How to use the Sibelius Sound Sets VE Percussion, VE SYzd Percussion and VE SY-Percussion (SY-Player)


This manual offers a list of VSL Percussion instruments that can be triggered in Sibelius with help of the VE Percussion and VE SY-Percussion (SY-Player)sound sets and all supported articulations. It is for users who have at least one of the following libraries licensed:

  • Percussion (sound set VE Percussion)
  • Elements (sound set VE Percussion)
  • Percussion Single Instruments (Celesta, Glockenspiel, Vibraphone, Xylophone, Marimbaphone, Tamtams & Gongs, Bells, Exotic Percussion, Cymbals, Drums and Toms, Timpani) (sound set VE Percussion)
  • Elements Single Instruments (XXL Tamtam, Glass instruments, Lithophone, Bass Waterphone) (sound set VE Percussion)
  • Synchron Percussion I-III (collection or single groups) (sound set VE SY-Percussion (SY-Player))
  • Studio Percussion (sound set VE SYzd Percussion)
  • Studio Elements (sound sets VE SY-Percussion (SY-Player) and VE SYzd Percussion)

The usage of two or three of the percussion sound sets together in one Sibelius playback configuration may bring erratic results.

How to trigger articulations with the Sound Set VE SY-Percussion (SY-Player)

The articulation changes only work correctly with the factory presets loaded. Make sure that you also import the "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style. In the Import House Style menu at least keep Playback dictionary and Instrument definitions selected. Lots of instruments will not work properly or only with some articulations if you don’t import the House Style.

Please note that because of the big variety of instruments and articulations not every available sound can be covered with these sound sets. Don’t worry though, you will get pretty much all the important ones and even will be able to change beaters with commands from your score.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Timpani".

By default the merged patches with the full range get triggered. In order to trigger a particular Timpani size, select the desired slot in the Synchron player (or matrix in the Vienna Instruments matrix list).

  • Single hits open: Triggered by default.

  • Secco: Triggered with the staccato mark, the Plus/Closed mark or one of the following Technique text commands: "mute", "damp", "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Coperto: Create the Technique text command "coperto". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Dynamic Rolls light 1s/2s/4s: Use one of the tremolo symbols and the Technique text command "1" (or "2" or "4"). Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Glissando Rolls 1s/2s/4: Use one of the tremolo symbols and one of the "Glissando" lines from the lines menu. Make sure that all notes where glissando rolls should be triggered are attached to a glissando line. The 2s length gets triggered by default. If you want to trigger the 1s (or 4s) glissando, add the Technique Text command "1" (or "4") to the target note. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
    Special hint for better glissando performances: Without any note editing, the glissando starts when the second note is played. In reality the glissando would be finished by that time. To get this effect right, edit the Live start position of the glissando’s target note in the Inspector/Playback menu. Enter a negative value. The exact value depends on the playback tempo. To keep the full playback duration of the note, you will have to add the same value to the Sibelius Inspector’s Live duration option.


Tubular Bells

Use the Sibelius instrument "Tubular Bells" or "Chimes" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Tubular bells".

  • Open (medium beater): Triggered by default.

  • Muted: Use the staccato mark or the Technique text command "mute". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard" and "triangle". These commands can also include words like "stick", "mallet", "hammer" or "beater", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.



Use the Sibelius instrument "Cymbal A-D" or "Crash Cymbal" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

By default the 16" cymbal gets triggered. In order to trigger the 18" cymbal, select the desired slot in Synchron Player (or matrix in the Vienna Instruments matrix list).

  • Sticks, Top: Triggered by default.

  • Edge: With the Technique text command "edge" the edge hits get triggered. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Edge with shaft of the stick: With the Technique text commands "edge" and "shaft" the edge shaft hits get triggered. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Bell with the tip of the stick: With the Technique text command "bell" the bell hits get triggered. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Bell with shaft of the stick: With the Technique text commands "bell" and "shaft" the bell shaft hits get triggered. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Mute release sample: Use the "+" articulation symbol or the Technique text command "closed". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord.". Can be combined with "edge".

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols. Can be combined with "edge".

  • Different sticks: Change with the Technique text commands "stick", "hard", "soft", "rods", "brushes" and "bow". These commands can also include words like "beater" or "mallet", which means that for example "soft mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

Choose the Piatti set by selecting your preferred slot in the Synchron Player (or matrix in the Vienna Instruments player).

  • Single clash: Triggered by default.

  • Mute release sample: Use the "+" articulation symbol or the Technique text command "closed" or "mute". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Sizzle: Create the Technique text command "sizzle". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scratch: Create the Technique text command "scratch". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Drag (scraped): Create the Technique text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

Choose the size of the Tam by selecting your preferred slot in the Synchron Player (or matrix in the Vienna Instruments player).

  • Single hits (soft beater): Triggered by default.

  • Mute release sample: Use the "+" articulation symbol or the Technique text command "mute". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll with short release sample: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll" and the Technique text command "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different beaters: Change with the Technique text commands "soft", "hard", "brushes", "triangle", "bow" and "superball". These commands can also include words like "beater", which means that for example "hard beater" will also work.

  • Scratch (stick): Create the Technique text command "scratch" or "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord.". Can also be used with the triangle beater.

  • Swish (brushes): Use the Technique text command "swish". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Bass Drum

Use the Sibelius instrument "Bass Drum" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

The first matrix row with normal tuning and non coperto gets triggered by default. It’s possible to trigger the coperto or low tuning articulations by sending a MIDI CC command ("~C1,0" for normal, "~C1,60" for coperto and "~C1,127" for low tuning).

  • Single hits (soft beater): Triggered by default.

  • Mute release sample: Triggered with the "+" articulation sign or one of the following Technique text commands: "mute", "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll with short release sample: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll" and the Technique text command "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different beaters: Change with the Technique text commands "soft", "medium", "hard" and "superball". These commands can also include words like "beater", which means that for example "hard beater" will also work.

Concert Toms

Use the Sibelius instrument "Tom-toms [5 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

The lower toms get triggered by default. It’s possible to trigger the higher toms by sending a MIDI CC command ("~C1,0" for lower toms and "~C1,127" for higher toms).

  • Single hits off-center (sticks): Triggered by default.

  • Single hits side: Use the Technique text command "side". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rim hits: Use an x-shaped note head or the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rimshots: Use the Technique text command "rimshot". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Shell: Use the Technique text command "shell". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Coperto: Triggered with the "+" articulation sign or the Technique text command "closed". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different beaters: Change with the Technique text commands "stick", rods", "brushes", "mallet" and "rasping stick".

Snare Drum

Use the Sibelius instrument "Snare Drum" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

  • Single hits off-center (snares on, sticks): Triggered by default.

  • Single hits center: Use the Technique text command "center". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Single hits side: Use the Technique text command "side". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Press rolls: Use the Buzz roll symbol (the one with the Z on the stem).

  • Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rimshot: Use the Technique text command "rimshot". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • X-Stick: Use x-shaped note heads to trigger the X-Stick samples.

  • Stick on stick: Use the Technique text command "stick on stick". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Shell: Use the Technique text command "shell". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Swish: Use the Technique text command "swish". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Circle swish (looped): Use the Technique text commands "swish" AND "long". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Snares off: Use the Technique text command "snares off". Switch back with the Technique text command "snares on". Most of the aforementioned articulations can also be played with snares off.

  • Different beaters: Change with the Technique text commands "stick", rods", "brushes" and "mallet".


Use the Sibelius instrument "Tambourine" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

Choose the Tambourine brand by selecting your preferred slot in the Synchron Player (or matrix in the Vienna Instruments player).

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Tremolo (shake): Use one of the tremolo symbols.

  • Thumb roll: Use the Buzz roll symbol (the one with the Z on the stem).

Bonus – Taiko 53"

Use the Sibelius instrument "Taiko Drum [1 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

  • Single hits (cudgel): Triggered by default.

  • Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Soft beater: Use the Technique text command "soft beater". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."



Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Celesta".

Choose the full or the light sample set by selecting your preferred patch in the player.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Glockenspiel".

  • Single hits (metal beater): Triggered by default.

  • Secco: Use the staccato mark, the "+" articulation sign or one of the following Technique text commands: "mute", "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "metal", "plastic" and "bow". These commands can also include words like "mallet" or "beater", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Xylophone".

  • Single hits (wood beater): Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium" (for the leather beater), "hard", "wood" and "bow". These commands can also include words like "mallet" or "beater", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Orchestral Percussion


Use the Sibelius instrument "Castanets" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

Choose the size of the Castanets set by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player. If you have more Vienna Instruments for the Castanets with different microphone positions loaded, please select the desired matrix in all of these instruments.

  • Single hits (left): Triggered by default.

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger the two different Castanets of the set.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Shaker [1 line]" (for the tube shaker) or "Shaker, Egg Shaker [1 line]" (for the egg shaker) and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • 16ths, Repetitions 1, 3, …: Triggered by default.

  • 16ths, Repetitions 2, 4, …: Use the Technique text command "2" for every other note.

  • Fast 6/8 (or 3/4) pattern, 8ths: Use the Technique text commands "3" and "4" alternatingly for all notes in the pattern.

  • Upbeat: Use the x-shaped note head.

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Triangle" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

Choose the size and the beater of the Triangle by selecting your preferred slot in the Synchron Player (or matrix and patch in the Vienna Instruments player).

  • Single hits open: Triggered by default.

  • Single hits closed: Triggered with the staccato mark or the "+" articulation symbol.

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scrape long release (serrated tringle): Triggered with the Technique text command "scrape".

  • Scrape short release (serrated tringle): Triggered with the Technique text commands "scrape" AND "2".

  • Scrape closed (serrated tringle): Triggered with the "+" articulation symbol AND the Technique text command "scrape".


Use the Sibelius instrument "Wood Blocks [5 lines]" or "Wood Block [1 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Woodblocks".

  • Single hits (yarn mallet): Triggered by default.

  • Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "hard", "soft", "rubber" and "yarn". These commands can also include words like "stick", "beater" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Studio Elements

Glass Harmonica, Verrophone, Musical Glasses, Bottles

Use the Sibelius instrument "Glass Harmonica", "Verrophone", "Musical Glasses", "Musical Glasses [Grand staff]" or "Bottles" and the according Manual Sound Sets Program.

  • Sustain: Triggered by default.

  • Staccato: Use the Technique Text command "staccato" or the Staccato mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Portato: Use the Technique Text command "portato". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Roll (Bottles: flutter): There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem", "tremolo" or "fluttertongue". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Trills: Create a trill from the Lines menu. Half tone trills will trigger the Trills articulation, whole tone trills will be performed with the sustain patch. Sibelius automatically chooses the right trill (half or whole tone) according to the diatonic surrounding. You can also switch manually between half tone and whole tone trills in the Inspector/Playback (called Properties/Playback in Sibelius 5 and 6) window. To do so, select the trill line and uncheck Diatonic.

  • Sforzato (only Bottles): Create an Expression Text command starting with "sf" (sf, sfz, sffz, sforz, …).

  • Mallet: Use the Technique Text command "stick" or "soft mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Soft mallet (only Musical Glasses B): Use the Technique Text command "soft mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Medium mallet (only Musical Glasses B): Use the Technique Text command "medium mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Hard mallet (only Musical Glasses B): Use the Technique Text command "hard mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Mallet secco (only Glass Harmonica and Verrophone): Use the Technique Text commands "stick" or "soft mallet" AND "mute", "damp" or the Plus/Closed articulation mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Mallet trill-chrom (only Verrophone): Create a trill from the Lines menu.

  • Mallet glissando: Use the Technique Text command "glissando.


  • Regular beater: For basic hits and tremolo use the Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

  • Single hit: Triggered by default.

  • Rim hit: Use the Technique Text command "2".

  • Tremolo: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Other patches: Use the Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam [5 lines tonal, Elements]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Tam (tonal, Elements)". This way it is possible to trigger all Tam XXL samples with the pitches they are mapped to.

  • Regular beater: This slot is triggered by default. Samples are triggered according to the pitches they are mapped to (C4–C7)

  • Flexatone: Use the Technique Text command "flexa" or "flexatone". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Metal: Use the Technique Text command "custom1". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Paperbox: Use the Technique Text command "custom2". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Boardtube: Use the Technique Text command "custom3". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Plastic: Use the Technique Text command "custom4". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Fretsaw: Use the Technique Text command "fretsaw". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Miscellaneous 1: Use the Technique Text command "custom5". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Miscellaneous 2: Use the Technique Text command "custom6". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

Tam-tams 85-130cm

Use the Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

Choose the size of the Tam by selecting your preferred slot in the Vienna Synchron Player.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Sacre stick, rub: Create the Technique text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Metal beater, long rub: Create the Technique text command "scrape" AND the Technique text command "triangle". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Superball: Create the Technique text command "superball". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Waterphone" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Waterphone".

  • Sustain (Bass waterphone) or Sus modulation (Standard waterphone): Triggered by default.

  • Staccato A: Use the Technique Text command "staccato" or the Staccato mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Staccato B: Use the Technique Text command "staccato" or the Staccato mark from the Sibelius keypad AND the Technique Text command "2".

  • Portato A (Bass waterphone) or Sustain (Standard waterphone): Use the Technique Text command "portato". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Staccato B: Use the Technique Text command "portato" AND the Technique Text command "2".

  • Repetition: Use the Technique Text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Crescendo forte: Use the Technique Text command "crescendo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Crescendo ff: Use the Technique Text commands "crescendo" AND "1". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Tremolo-cres: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Marcato: Use the Technique Text command "marcato" or the Marcato mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal". The crescendo and tremolo articulations can be combined with marcato as well.

  • Arpeggios: Use the Technique Text command "1".

  • FX (Loops): Use the Technique Text command "2".

  • Pizzicato or Strokes with hotrods: Use the Technique Text command "pizzicato". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Strokes with wood beater: Use the Technique Text command "wood". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Glissando strokes with: Use the Technique Text command "glissando". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

Thundersheets A–E

Use the Sibelius instrument "Thundersheet [1 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Thundersheets".

Choose the Thundersheet by selecting your preferred slot in the Vienna Synchron Player.

  • Shaken (not T.S. D): Triggered by default.

  • Single hit: Triggered with the staccato mark.

  • Tremolo (not T.S. E): Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scrape (not T.S. E): Use the Technique text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Bowed: Use the Technique text command "bow". Switch back with "ord."

  • Hit with metal chain (not T.S. E): Use the Technique text command "metal". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants: Trigger different versions of the various articulations by using the Technique text command "1" or "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

Japanese Singing Bowls

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Singing Bowls".

  • Wood beater: Triggered by default.

  • Secco: Triggered with the staccato symbol or the Technique text command "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "wood" and "rubber". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Crotales".

  • Metal beater: This beater is triggered by default.

  • Triangle beater: Change with the Technique text command "triangle". Switch back with "ord." or "normal".

  • Bowed: Change with the Technique text command "bow". Switch back with "ord." or "normal".

Grande Lithophone

Use the Sibelius instrument "Litophone [Elements]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Lithophone".

  • Choose mallets with one of the following Technique Text commands: "soft mallets", "hard mallets", "medium mallets", "metal" (for hard mallet – high), "rubber" (for soft mallet – low), "bow", "finger", "nail", "stone small", "stone big", "needle 3mm", "needle 5mm", "shatter".
    Before changing mallets it may be necessary to insert the Technique Text command "ord."

  • Secco: Use the Technique Text command "mute", "secco" or the Plus/Closed articulation mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Sul ponticello: Use the Technique Text command "sul ponticello". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Sul ponticello, secco: Use the Technique Text commands "sul ponticello" AND "secco" or "mute". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Roll: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Glissandi: Use the Technique Text command "glissando". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Nail accent: Use the Technique Text commands "nail" AND "1".

  • Needle 3mm-FX: Use the Technique Text commands "needle 3mm" AND "1".

  • Shatter accent: Use the Technique Text commands "shatter" AND "1".

Orff Lithophone

Use the Sibelius instrument "Litophone small" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Orff Lithophone".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Rubbed: Use the Technique Text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".


Use the Sibelius instrument "Cuíca [2 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cuica".

The Cuica 1 forte samples get triggered by default. If you want the piano samples or one of the other Cuicas, you can shift the triggered octave in the Synchron Player under EDIT.

  • Octave setting -1 triggers Cuica 1, piano samples.

  • Octave setting 0 triggers Cuica 1, forte samples (default).

  • Octave setting 1 triggers Cuica 2, piano samples.

  • Octave setting 2 triggers Cuica 2, forte samples.

  • Octave setting 3 triggers Cuica 3, piano samples.

  • Octave setting 4 triggers Cuica 3, forte samples.

  • Short samples: Triggered by default.

  • Long samples: Triggered with the tenuto symbol from the Sibelius keypad.

How to trigger articulations with the Sound Sets VE Percussion and VE SYzd Percussion

Which presets to load

Vienna Instruments version: The articulation changes only work correctly with the VI presets from the folder Sibelius/Percussion/… loaded.
Studio version: VelXF rolls presets are recommended.

When using the Percussion sound set, make sure that you also import the "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style. In the Import House Style menu at least keep Playback dictionary and Instrument definitions selected. Lots of instruments will not work properly or only with some articulations if you don’t import the House Style.

Please note that because of the big variety of instruments and articulations not every available sound can be covered with these sound sets. Don’t worry though, you will get pretty much all the important ones and even will be able to change beaters with commands from your score.

Timpani A+B

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Timpani".

The Timpani automatically switch between left and right hand hits.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Secco: Triggered with the staccato mark or one of the following Technique text commands: "mute", "damp", "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Slow repetition: Create the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Fast repetition: Create the Technique text command "fast" or "rep". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Timpani B additionally includes:

    • Coperto: Create the Technique text command "coperto". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
    • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "mediumhard", "hard", "soft", "wood", "felt" and "finger". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.



Use the Sibelius instrument "Almglocken" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cencerros".

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "yarn", "wood", "metal", "felt", "scrape" and "bow". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work. If you use the commands "hard" AND "felt", the hard felt sticks are selected.

The rubbed playing technique can additionally be defined by the commands "fast" and "slow".

Church Bells

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Tubular Bells".

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "wood" and "metal". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Cowbells 1+2

Use the Sibelius instrument "Cowbells [3 lines]" or "Cowbells [5 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "wood", "metal", "triangle", "bow" and "scrape". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

  • Variants: You can get a different sound from the cowbells if you shift the octave up by 1. This can be done in the Control Edit/Edit Cell section of your Vienna Instruments player.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Handbells".

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "metal", "triangle", and "bow". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Jingle Bells

Use the Sibelius instrument "Sleigh bells" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Left/right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique.

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Repetitions: To trigger the slow repetitions use the Technique text command "rep". For the fast repetitions, use "fast". Repetitions can be combined with the "L" and "R" commands.

  • Variants: You can get lower or higher Jingle bell sounds by shifting the octave up or down by 1. This can be done in the Control Edit/Edit Cell section of your Vienna Instruments player.

Plate Bells

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Tubular Bells".

Tubular Bells A+B

Use the Sibelius instrument "Tubular Bells" or "Chimes" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Tubular Bells".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft" and "brushes" (only T.B. B). These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


China Gongs and Peking Opera Gongs

Use the Sibelius instrument "China Gong" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants: You can get different sounds if you transpose the patch up by 2, 4, 5 or 7 halftones. This can be done in the Control Edit/Edit Cell section of your Vienna Instruments player.

Cymbal A-D

Use the Sibelius instrument "Cymbal A-D" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Closed: Use the "+" articulation symbol or the Technique text command "closed". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Closed slow: Use the "+" articulation symbol AND the Technique text command "slow" or "long". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants: With the Technique text command "1" it is possible to trigger a variant of the same technique (open and closed). Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Repetitions: Create the Technique text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different sticks: Change with the Technique text commands "stick", "soft", "hard", "triangle" and "brushes". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "soft mallet" will also work.

Cymbal China 18Z-22Z, Cymbal Crash 15Z-16Z, Cymbal Ride 20Z-22Z and Cymbal Splash 6Z-12Z

Use the Sibelius instrument "China Cymbal" (respectively "Crash Cymbal" for Crash and Ride cymbals and "Splash Cymbal") and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

  • Center hits: Triggered by default.

  • Edge: With the Technique text command "edge" or "rim" the edge hits get triggered. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Closed: Use the "+" articulation symbol or the Technique text command "closed". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Closed slow: Use the "+" articulation symbol AND the Technique text command "slow" or "long". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants: With the Technique text commands "1" and "2" it is possible to trigger variants of the same technique (open and closed). Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different sticks: Change with the Technique text commands "stick", "soft", "hard", "rod", "brushes" and "bow". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "soft mallet" will also work.

Finger Cymbals

Use the Sibelius instrument "Finger Cymbals [1 line]" or "Finger Cymbals [2 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Variants: With the Technique text command "1" it is possible to trigger a variant of the same technique. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Swish: Use the Technique text command "swish". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Gongs [bass staff]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Gongs". If you don’t want to use a grand staff system, you can delete one staff after creating it.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Tremolo crescendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "wood", "metal" and "bow". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Piatti A+B

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

Choose the Piatti set by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Single clash: Triggered by default.

  • Slow clash (only Piatti A): Use the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Damped fast: Use the "+" articulation symbol or the Technique text command "closed" or "mute". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Damped slow (Piatti A): Use the "+" articulation symbol AND the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Damped slow (Piatti B): Use the "+" articulation symbol AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants (only Piatti A): With the Technique text command "1" it is possible to trigger a variant of the same technique (normal, damped or slow). Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Repetitions (only Piatti A): Create the Technique text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scraped (only bigger Piatti B): Create the Technique text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

Tam Series A+B+C

Use the Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

Choose the size of the Tam by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Left/Right (only Tam A): With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of single hits.

  • Roll (only Tam A): Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scratch (only Tam A): Create the Technique text command "scratch". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scraped sfz (only Tam B+C): Create the Technique text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scraped long (only bigger Tam B+C): Create the Technique text command "scrape" AND the Technique text command "long". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different beaters: Change with the Technique text commands "ord.", "hard" and "superball" (only bigger Tam B). These commands can also include words like "beater", which means that for example "hard beater" will also work.

  • Rotating scrape with triangle beater (only bigger Tam C): Use the Technique text command "triangle" AND the Technique text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rotating brushes (only bigger Tam C): Use the Technique text command "brush". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Bass Drum A+B

Use the Sibelius instrument "Bass Drum" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique.

  • Secco: Triggered with the "+" articulation sign or one of the following Technique text commands: "mute", "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Slow repetition: Create the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." Repetitions can be combined with the "L" and "R" commands.

  • Fast repetition: Create the Technique text command "fast". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." Repetitions can be combined with the "L" and "R" commands.

Concert Toms

Use the Sibelius instrument "Tom-toms [4 lines]" or "Tom-toms [5 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique.

  • Repetition: Create the Technique text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." Repetitions can be combined with the "L" and "R" commands.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

Field Drum A+B, Snare Drum A+B and Piccolo Drum

Use the Sibelius instrument "Side Drum" or "Snare Drum" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums". The Sibelius instrument "Tenor Drum" in combination with the Field Drum A preset will trigger the "Snares off" samples and so will be very similar to a Tenor Drum.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Press rolls: Use the Buzz roll symbol (the one with the Z on the stem).

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique. Almost all techniques can be combined with the left/right commands.

  • Slow repetition: Create the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Fast repetition: Create the Technique text command "fast". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Side stick (Snare A): Use x-shaped note heads to trigger the Side Stick samples.

  • Side stick (Snare B): Use x-shaped note heads AND the Technique Text command "1" to trigger the Side Stick samples. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rim hits (Snare A): Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rim hits (Snare B): Use the Technique text command "rim" AND the Technique Text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rimshot (only Snares): Use the Technique text command "rimshot". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Brushes (only Snare B): Use the Technique text command "brushes". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Swish (only Snare B): Use the Technique text command "swish". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Long swish (only Snare B): Use the Technique text command "swish" AND the Technique text command "long". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rim hits with brushes (only Snare B): Use the Technique text commands "brushes" AND "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Soft (only Field Drum A): Use the Technique text command "soft". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Soft roll (only Field Drum A): Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "soft". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Snares off (only Snares A+B, Field Drum A): Use the Technique text command "snares off". Switch back with the Technique text command "snares on". Most of the aforementioned articulations can also be played with snares off.

Snare Drums a4

Use the Sibelius instrument "Snare Drum Ensemble [1 line]" or "Marching Snare Drums [5 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Press rolls: Use the Buzz roll symbol (the one with the Z on the stem).

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique. Almost all techniques can be combined with the Left/Right commands.

  • Slow repetition: Create the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Fast repetition: Create the Technique text command "fast". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Side stick: Use x-shaped note heads to trigger the Side Stick samples.

  • Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rimshot: Use the Technique text command "rimshot". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Snares off: Use the Technique text command "snares off". Switch back with the Technique text command "snares on". Most of the aforementioned articulations can also be playd with snares off.

  • Brushes: Use the Technique text command "brushes". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Swish: Use the Technique text command "swish". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Long swish: Use the Technique text command "swish" AND the Technique text command "long". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Timpani mallets: Use the Technique text command "soft". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Timpani mallets roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "soft". Switch back to sticks with the Technique text command "ord."

Roto Toms

Use the Sibelius instrument "Roto-toms" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll" or "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique.

  • Different sticks: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "soft" and "hard". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "soft mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument "Taiko Drum [1 line]" or "Taiko Drum [5 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums". The 5 lines instrument can actually trigger 6 different Taiko drums with the highest using one ledger line.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique.

  • Repetitions: Create the Technique text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." Repetitions can be combined with the "L" and "R" commands.

Tambourines A-D

Use the Sibelius instrument "Tambourine" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

Choose the Tambourine by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Sforzato (only Tambourine B-D): Use the accent symbol.

  • Rim hits (only Tambourine A): Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique.

  • Slow repetition: Create the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." Repetitions can be combined with the "L" and "R" commands.

  • Fast repetition: Create the Technique text command "fast". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." Repetitions can be combined with the "L" and "R" commands.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Thumb roll (Tambourine A): Use the Buzz roll symbol (the one with the Z on the stem).

  • Thumb roll (Tambourine B-D): Use the tenuto symbol.

Bongos (only included with the Drums Single Instrument)

Use the Sibelius instrument "Bongos [2 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Drums".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Slap: Use the x-shaped note head.

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the same technique.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll crescendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols and create the Technique text command "crescendo". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll diminuendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols and create the Technique text command "diminuendo". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Slow roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols and create the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."



Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Celesta".

  • Sustain: Triggered by default.

  • Staccato: Use the staccato symbol or the Technique text command "staccato". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Soft: Use the Technique text command "soft". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

Glockenspiel A+B

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Glockenspiel".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Vibrato: Use the Technique text command "vibrato" or "con vibrato". Switch back with the Technique text command "senza vibrato"

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll crescendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll chords: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Glissandi: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "wood", "metal", "big metal" and "plastic". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Lithophone small

Use the Sibelius instrument "Lithophone small" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Lithophone".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rubbed: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Marimba [treble staff]" or "Marimba [grand staff]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Marimba".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Secco: Triggered with the staccato or the "+" articulation symbol or one of the following Technique text commands: "mute", "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll crescendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll chords: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Glissando slow: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • Glissando fast: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando" AND the Technique text command "fast". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try it out.

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "superhard", "soft", "soft plus", "soft medium", "rubber", "plastic", "finger", "nail", "superball", "handle" and "bowed". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument "Temple Blocks" (from the Pitched Percussion family) and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Templeblocks".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll crescendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "rubber", "wood" and "yarn". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Vibraphone".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Secco: Triggered with the staccato or the "+" articulation symbol or one of the following Technique text commands: "mute", "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll crescendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll chords: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Glissando slow: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • Glissando fast: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando" AND the Technique text command "fast". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • Slow vibrato: Use one of the following Technique text commands: "vibrato", "con vibrato" or "motor on". Switch back to no vibrato with the Technique text command "senza vibrato" or "motor off".

  • Fast vibrato: Use the Technique text command "molto vibrato". Switch back to no vibrato with the Technique text command "senza vibrato".

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft" and "bowed". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument "Wood Blocks [5 lines]" or "Wood Block [1 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Woodblocks".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the single hits.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll crescendo 1s (2s, 4s): Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1" (or "2" or "4"). Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "rubber", "wood" and "yarn". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Xylophone".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll crescendo: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "1". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll chords: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Glissando medium: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • Glissando slow: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando" AND the Technique text command "slow". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • Glissando fast: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando" AND theTechnique text command "fast". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "wood", "plastic", "soft plastic", "yarn" and "cluster". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.



Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Anklung".

  • Long: Triggered by default.

  • Short: Triggered with the staccato mark.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Boobams".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rebounds fast: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "fast". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rebounds slow: Use one of the tremolo symbols AND the Technique text command "slow". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Rim: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft" and "yarn". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.


Use the Sibelius instrument "Castanets" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the single hits.

  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

Chimes (Wind Chimes; not to be confused with Tubular Bells)

Use the Sibelius instrument "Wind Chimes [1 line]" or "Mark tree [1 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

Choose the material of the Chimes by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Slow/Up: Triggered by default.

  • Slow/Down: Use the Technique text command "down". Switch back to Slow/Up with the Technique text command "ord." or "up".

  • Fast/Up: Use the Technique text command "fast". Switch back to Slow/Up with the Technique text command "ord." or "slow".

  • Fast/Down: Use the Technique text command "fast" AND the Technique text command "down". Switch back to Slow/Up with the Technique text command "ord." or "slow" AND "up".


Use the Sibelius instrument "Claves [1 line]" or "Claves [2 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Single hits fiber claves: Triggered by default.

  • Single hits wood claves: Use the Technique text command "wood". Switch back to the fiber claves with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the single hits.


Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Crotales".

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "metal", "triangle" and "bow". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Cuícas 1–3

Use the Sibelius instrument "Cuíca [2 lines]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

Choose the Cuíca by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Short: Triggered by default.

  • Long: Triggered with the tenuto mark.

Flexatones A–B

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Flexatone".

Choose the Flexatone by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Static (only Flexatone A): Triggered by default.

  • Glissandi: Use the glissando line or the Technique text command "glissando". To find out which glissando fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.

  • FX: Use the Technique text command "1". To find out which performance fits best take a look at your VI_Percussion_Patch-Matrix-Preset manual or simply try them out.


Use one of following Sibelius instruments: "Guiro [1 line]" or "Guiro (High) [1 line]" for the Wood Guiro; "Guiro (Medium) [1 line]" for the Gourd Guiro and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Open/Muted: Use normal note heads for open strokes and x-shaped note heads for muted strokes.

  • Medium stroke up: Triggered by default.

  • Medium stroke down: Use the Technique text command "down" or the downbow articulation symbol. Switch back to Up with the Technique text command "ord." or "up" or with the upbow articulation symbol.

  • Long stroke up: Use the tenuto symbol or the Technique text command "long".

  • Long stroke down: Use the tenuto symbol AND the Technique text command "down".

  • Short stroke up: Use the staccato symbol or the Technique text command "short".

  • Short stroke down: Use the staccato symbol AND the Technique text command "down".

Gun Shots

Use the Sibelius instrument "Gunshot" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Variants: You can get a different gunshot sound if you shift the octave up by 1 or 2 or down by 1. This can be done in the Control Edit/Edit Cell section of your Vienna Instruments player.

Japanese Singing Bowls

Use the Sibelius instrument and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Singing Bowls".

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Secco: Triggered with the staccato symbol or the Technique text command "secco". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different mallets: Change with the Technique text commands "medium", "hard", "soft", "wood" and "rubber". These commands can also include words like "stick" or "mallet", which means that for example "medium mallet" will also work.

Jingle rings A–C

Use the Sibelius instrument "Jingle Ring" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

Choose the jingle ring by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Roll: Use the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the single hits.

  • Repetition: Create the Technique text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord." For good sounding grooves combine the repetitions with alternating "L" and "R" commands.


Use the Sibelius instrument "Rain Stick (High) [1 line]" or "Rain Stick (Low) [1 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Slow: Triggered by default.

  • Fast: Use the Technique text command "fast". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Ratchet" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Short: Triggered by default.

  • Staccato: Triggered with the staccato mark.

  • Long: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants: You can get a different ratchet if you shift the octave up by 1 or 2 or down by 1 or 2. This can be done in the Control Edit/Edit Cell section of your Vienna Instruments player.

Shaker & Caxixi

Use one of following Sibelius instruments: "Egg Shaker (High) [1 line]", "Egg Shaker (Low) [1 line]", "Egg Shaker (Medium) [1 line]" or "Shaker, Egg Shaker [1 line]" for the Kiwi Shaker; "Shaker, Caxixi [1 line]" for the Caxixi; "Shaker [1 line]" for any Shaker of the preset (choose the preferred matrix manually) and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Single shake: Triggered by default.

  • Upbeat (not Caxixi): Use the x-shaped note head.

  • Repetitions: There are 2 ways to trigger the grooves.

    1. Alternate the Technique text commands "L" and "R". Switch back to single shakes with the Technique text command "ord."
    2. Write note heads above and below the line alternatingly.


The grooves always start with an upbeat. This means the repetion should be started one semiquaver before a beat.

  • Tremolo (not Caxixi): Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants (only Caxixi): You can get different Caxixis if you shift the octave up or down by 2. This can be done in the Control Edit/Edit Cell section of your Vienna Instruments player.


Use the Sibelius instrument "Anvil" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

Choose Rail, Brakes or Spring by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Single hits: Triggered by default.

  • Left/Right: With the Technique text commands "L" and "R" it is possible to trigger two different variants of the single hits.

  • Tremolo (only Rails): Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants: With the Technique text commands "1" (not Spring), "2" and "3" it is possible to trigger different rails (or brakes or springs). Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

Thundersheets A–E

Use the Sibelius instrument "Thundersheet [1 line]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

Choose the Thundersheet by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Shaken (not T.S. D): Triggered by default.

  • Single hit: Triggered with the staccato mark.

  • Tremolo (not T.S. E): Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Scrape (not T.S. E): Use the Technique text command "scrape". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Bowed: Use the Technique text command "bow". Switch back with "ord."

  • Hit with metal chain (not T.S. E): Use the Technique text command "metal". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Variants: Trigger different versions of the various articulations by using the Technique text command "1" or "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

Triangles A–D

Use the Sibelius instrument "Triangle" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion". Choose the Triangle by selecting your preferred matrix in the Vienna Instruments player.

  • Single hits open: Triggered by default.

  • Single hits closed: Triggered with the staccato or the "+" articulation symbol.

  • Variants: With the Technique text command "1" it is possible to trigger a variant of the same technique (open and closed). Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Repetition (only Triangle A+B): Use the Technique text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Tremolo: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

  • Different beaters (only Triangle C+D): Change with the Technique text commands "wood", "plastic" and "triangle". These commands can also include words like "beater", which means that for example "wood beater" will also work. Before switching to the plastic beater it may be necessary to reset the Sound ID with the Technique text command "ord."


Use the Sibelius instrument "Waterphone" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Waterphone".

  • Basic: Triggered by default.

  • Basic modulation: Use the Technique Text command "1".

  • Pizz: Use the Technique Text command "pizz" or the staccato mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Repetition (long release): Use the Technique Text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord."

  • Repetition (short release): Use the Technique Text commands "rep" AND "short". Switch back to Basic articulation with the Technique Text command "ord.". Switch back to long release with the Technique Text command "long".


Use the Sibelius instrument "Whip" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Percussion".

  • Whip 1: Triggered by default.

  • Whip 2: You can trigger the Whip 2 samples by shifting the octave up by 1. This can be done in the Control Edit/Edit Cell section of your Vienna Instruments player.

  • Variants: With the Technique text command "1" it is possible to trigger a variant of the single hit. Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."


Glass Harmonica, Verrophone, Musical Glasses, Bottles

Use the Sibelius instrument "Glass Harmonica", "Verrophone", "Musical Glasses", "Musical Glasses [Grand staff]" or "Bottles" and the according Manual Sound Sets Program.

Choose Musical Glasses set A, B or C by selecting the according matrix in the Vienna Instruments (Pro) player.

  • Sustain: Triggered by default.

  • Staccato: Use the Technique Text command "staccato" or the Staccato mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Portato: Use the Technique Text command "portato". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Roll (Bottles: flatter): There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem", "tremolo" or "fluttertongue". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Trills: Create a trill from the Lines menu. Half tone trills will trigger the Trills articulation, whole tone trills will be performed with the sustain patch. Sibelius automatically chooses the right trill (half or whole tone) according to the diatonic surrounding. You can also switch manually between half tone and whole tone trills in the Inspector/Playback (called Properties/Playback in Sibelius 5 and 6) window. To do so, select the trill line and uncheck Diatonic.

  • Sforzato (only Bottles): Create an Expression Text command starting with "sf" (sf, sfz, sffz, sforz, …).

  • Mallet: Use the Technique Text command "stick" or "soft mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Soft mallet (only Musical Glasses B): Use the Technique Text command "soft mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Medium mallet (only Musical Glasses B): Use the Technique Text command "medium mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Hard mallet (only Musical Glasses B): Use the Technique Text command "hard mallet". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Mallet secco (only Glass Harmonica and Verrophone): Use the Technique Text commands "stick" or "soft mallet" AND "mute", "damp" or the Plus/Closed articulation mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Mallet trill-chrom (only Verrophone): Create a trill from the Lines menu.

  • Mallet glissando: Use the Technique Text command "glissando" or the glissando line from the Lines menu.


Use the Sibelius instrument "Litophone [Elements]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Lithophone".

  • Choose mallets by selecting the according matrix in the Vienna Instruments (Pro) player or with one of the following Technique Text commands: "soft mallets", "hard mallets", "medium mallets", "metal" (for hard mallet – high), "rubber" (for soft mallet – low), "bow", "finger", "nail", "stone small", "stone big", "needle 3mm", "needle 5mm", "shatter".

Before changing mallets it may be necessary to insert the Technique Text command "ord."

  • Secco: Use the Technique Text command "mute", "secco" or the Plus/Closed articulation mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Sul ponticello: Use the Technique Text command "sul ponticello". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Sul ponticello, secco: Use the Technique Text commands "sul ponticello" AND "secco" or "mute". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Roll: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Roll chords: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text commands "trem" or "tremolo" AND "2". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad AND the Technique Text command "2".
  • Glissandi: Use the Technique Text command "glissando" or the glissando line from the Lines menu.

  • Nail accent: Use the Technique Text command "needle 3mm" AND dynamic level forte (or higher).

  • Needle 3mm-FX: Use the Technique Text commands "needle 3mm" AND "1".

  • Shatter accent: Use the Technique Text command "shatter" AND dynamic level forte (or higher).


For basic hits and tremolo use the Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Cymbals".

  • Rim hit 1: Triggered by default.

  • Rim hit 2: Use the Technique Text command "2".

  • Tremolo: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Flexatone and Fretsaw patches

To play the tonal Flexatone or Fretsaw patches, use the Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam [5 lines tonal, Elements]" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Tam (tonal, Elements)". This way it is also possible to trigger all other Tam XXL samples with the pitches they are mapped to.

  • Basic: This patch is triggered by default. Samples are triggered according to the pitches they are mapped to (C4–A#6)

  • Flexatone: Use the Technique Text command "flexa" or "flexatone". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Fretsaw: Use the Technique Text command "fretsaw". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Custom cells (Matrix cells 2A, 3A and 4A): It is possible to use additional patches that are not included in the VI presets for Sibelius by default. Just add the desired patch(es) to one of the cells mentioned above. To switch to these cells from your Sibelius score, use one of the following

  • Technique Text commands: "custom" or "custom1" for cell 2A, "custom2" for cell 3A and "custom3" for cell 4A. Trigger the desired samples by putting in the notes they are mapped to.

Bass Waterphone

Use the Sibelius instrument "Waterphone" and the Manual Sound Sets Program "Waterphone".

  • Sustain (long release): Triggered by default.

  • Sustain (short release): Use the Technique Text command "short". Switch back to long release with the Technique Text command "long".

  • Staccato A: Use the Technique Text command "staccato" or the Staccato mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Staccato B: Use the Technique Text command "staccato" or the Staccato mark from the Sibelius keypad AND the Technique Text command "2".

  • Portato A: Use the Technique Text command "portato" or the Tenuto mark from the Sibelius keypad. Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Staccato B: Use the Technique Text command "portato" or the Tenuto mark from the Sibelius keypad AND the Technique Text command "2".

  • Repetition: Use the Technique Text command "rep". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Crescendo f: Use the Technique Text command "crescendo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Crescendo ff: Use the Technique Text commands "crescendo" AND "1" or "2". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • Tremolo-cres: There are two ways to trigger this patch:

    1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo". Switch back with the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
    2. Use the Tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • Custom cells (Matrix cells 7A and 7B): It is possible to use additional patches that are not included in the VI presets for Sibelius by default. Just add the desired patch(es) to one of the free cells. To switch to these cells from your Sibelius score, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "custom" or "custom1" for cell 7A and "custom2" for cell 7B. Trigger the desired samples by putting in the notes they are mapped to.

General optimization tips

How to trigger unlisted instruments and unpitched Percussion instruments in general by pitch

All unpitched Percussion instruments can also be triggered by pitch. Therefore the Sibelius instrument "Unpitched Percussion by pitch" from the "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style and the Manual Sound Sets program with the same name are needed. This works with any Vienna Instruments or Synchron Player preset. The samples can then be triggered by entering the pitch they are mapped to.

If keyswitches are needed for articulation changes, those switches must be entered as notes or MIDI commands. To keep the layout clean, these keyswitches can be added to Voice 2 (or 3) and get hidden.

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