previously "SYNCHRON-ized Single Woodwinds Package"
The single instruments which together make the Studio Special Woodwinds complement those contained in Studio Woodwinds and provide you not only with some instrumental rarities, but also with 3-player ensembles of flutes, oboes, clarinets, and bassoons.
The Presets of each instrument are subdivided into several Articulation categories (depending on the instrument) plus a “Custom” slot ready for your own creations:
- Short notes
- Long notes
- Legato
- Dynamics
- Flutter tonguing, trills, fast repetitions
- Runs (Flute ensemble only)
- Clusters (ensembles)
Within these Articulation categories, you can select a Type (if applicable), e.g., short or medium portato, and for some of the types there are additional options available, such as marcato or vibrato type control.
For the Studio Libraries, our software developers added a specifically designed convolution reverb derived from Vienna MIR Pro to the Synchron Player, featuring the outstanding and unique ambience of the 540 m2 (5,813 sq.ft.) main hall of Vienna Synchron Stage. The perfectly engineered reverberation and placement presets combine customized impulse responses with expertly crafted reverb settings for each instrument. By adding the ambience of Vienna Synchron Stage’s Stage A to the dry samples in real-time, Studio instruments blend perfectly with any other product of our Synchron Series.
For each instrument, there are 8 Mixer Presets that depict different recording situations: Close, Classic, Wide, Distant, Ambient, Short/Long Reverb without convolution, and MIR Uncompressed for use with Vienna MIR.
The instrument Presets comprise all recorded Patches in articulation groups, which again contain types of the respective articulation, with further options if available. The general structure was modeled after our other Synchron Collections, making it easy to switch or combine instruments without major adaptations.
Articulations are disabled by default. Enabling an articulation means that all the types contained will be activated, too, so if you happen to be short of RAM it is advisable only to activate what you really need (you can always add more types later).
By default the keyswitches for articulations are mapped starting from C1 (for Middle C = C4) for higher instruments, and from C6 for bass instruments. For the available types, the keyswitches start from C2 for high instruments, and from C7 for low ones.
Additional options within articulations or types are offered by the Dimension Controllers. The controller function is indicated by the respective caption, as of course it may take on different tasks as needed.
Apart from the regular articulations, every instrument also features one called Custom that does not contain any samples. It provides 6 slots ready for you to configure presets of your own.
- Articulation switches: C1–F1
- Type switches: starting at C2
Staccato, short portato, medium portato with and without vibrato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to crossfade between medium portato without and with vibrato.

Sustained notes, normal and marcato, without, with normal and progressive vibrato.
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.

If marcato is selected, keystroke velocity on Dim.Ctrl/A determines the marcato amount of the note played.

Performance legato, normal and fast, grace notes, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; crescendo and diminuendo 2/3/5 sec., and piano-forte-piano 3/5/8 sec.
- Duration switches: G#2–A#2

Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo; half and whole tone trills.

- Articulation switches: C1–F1.
- Type switches: starting at C2.
Staccato, short and medium portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.

Sustained notes, normal and marcato, without and with vibrato.
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.

If marcato is selected, keystroke velocity on Dim.Ctrl/A determines the marcato amount of the note played.

Performance legato, normal, fast, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo with and without vibrato; strong crescendo and diminuendo 1.5/2/3/4 sec.; medium crescendo and diminuendo1.5/2/4 sec.; and piano-forte-piano with and without vibrato, 2/3/4/6 sec.
- Duration switches: G#6–B6
Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.

Strong crescendo and diminuendo

Medium crescendo and diminuendo, piano-forte-piano
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.

Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo; fast repetitions between 120 and 180 BPM.

- Articulation switches: C1–F1
- Type switches: starting at C2
Staccato, short and medium portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.

Sustained notes, normal and marcato, without and with vibrato.
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.

If marcato is selected, keystroke velocity on Dim.Ctrl/A determines the marcato amount of the note played.

Performance legato, normal, fast, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; strong crescendo and diminuendo 3/4 sec.; medium crescendo and diminuendo1.5/2/3/4 sec.; and piano-forte-piano 2/3/4 sec. All articulations with and without vibrato.
Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.

Crescendo and diminuendo, piano-forte-piano
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.
- Duration switches: starting at A#2; piano-forte-piano: A2/B2 (white keys)

Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo; fast repetitions between 120 and 180 BPM.

- Articulation switches: C1–F1
- Type switches: starting at C2
Staccato, short portato and medium portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.

Sustained notes, normal and marcato, with and without vibrato.
Use Dim.Ctrl/B (CC4) to switch between vibrato styles and the vibrato crossfade option, and Dim.Ctrl/C (CC20) to control the crossfade amount.

If marcato is selected, keystroke velocity on Dim.Ctrl/A determines the marcato amount of the note played.

Performance legato, normal, fast, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; strong crescendo and diminuendo without vibrato, 1.5/2/3/4/6 sec.; medium crescendo and diminuendo with vibrato, 1.5/2/3/5 sec.; and piano-forte-piano 2/3/5/8 sec.
- Duration switches: strong G#6–C7; medium G#6–B6; pfp A6–C7

There are no other options to this articulation.

- Articulation switches: C1–F1
- Type switches: starting at C2
Staccato, short, medium, and long portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.

Sustained notes, normal and with marcato attack.
If marcato is selected, keystroke velocity on Dim.Ctrl/A determines the marcato amount of the note played.

Performance legato, normal and fast, grace notes, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; strong crescendo and diminuendo 2/3/4/6 sec., medium crescendo and diminuendo 1.5/2/3/4 sec., and piano-forte-piano 2/3/4/6/8 sec.
- Duration switches: strong cres/dim A2–C3; medium cres/dim G#2–B2; pfp A2–C#3

Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo; half and whole tone trills; fast repetitions between 140 and 180 BPM.

- Articulation switches: C1–F1
- Type switches: starting at C7
Staccato, short and medium portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.

Sustained notes, normal, marcato, and with soft attack.

Performance legato, normal, fast, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; strong crescendo and diminuendo 1.5/2/3/4/6 sec., medium crescendo and diminuendo 1.5/2/3/4 sec., and piano-forte-piano 2/3/4/6/8 sec.
- Duration switches: G#7–B7/C8

Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo; fast repetitions between 120 and 180 BPM.

- Articulation switches: C6–F6
- Type switches: starting at C7
Staccato and portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.

Sustained notes, normal and with marcato attack.
If marcato is selected, keystroke velocity on Dim.Ctrl/A determines the marcato amount of the note played.

Performance legato, normal, fast, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; crescendo and diminuendo, 1.5/2/3/4/6 sec., and piano-forte-piano 2/3/4/6/8 sec.
- Duration switches: cres/dim G#6–C7; pfp A6–C#7

Flutter tonguing, normal and crescendo.

Each of these ensembles consists of three players.
- Articulation switches: starting at C1
- Type switches: flute and oboe ensemble starting at C2; bassoon ensemble starting at C6
Staccato, short and medium portato, as well as legato, portato, and staccato repetitions.

Sustained notes, normal and marcato.
If marcato is selected, keystroke velocity on Dim.Ctrl/A determines the marcato amount of the note played.

Performance legato, normal, fast, and marcato.
The Auto-speed option implements a speed controller on Dim.Ctrl/D to switch automatically between normal and fast legato.

Sforzato, fortepiano, sforzatissimo; crescendo and diminuendo 2/3/5 sec.
- Duration switches: G#2–A#2

Half and whole tone trills.

Octave runs, up and down, chromatic and whole tone.

Three-note clusters, normal and sforzato.