FAQ: eLicenser (Legacy)

License/Content/Vienna Protection Plan

You can use your eLicenser licenses as long as you like, and as long as the eLicenser Control Center and the latest available eLicenser-protected VSL Software is running on your operating system.


If the eLicenser license server is not available at some point in the future, it will not be possible to transfer or replace any eLicenser licenses.

Yes. Please keep in mind that you have to decide between eLicenser and iLok. It is not possible to run both versions on the same computer.

No. Those licenses will always be 'tandem' licenses; thus, they cannot be transferred or sold individually.

No, that is not possible. All new purchases will be handed out with iLok licenses exclusively.

No. With our switch to iLok, we stopped selling Vienna Protection Plans, and all existing ones have expired. You might want to take advantage of the Zero Downtime coverage offered for iLok licenses.

No. Vienna Protection Plans are only applicable to eLicenser licenses and ViennaKeys. Check out Zero Downtime and Theft & Loss Coverage, which are available for iLok.

  • This will be the perfect opportunity to switch to iLok, free of charge.

  • eLicenser licenses on broken/lost/stolen keys will NOT be replaced.

Yes, indeed. We will convert your eLicenser licenses to iLok licenses even if you don’t have the key that contains them anymore.

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