The sound set "VE SY Winds" works with the following SYNCHRON and Studio collections:
Synchron Woodwinds
Synchron World Winds
Synchron Brass
Studio Woodwinds
Studio Saxophones
Studio Woodwind Packs
Studio Historic Winds Packs
The sound set "VE Studio Brass" works with the following Studio collections:
Studio Brass
Studio Special Brass
The sound set "VE Woodwinds+Brass" works with the following Vienna Instruments collections:
Woodwinds I+II
Special Woodwinds
Brass I+II
Special Brass
Dimension Brass I+II
Historic Winds I-III
as well as with all Woodwinds and Brass Single Instruments.
The "Clarinet in Bb 2" and the "Bassoon 2" programs on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets tab require the respective "Clarinet in Bb 2 [VSL Single Instrument]" and "Bassoon 2 [VSL Single Instrument]" instruments from the Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu. These instruments are included with the "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style. If they don't appear in the Sibelius instruments list, go to Appearance/Import House Style/Vienna Symphonic Library. For the import keep at least "Playback dictionary" and "Instrument definitions" checked.
The Dimension Brass I and II instruments will also work better with the dedicated "[VSL Dimension Brass]" instruments from the Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu.
Please load the presets from the "03 Velocity" folders.
For Synchron Brass and Studio Brass it is possible to turn on VelXF in the preset to enable dynamic changes for single notes.
For Synchron World Winds all preset types can be used. The dynamic range will be bigger for some instruments if the "VelXF sus" or "VelXF" presets get loaded.
For the other libraries, the sound set will automatically turn on Velocity XF for long note articulations and turn it off for short note articulations.
Most woodwind programs on the Sibelius "Manual Sound Sets" page will work equally for the Synchron and the Studio Woodwinds collections. Only for bass clarinet, bassoon and contrabassoon it necessary to distinguish between the programs for the Studio collection and the Synchron collection. Programs for the Studio collection simply have the instrument name as program name, while programs for the Synchron collection have the word "Synchron" before the instrument name.
If you are notating two players on one staff, use the P1-2 (TTB1-2 for the Low Brass) presets. For a second system with two players of the same instrument use the P3-4presets (BTB+TU for the Low Brass).
If you are using Vienna Instruments (as opposed to Vienna Instruments PRO) and want to notate the whole 4 player section on one system, you can do so by loading two instruments in Vienna Ensemble and routing them to the same channel. In the first one, load the P1-2 preset, and in the second one, load the P3-4 preset.If you are notating each player on a separate staff, load the according P1, P2, P3 or P4 (TTB1, TTB2, BTB or TU for the Low Brass) preset.
Please notice that Bass Trombone and Tuba of the Low Brass group will sound one octave lower than notated. If you want to notate these instruments on separate staves, you can load the corresponding "loco" presets in order to have them sound "loco" (not transposed).
The 4-,3- and 2-player presets contain different matrices. In order to play the right one, please don't forget to always state with the following Technique Text commands which players are playing a sequence:- "a4": Played by 4 players in unison
- "a3": Played by 3 players in unison
- "a2": Played by 2 players in unison
- "3.+4.": Played by player 3 and 4 in unison (4 player presets)
- "2.+4.": Played by player 2 and 4 in unison (presetSib_DimBr_LowBrass_all_PRO)
- "2.+3.": Played by player 2 and 3 in unison (3 player presets)
- "1.": Played by player 1
- "2.": Played by player 2
- "3.": Played by player 3
- "4.": Played by player 4
- "div" or "divisi": The first voice will be played by player 1, the second voice by player 2, the third voice by player 3 and the fourth voice by player 4
- "div2": The first voice will be played by player 1 and 2, the second voice will be played by player 3 and 4
Most of the techniques written for the Special Edition and the Special Edition PLUS also apply to the Woodwinds and Brass sound set, as well as the SY Winds sound set. Here are the additional articulations.
Strong vibrato (only with sound set "VE Woodwinds+Brass" and some instruments from Synchron World Winds)
There are two ways to trigger these patches:
- Create the Technique Text command "vib" or "vibrato" and create a second Technique Text command "heavy".
- Create the Technique Text command "molto vibrato" or "espressivo".
There are two ways to trigger these patches:
- Use thekeypad's marcato mark.
- Create the Technique Text command "marcato".
Staccato repetitions, Portato repetitions, Legato, Fast legato, Marcato, Fast marcato (sound set "VE Woodwinds+Brass")
See the respective entries in the previous paragraphs. Vienna Ensemble automatically chooses the slower or faster patches according to speed control.
Create the Technique Text command "rep".
Create the Technique Text commands "rep" and "portato".
Use the wedge mark from the Sibelius keypad.
Legato and vibrato can also be combined
It’s possible to use additional articulations by adding the desired patch(es) to one of the free custom slots. To switch to these slots from your Sibelius score, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "custom1" for the first custom slot, "custom2" for the second custom slot, and so on until "custom6" for the sixth custom slot.