How to trigger articulations with the Sound Set

VE SY Prime Edition

The sound set "VE SY Prime Edition" works with the Synchron Prime Edition and all our piano and libraries, as well as Big Bang Orchestra and BBO-Andromeda.


The channel assignments and automatic articulation changes can only work correctly, when the corresponding Sibelius instruments that are included in the “Vienna Symphonic Library” House Style are loaded and the according programs on the Manual Sound Sets page are set. Please use the following instruments from the Sibelius “Add or Remove Instruments” menu:

  • Strings: Instruments with "[VSL Special Edition]" at the end of the name.
  • Tutti Strings (full range): Use the Sibelius instrument "Strings" or "Strings [reduction]".
  • Tutti Brass: Use the Sibelius instrument "Brass".
  • Percussion: Always use the dedicated Sibelius instruments (like "Triangle") and not the general ones (like "Percussion [1 line]").
  • Big Bang Orchestra and BBO-Andromeda: Sibelius instrument Others/"Orchestra".

The other instruments should be self-explanatory.

Which presets to load in Synchron Player

All three kinds of Synchron Player presets (01 VelXF sus, 02 VelXF, 03 Velocity) will work with the sound set, the "01 VelXF sus" presets are recommended though. For older computers or big arrangements the "03 Velocity" presets may perform better, because less voices get streamed at the same time.


Everything written for the VE Special Edition soundset applies to this sound set too.

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