There are various ways to get the material of these courses. The Zip File you find in your Vienna Assistant under 'Additionals' contains:

- The original Orchestration Recipe with the original unprepared midi files and instructions
- Project files for the most common DAWs with the final result
- The MIDI Files to be imported in any DAW and corresponding Synchron Player Presets for each recipe.

Don't forget that there are many options that will lead to good results - if it sounds right to you, then it is right! Even though we try to provide a simple step-by-step approach, it is never a bad idea to look at the basic idea from different perspectives or to change something here and there, and compare the different versions.
Check out our VSL - Academy, showing examples on instrument combinations, articulations, and much more.
- Dynamic / Volume depends on Keyboard Velocity
- Dynamic is set only at the start of the note
- Good for Keyboard Instruments, Drums (except rolls) and all Short Articulations
- Velocity values are ignored, the Modulation Wheel / ModWheel Events (On MIDI CC1) takes care of dynamic movement
- Dynamics can be adjusted during the playback of one note
- Good for all long notes, which should 'breathe', have swells ...
- This will be used the most in our examples, as it combines the advantages of both dynamic presets
- Short notes behave as described in Velocity Settings. ModWheel CC1 Events are ignored
- Long notes only are controlled by ModWheel CC1 and MIDI Velocity is ignored

We will always use the same steps for our serving suggestions. We will start with 4 Steps that should be applied to every 'ingredient' / instrument. After these instruments are ready, we will combine the instruments in a mixing step.
- Choose the Instrument (e.g.: Trumpet 1)
- Choose the Dynamic Control Preset (see previous chapter)
- Choose the Mixer Preset (e.g.: dry, wet, or special, like 'fanfare' sound)
- Preset name and mixer preset names are always displayed in the top right corner of the Synchron Player

- Choose from available patches / articulations (e.g.: Staccato, Legato, Sforzato…)
- Either set once and use for the whole track (only use this for simple patterns)
- Or use key switches to adjust during the phrase (recommended, especially for expressive melodies)

- For short notes, use Velocity. For long notes use Velocity Crossfade (MIDI CC1) to align the basic volume
- Take special care with long notes to breathe in some 'lifeâ' Also add a decrescendo at the end
- Increase the effect with the Expression Slider (which only changes loudness and not the instrument characteristic)

Always depending on the recipe, you can:
- Adjust the instrument's timbre with Timbre Adjust
- Add some humanization to avoid robotic playback (the faster the phrase, the lower this value should be)
- Instead of adding random humanization in the player, the start/end points of the notes can be adjusted manually
For all instruments, a summary on which values should be adjusted will be provided. In case static values are added this will be included in the table. For curves pictures/ screenshots will be provided:

- Trumpet 1 / VelXF Sus / Fanfare
- Short notes / Staccato
- Velocity
- Expression (CC11)
- Timbre Adjust (CC8): ~105
- Humanization Delay Scaler (CC25): ~45
Always depending on the recipe e.g.:
- Balance the instruments against each other by adjusting the master volume
- Adjust reverb or EQ settings
Details will always be provided within the recipe.
On this page
- Getting the Material
- Synchron Player General Information
- Dynamic Control Presets
- 4+1 Steps for serving the perfect meal
- Step 1: Instrument & Preset Selection
- Step 2: Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Step 3: Basic Phrasing
- Step 4: Finishing touches
- Summary of the 4 Instrument Steps
- Trumpets
- Mixing (for all Instruments)