Snare drum
1st Violins
Recipe #21 on www.orchestrationrecipes.com (log-in required)

- Horn 1 / VelXF sus / Distant
- Staccato Agile and Staccato (beginning of each phrase)
- Sforzato and Portato (pronounced endings)
- Legato
- Long Notes (less pronounced endings)
- And a custom patch (see below)

- Create a new Custom Patch
- Combine Portato and Long Patch in one slot
- Enable the Parallel Mode
- Set Parallel Mode to "Mix" for Portato and Long Patch
- (Optional) Rename Custom Patch or Individual Patches by doubleclicking

- Velocity for shorts and VelXF (CC1) for longs
- VelXF (CC11) for decrescendos on long
- Timbre adjust (CC8) (increase overall intensity by time / improve the tone decay for longs)
- Expression (CC11) (increasing dynamic range)
- Not required

- Snare drum / VelXF Rolls / Comp+Reverb
- Single hits
- Velocity (with velocity variations, accents on downbeats, overall crescendo)
- Expression (CC11) increase overall crescendo

- Not required

- 1st Violins / VelXF sus / Ambience
- Legato
- Portamento

- 3 Phrases Bars 9-11, 12-14, last 2 notes
- VelXF (CC1)
- Expression (CC11) to increase dynamic
- Increase Volume on 8th notes in bar 11
- Timbre Adjust (CC8) Add some variation and Shape Phrase Ends

- Humanize Delay Scaler (CC25): ~30

- Tutti full range / VelXF sus / Catchy
- Staccato Bold
- Velocity (variations & accents again) and a crescendo at the End
- Expression (CC11) for phrasing 3 bar up and 1 bar down patterns, with crescendo at the end

- Humanize Delay Scaler (CC25): ~30
Instrument | Value |
Horn | 112 |
Snare | 127 |
1st Violins | 121 |
Strings | 80 |
Main mic and reverb to maximum
Close mic to minimum

- Boost Double basses to -4dB
- disable Room EQ
- Disable EQ on Room-Mix
- Increase Reverb from -3dB to -2dB
- Add additional Algorithmic Reverb

- Add a tempo map from 117bpm to 123bpm for bringing in variations and a ritardando at the end

- Importance of mixing articulations for exposed soloists
- Creation of a custom patch to have long note with a portato-like accent
- Create a tempo track in addition to humanization delay
On this page
- Used Instruments
- Downloads and further Information
- Horn
- Instrument / Preset Selection
- Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Basic Phrasing
- Finishing Touches
- Snare Drum
- Instrument / Preset Selection
- Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Basic Phrasing
- Finishing Touches
- 1st Violins
- Instrument / Preset Selection
- Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Basic Phrasing
- Finishing Touches
- Strings
- Instrument / Preset Selection
- Preparation / Articulation Selection
- Basic Phrasing
- Finishing Touches
- Mixing
- Master Volumes
- Snare
- 1st Violins
- Strings
- Other Tweaks
- Top learnings