How to trigger articulations with the Sound Set

VE Special Edition PLUS and VE SY Special Edition (PLUS volumes)

Everything written for the VE Special Edition soundset applies to this sound set too. Here are the PLUS articulations. These articulations are only available, when the PLUS volumes are actually installed.

Staccato repetition

The perf-rep staccato (or spiccato ) patches are played by default for staccato notes with the VE Special Edition PLUS sound set. If you want to use the normal staccato patch instead of the performance repetition, use the keypad’s staccato mark and add the Technique Text command "1". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.) In the Studio version the normal staccato patch gets triggered by default and the performance repetition gets triggered by the keypad’s staccato mark with the Technique Text command "1" added.

Perf-rep legato

Create the Technique Text command "rep". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)


Create the Expression Text command "fp". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)


Create the Technique Text command "portato".

Detache short

Create the Technique Text command "short".


Harmonics can be reached in three ways.

  1. Add the Harmonic/Open articulation sign to the note (that's the small circle).
  2. Write "harmonics" above the first note where a section of harmonics starts.
  3. Notate a diamond notehead a fourth above the fingered note (only with "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style 2.0 or higher loaded).

Note for the Studio version: By default the harmonics sound one octave higher than regular notes. To make them sound two octaves higher, select the slot "Harmonics" in the first dimension (Articulation). Go to the EDIT tab and set Octave to "1".

Harmonics staccato

Just combine a staccato marking with one of the three ways of triggering harmonics.


Add one of the symbols for snap pizzicato from the Symbols menu to the note(s).

Col legno

Create the Technique Text command "col legno".

Trill 1 / Trill 2

Create a trill line from the Lines menu. Sibelius automatically triggers the right trill (half or whole tone) according to the diatonic surrounding. You can also switch manually between half tone and whole tone trills in the Inspector/Playback (in Sibelius 5 and 6 that’s called Properties/Playback ) window. To do so, select the trill line and uncheck Diatonic.

Sul ponticello

Create the Technique Text command "sul ponticello". To switch back to normal playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

Sul ponticello staccato

Use the keypad’s staccato mark during a sul ponticello section.

Sul ponticello tremolo

Use one of the ways to trigger tremolo during a sul ponticello section.

Con sordino (=mute) (Orchestral Strings)

Create the Technique Text command "con sordino" or "mute". To switch back to senza sordino playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural", "normal" or "senza sordino".

Con sordino staccato

Use the keypad’s staccato mark during a con sordino section.

Con sordino tremolo

Use one of the ways to trigger tremolo during a con sordino section.

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