How to trigger articulations with the Sound Set

VE Big Bang Orchestra

The sound set “VE Big Bang Orchestra” works with all Big Bang Orchestra libraries.


The channel assignments and automatic articulation changes can only work correctly, when the corresponding Sibelius instruments that are included in the "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style are loaded and the according programs on the Manual Sound Sets page are set. Please use the following instruments from the Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu.

  • Big Bang Orchestra (free) and Andromeda: Others/"Orchestra".
  • Fornax Drums and Pianos: "Piano".
  • Fornax Big Timpani: "Timpani".
  • Fornax Low Bells, High Bells, High Gongs: "Tubular bells" or "Handbells".
  • Ganymede: Singers/"Soprano", "Alto", "Tenor", "Bass"; "Choir" for the tutti and stacked mappings.
  • Hercules: "Trombone" or "Trombones a3". The Synchron Player presets for Big Bang Orchestra – Izar (clusters) can also be triggered with this instrument.
  • Jupiter: "Horn in [any key]" or "Horns in F a4 [no key]".
  • Kopernikus: "Trumpet in [any key]", "Trumpets in C a3" or "a6".
  • Lyra: "Violin 1 (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Violin 2 (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Violin I (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]" or "Violin II (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]". Use with Manual Sound Sets program "Lyra – Violins". The "Strings" instrument can also be used. It needs the Manual Sound Sets program "Lyra – Strings".
  • Musca: "Violoncello (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]" and Manual Sound Sets program "Musca – Violoncellos". The "Strings" and "Strings [reduction]" instruments can also be used. They need the Manual Sound Sets program "Musca – Strings".
  • Lyra & Musca combined: The combined "Lyra & Musca" Synchron Player preset can be triggered with the Sibelius instruments "Strings [reduction]".
  • Neptune: "Woodwind".
  • Orion: "Flute", "Oboe", "Clarinet in Bb" or "Bassoon".
  • Phoenix: "Timpani", "Glockenspiel", "Vibraphone", "Xylophone", "Gongs [bass staff]" or "Tubular bells" (for tubular bells and for plate bells).
  • Quasar: "Snare Drum", "Bass Drum", "Concert toms", "Taiko Drum [1 line]" or "[5 lines]", "Tambourine", "Cymbal A-D" for Suspended Cymbal, "Cymbals" for Piatti, "Tam-tam", "Triangle", "Wind machine", "Thundersheet [1 line]" and "Wood Blocks [5 lines]".
  • Solaris Woodwinds low: "Woodwind".
  • Tana: "Violin 1 (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]" or "Violin I (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]".
  • Ursa: "Violin 2 (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]" or "Violin II (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]".
  • Vega: "Viola (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]".
  • Wallia: "Violoncello (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]".
  • Xenia: "Contrabass (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]" or "Double bass (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]".
  • Ymir: "Children's Choir".
  • Zodiac: "Violin 1 (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Violin 2 (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Violin I (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Violin II (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Viola (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Violoncello (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]", "Contrabass (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]" or "Double bass (Ensemble) [VSL Special Edition]" for the string sections. "Strings" or "Strings [reduction]" for the "All Strings" presets. "Horn in F", "Trombone" or "Tenor trombone".
  • Others: All other presets can be triggered with the Sibelius instrument Keyboards/"Synthesizer" and the Manual Sound Sets program "Others". To switch articulations it is necessary to add keyswitches as notes or MIDI commands.

Which Synchron Player presets to load

Load the non-VelXF presets. Velocity XF will be turned on and off automatically according to what’s best for every articulation.


Long notes

This patch is triggered by default.

If you want to switch back from a different articulation, use one of the following Technique Text commands (Ctrl+T on Win, Command+T on OS X): "ord.", "natural", "normal".

Short notes

There are two ways to trigger this patch:

  1. Use the keypad’s staccato mark.
  2. Create the Technique Text command "stacc" or "staccato".

Legato (BBO-H-Z)

There are two ways to trigger this patch:

  1. Use slurs.
  2. Create the Technique Text command "legato".
To switch back to non-legato playing use the Technique Text command "non legato".


Use the keypad’s accent mark (only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded) or the marcato mark.


Create an Expression Text command (Ctrl+E on Win, Cmd+E on OS X) starting with "sf" (sf, sfz, sforz, …). (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)

Sforzatissimo (BBO-H-Z)

Create the Expression Text command "sffz". (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)

Tremolo and rolls

There are two ways to trigger these patches:

  1. Create the Technique Text command "trem" or "tremolo".
  2. Use the tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad to switch to tremolo. (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)


There are two ways to trigger this patch:

  1. Create the Technique Text command "fluttertongue" or "flutter-tongue".
  2. Use the tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad to switch to tremolo. (Only available with Vienna Symphonic Library House Style loaded.)

Trill 1 / Trill 2

Create a trill line from the Lines menu. Sibelius automatically triggers the right trill (half or whole tone) according to the diatonic surrounding. You can also switch manually between half tone and whole tone trills in the Inspector/Playback (in Sibelius 5 and 6 that’s called Properties/Playback) window. To do so, select the trill line and uncheck Diatonic.

Fast repetitions

Create the Technique Text command "rep".

Secco (Fornax)

Create the Technique Text command "secco" or "mute".

Crescendos and swells

The recorded crescendo and swell patches can be triggered with the Technique Text command "crescendo". Different lengths for Fornax can be achieved by adding Technique Text commands "1", "2", or "4". The soft and short variants for BBO-G-M can be triggered with the Technique Text commands "soft" and "short". Crescendos and diminuendos for long notes or legatos can be triggered with hairpins.

Glissando (BBO-H, L, M)

Create the Technique Text command "glissando". Different intervals and directions can be triggered by adding Technique Text commands "1", "2", "3", "4" and "5".

AA, UU and MM (BBO-Y)

Create the Technique Text commands "ah", "oo" and "mm". To switch back from MM to AA or UU, it is necessary to reset the Sound ID with an "ord." or "normal" command.
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