:

  • C4–A4 upwards
  • C5–A5 downwards

35 Synchron Percussion

01 Synchron Timpani

Single hits and rolls.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • Single hits: A2–B3 left hand, A5–B6 right hand
    • Rolls: A2–B3

02 Synchron Bass drum

Single hits, tremolo, and upbeats.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • C3/D3: single hits left/right
    • C#3: tremolo
    • F3/G3/A3: 1–3 upbeats

03 Synchron Snare drum

Single hits, tremolo, and upbeats.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • C4/D4: single hits left/right
    • C#4: tremolo
    • F4/G4/A4: 1–4 upbeats

04 Synchron Tambourine

Single hits, tremolo, and upbeats.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • C6/D6: single hits left/right
    • C#6: tremolo
    • F6/G6/A6: 1–6 upbeats

05 Synchron Concert toms

Low, medium, and high concert toms, single hits and tremolo.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • C/D: single hits left/right; D#: tremolo
    • C7–D7: low tom
    • F7–G7: medium tom
    • A7–B7: high tom

06 Synchron Piatti

Single hits, normal and damped.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • C6/D6: single hits left/right
    • C#6/D#6: damped hits left/right

07 Synchron Cymbal

Single hits; tremolo normal and crescendo.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • Mapped to white keys only.
    • C5/D5: single hits left
    • F5: tremolo
    • G5–B5: tremolo crescendo, 1/2/4 sec.

08 Synchron Tam-tam

Single hits, tremolo, and scratches.

  • Keyboard mapping
    • G6/A6: single hits left/right
    • G#6: tremolo
    • A#6: scratches

50 Appassionata Vol 2 Bonus

The keyswitch mapping for Articulations starts at C1 (Middle C = C4) for violins, violas, and cellos, and at C6 for the double basses.

For the available Types, the keyswitches are mapped from C2 for violins and violas, and from C7 for cellos and basses.

There also are "multi convolution" and "flat stereo" Presets, each combining all string sections, with an overall playing range from B0 to D#7.

Volume 2 features regular articulations, Volume 2 Plus contains the same played con sordino.


Staccato, sustained, and marcato.

With the marcato option, you can use Dim.Ctrl/A (CC1) to add marcato attacks to the notes.

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