How to trigger articulations with the Sound Set

VE Strings

This sound set works with the following collections and single instruments:

  • Synchron Duality Strings

  • Synchron Duality Strings Sordino

  • Synchron Duality Strings Colors

  • Synchron Strings I (Synchron Player version)

  • Synchron Strings Pro

  • Synchron Elite Strings

  • Synchron Solo Strings

  • Studio Solo Strings

  • Studio Solo Strings sordino

  • Studio Orchestral Strings

  • Studio Chamber Strings

  • Studio Chamber Strings sordino

  • Studio Appassionata Strings

  • Studio Appassionata Strings sordino

  • Studio Dimension Strings I-III

  • Studio Harps

  • Synchron Harp

  • Solo Strings I+II

  • Solo Violin 2

  • Solo Cello 2

  • Chamber Strings I+II

  • Orchestral Strings I+II

  • Appassionata Strings I+II

  • Dimension StringsI+II

  • Harps


The channel assignments and automatic articulation changes can only work correctly, when the corresponding Sibelius instruments that are included in the "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style are loaded and the according programs on the Manual Sound Sets page are set. Please use the following instruments from the Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu and choose the following programs on the Manual Sound Sets page:

  • Synchron Solo Strings: Instruments with "Solo" and programs with "Synchron Solo" at the beginning of the name.

  • Synchron Duality Strings: Instruments with "[VSL Synchron Duality Strings]" at the end and programs with "Duality …" in the name. It's also possible to trigger a full string section with a "Strings [reduction]" instrument on two staves.

  • Synchron Strings Pro, Synchron Elite Strings: Instruments with "[VSL Synchron Strings Pro]" at the end and programs with "Synchron … Pro" in the name. With Synchron Strings Pro and Synchron Elite Strings it's possible to trigger a full string section with a "Strings [reduction]" instrument on two staves.

  • Studio Solo Strings, Studio Solo Strings sordino: Instruments with "Solo" and programs with "SYzd Solo" at the beginning of the name.

  • Studio Solo Strings (Violin 2): Instrument "Solo Violin 2 (VSL Single Instrument)" and program "SYzd Solo Violin 2".

  • Studio Solo Strings (Violoncello 2): As above, only with "Cello" instead of "Violin".

  • Studio Orchestral Strings: Instruments with "VSL Orchestral Strings" at the end and programs with "SYzd Orchestral" at the beginning of the name.

  • Studio Dimension Strings I-III: Instruments with "[VSL Dimension Strings I]" at the end and programs with "SYzd Dimension" at the beginning of the name.

  • Synchron Strings I, Studio Chamber Strings, Studio Chamber Strings sordino*, Studio Appassionata Strings, Studio Appassionata Strings sordino*: Instruments with "[VSL Synchron Strings]" at the end and programs with "Synchron"at the beginning of the name.
    * If you want to switch between Studio Chamber Strings and Studio Chamber Strings sordino or between Studio Appassionata Strings and Studio Appassionata Strings sordino in your score, add further channels with "SYzd ... sordino" programs.

  • Solo Strings I+II: Instruments and programs with "Solo" at the beginning of the name.

  • Orchestral Strings I+II: Instruments with "[VSL Orchestral Strings]" at the end and programs with "Orchestral"at the beginning of the name.

  • Chamber Strings I+II: Instruments with "[VSL Chamber Strings]" at the end and programs with "Chamber"at the beginning of the name.

  • Dimension Strings I-II: Instruments with "VSL Dimension Strings" at the end and programs with "Dimension" at the beginning of the name.

  • Vienna Instruments Harps: Instrument and program "Harp".

  • Studio Harps: Instrument "Harp" and program "SYzd Harps".

  • Synchron Harp: Instrument "VSL Synchron Harp" and program "Synchron Harp".

Which presets to load with Synchron Solo Strings, Synchron Duality Strings, Synchron Strings Pro, Synchron Elite Strings and Studio Orchestral Strings

The "XF" and "XF sus" factory presets will work equally. The Velocity presets can also be used and will need less performance. However, crescendos and diminuendos under single notes will not work with the "Velocity" presets loaded.

To switch between Synchron Duality Strings Regular and Synchron Duality Strings Sordino, the presets from the "02b Regular + sordino merged" folder need to be loaded.

Which presets to load with Synchron Strings I, Studio Solo Strings, Studio Chamber Strings, Studio Chamber Strings, Studio Appassionata Strings and Studio Appassionata Strings sordino

The Studio Solo Strings will need the "basic"/"Velocity" presets loaded and will not work correctly with the full presets. The "sordino" and "Merged" presets that are included with "Studio Solo Strings muted" can also be used.

In general it is recommended to load the non-VelXF presets that come with the library content from the Factory presets folder. On strong computers with fast SSDs or for smaller arrangements, it's possible to activate VelXF to enable dynamic changes during single notes. For rendering the audio file, VelXF can always be enabled.

Which presets to load with Studio Dimension Strings I-III

The "Compact" and "Full" presets will both work with the "VE Strings" sound set. The "Compact" presets don't include all articulations though. For groups of three to eight players, load the "All players" presets. To determine which players should play, select a slot in the first dimension. For groups of two players, load the "Desk" presets. If you are notating every player on his own staff, load the according single player presets.

On strong computers with fast SSDs or for smaller arrangements, it's possible to activate VelXF to enable dynamic changes during single notes. For rendering the audio file, VelXF can always be enabled.

Which presets to load with the Dimension Strings I + II

If you are notating the whole instrument section on one staff, use the "All" presets (only VI Pro). If you are using Vienna Instruments (as opposed to VI Pro) and want to notate the whole section on one system, you can do so by loading two instruments in Vienna Ensemble with the same channel. In the first one load the "G1" preset and in the second one load the "G2" preset.

If you are notating two to four groups of players on different staves, use the "G1" and "G2" presets.

If you are notating every player on his own staff, load the according P1, P2 ... presets.

In the "All" and "Group" presets you can additionally change the amount of players playing with the following Technique Text commands:

  • "a8": 8 players in unison
  • "a7": 7 players in unison
  • ...
  • "a2": 2 players in unison (1st desk)
  • "a2.2": 2 players in unison (2nd desk)
  • "solo": Only player 1 (or player 2 in the "G2" preset)
  • "div" or "divisi": The first voice will be played by player 1, the second voice by player 2, the third voice by player 3 and so on.
  • "div2": All loaded players will be separated into two groups to play two different voices notated on the same staff.


Most of the techniques for the Special Edition and Special Edition PLUS also apply to the dedicated string sound set. Here are the additional articulations. Many articulations can also be combined with each other.

Vibrato/Senza vibrato

By default the vibrato articulations are used. To switch to non vibrato create the Technique Text command "senza vibrato". To switch back to vibrato, use the Technique Text command "con vibrato" or "vibrato". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)

Strong vibrato (Synchron Strings: Lyrical vibrato)

There are two ways to trigger these patches:

  1. Create the Technique Text command "vib" or "vibrato" and create a second Technique Text command "heavy".
  2. Create the Technique Text command "molto vibrato" or "espressivo".".(Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)
To switch back to vibrato, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal". To switch back to non vibrato use the Technique Text command "senza vibrato".

Progressive vibrato (Dimension Strings, Studio Solo Strings)

Create the Technique Text command "progressive". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)

Vibrato for Studio Dimension Strings I

Regular vibrato articulations are triggered by default. To Switch between the different vibrato intensities, you can use the following Technique Text commands:
  • "~C1,0" for regular vibrato
  • "~C1,40" for progressive vibrato
  • "~C1,80" for no vibrato
  • "~C1,127" for XF vibrato.

If you are using XF vibrato, you can make a crossfade from no vibrato ("~C20,0") to regular vibrato ("~C20,127"). The Sibelius plugin Play/Add Continuous Control Changes can help you with adding the CC data to your score.


See the staccato entry in the VE Special Edition sound set section. Vienna Ensemble automatically chooses the best fitting patch according to speed control.

For "Synchron Strings" and "Dimension Strings" staccato is triggered with the staccato mark. In order to trigger the spiccato-repetition (Dimension Strings) or "Super Short" (Synchron Strings), use the staccatissimo mark.

Detache long (Studio Chamber Strings, Studio Dimension Strings)

Create the Technique Text command "long".To switch back to normal playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

Performance detache (Synchron Elite Strings)

Create the Technique Text command "detache" and add a slur (or the Technique Text command "legato"). To switch back to normal playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

Legato/Fast legato

See the legato entry in the VE Special Edition sound set section. Vienna Ensemble automatically chooses the normal or the fast legato patch according to speed control.

Legato agile (Synchron Strings Pro, Synchron Elite Strings)

Create the Technique Text command "fast".


There are two ways to trigger these patches:

  1. Use the keypad's marcato mark.
  2. Create the Technique Text command "marcato".

Soft (Synchron String, Studio Chamber Strings)

Create the Expression Text command "soft". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)This command can also be combined with legato.


Create the Expression Text command "sffz". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)


Create the Technique Text command "rep". Vienna Ensemble automatically chooses the best fitting repetition patch according to speed control. (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)

Harmonics repetition

Create the Technique Text command "rep" and use one of the ways for triggering harmonics (see VE Special Edition PLUS section). (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)

Harmonics tremolo (Dimension Strings)

Just combine a tremolo marking with one of the two ways of triggering harmonics.

Sul tasto (Solo Strings extended, Dimension Strings III (VI-version and Studio version))

Create the Technique Text command "sul tasto". To switch back to normal playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

To switch from(Studio) Dimension Strings I to (Studio) Dimension Strings III (sultasto) on one staff, it is necessary to reserve two channels on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page and in Vienna Ensemble. On the Manual Sound Sets page apply the respective "(SYzd)Dimension … I" and "(SYzd)Dimension … III"programs. In Vienna Ensemble load two player instances, use the same channel numbers as on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page and load the according presets.

Sul tasto and sul ponticello can also be combined with the following articulations: staccato, tremolo, sfz and detache.

Sul C, G, D, A, E (Dimension Strings I+II)

Create one of the following Technique Text commands: "sulC", "sulG", "sulD", "sulA" or "sulE". To switch back to the regular patches, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

For Studio Dimension Strings I + II it is necessary to add keyswitches to your score in order to determine a certain string. You can use the following Technique Text commands for that:

Violins: ~N35,10 (Regular), ~N36,10 (Open strings), ~N37,10 (Sul G), ~N38,10 (Sul D), ~N39,10 (Sul A), ~N40,10 (Sul E).

Violas: ~N35,10 (Regular), ~N36,10 (Open strings), ~N37,10 (Sul C), ~N38,10 (Sul G), ~N39,10 (Sul D), ~N40,10 (Sul A).

Cellos: ~N95,10 (Regular), ~N96,10 (Open strings), ~N97,10 (Sul C), ~N98,10 (Sul G), ~N99,10 (Sul D), ~N100,10 (Sul A).

Double basses: ~N95,10 (Regular), ~N96,10 (Open strings), ~N97,10 (Sul B), ~N98,10 (Sul E), ~N99,10 (Sul A), ~N100,10 (Sul D).

Cantabile (Synchron Strings I)

Create the Technique Text command "cantabile".

To switch back to regular playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

The command "cantabile" can be combined with slurs in order to trigger the legato cantabile patch.

Flautando (Synchron Strings)

Create the Technique Text command "flautando". To switch back to regular playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

Custom cells

(A6,B6, C6of the basic matrices; Dimension Strings: K1 to K6; Synchron Strings: Custom Dimension): It's possible to use additional patches, that are not included in the presets for Sibelius by default. Just add the desired patch(es) to one of the free cells. To switch to these cells from your Sibelius score, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "custom1" for cellA6 (Dimension Strings cell K1, Synchron Strings slot Empty 1), "custom2" for cellB6 (DimStr. K2,SynStr. Empty 2) and "custom3" for cellC6 (K3, Empty 3). The Dimension Strings matrices and Synchron Strings dimension have three additional custom cells (K4-6; Empty 4-6), which can be triggered with the commands "custom4", "custom5" and "custom6". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)


Studio Dimension Strings
The "custom" commands will trigger the custom slots on the Articulation key A. If you have loaded a preset that has less slots in the Articulation dimension, add new patch slots with the "+" sign at the bottom of the list. Then copy/paste the "Custom" slot to the slot that gets triggered by the note A. If you have loaded a preset that has less slots in the Articulation dimension, add new patch slots with the "+" sign at the bottom of the list. Then copy/paste the "Custom" slot to the slot that gets triggered by the note A.

Studio Solo Strings
The "custom1", "custom2" and "custom3" commands will trigger the custom slots on the Articulation keys A1/A#1/B1. To trigger the custom slots for Violin 2 and Violoncello 2, add two slots at the end of the "Articulation" dimension. Now the custom commands can trigger articulations on the keys A1/A#1/B1 as well. The custom slots on G and G#1 for these instruments cannot be triggered with Sibelius.
Synchron Elite Strings
There are no custom slots available for this library.

Con sordino

Most articulations can also be played con sordino. To switch to the muted articulations of Studio Solo Strings sordino, Solo Strings II, Chamber Strings II, Orchestral Strings I+II and Appassionata Strings II, create the Technique Text command "con sordino" or "mute". To switch back to senza sordino playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural", "normal" or "senza sordino".
How to switch to Studio Chamber Strings sordino, Studio Appassionata Strings sordino and Studio Dimension Strings II is explained in the chapter "General optimization tips".

Articulations for Harps


This patch is triggered by default.

If you want to switch back from a different articulation, use one of the following Technique Text commands (Ctrl+T on PC, Apple+T on Mac): "ord.", "natural" or "normal".


Harmonics can be reached in two ways:

  1. Add the Harmonic/Open articulation sign to the note (that's the small circle).
  2. Write "harmonics" above the first note where a section of harmonics starts.


There are two ways to trigger this patch:

  1. With tremolo (see the tremolo entry in the VE Special Edition sound set section)
  2. Create the Technique Text command "bisb" or "bisbigliando".


Use the keypad's staccato mark.

Normal + RS-mute

There are two ways to trigger this patch:

  1. Use the keypad's staccatissimo mark.
  2. Create the Technique Text command "mute". To switch back to normal playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".


There are two ways to trigger this patch:

  1. Use the keypad's plus/closed mark.
  2. Create the Technique Text command "damp". To switch back to normal playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".

Pres de la table

Create the Technique Text command "pres", "pdlt", or "pres de la table". To switch back to normal playing, use one of the following Technique Text commands: "ord.", "natural" or "normal".


Create the Technique Text command "nail" or "fingernail".
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