How to trigger articulations with the Sound Set

VE Epic Orchestra

This sound set works with Epic Orchestra (Vienna Instruments), Epic Orchestra 2.0 (Synchron Player), and can also be used for our drum sets (Jazz Drums and Synchron Power Drums).


The channel assignments and automatic articulation changes can only work correctly, when the corresponding Sibelius instruments that are included in the "Vienna Symphonic Library" House Style are loaded from the Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu. (Choose from "All Instruments".) Which Sibelius instrument works with which preset is listed below.

Which presets to load with Epic Orchestra

From the Vienna Instruments version, please use the presets that are filed under PRESET/Epic Orchestra PRESET - Files.

Epic Orchestra 2.0 for Synchron Player includes two different versions of every preset. One "normal" version where Vel.XF is assigned to CC2 and one "VelXF MOD" version,where it is assigned to CC1. For the use with the "VE Epic Orchestra" sound set, please use the "normal" version. Velocity XFade is turned off by default. In order to use hairpins under single notes, Velocity XFade can be turned on.

For the Jazz Drums you can use one of the General MIDI presets filed under PRESET/D - Percussion PRESET - Files/88 Jazz Drumset/01 VI Presets/General MIDI.

For the Synchron Power Drums you can use all three factory presets.

List of presets and articulations

01 Appassionata Strings

Use with Sibelius instrument "Strings" or "Strings [reduction]" and the program "Appassionata Strings" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

It's also possible to use the section instruments ending on "[VSL Special Edition]" from the Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu. For these instruments, please apply the programs "Appassionata Violins", "...Violas", "...Celli", or "...Doublebasses"on the Manual Sound Sets page.

  • By default the "Sustain" patch gets triggered.
  • "Staccato" can be triggered with the staccato mark or the Technique text command "staccato". To switch back to sustain, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
  • "Fast attack" can be triggered by adding a slur.
  • "Sforzato" can be triggered by using the Expression text command "sfz"
  • "Tremolo" can be triggered by adding a tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.
  • "Pizzicato can be triggered" with the Technique text command "pizzicato". To switch back to sustain, use the Technique Text command "arco", "ord." or "normal".

02 Woodwinds

Use with Sibelius instrument "Woodwind" and the program "Woodwinds" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

By default the "Sustain" patch gets triggered. "Staccato" can be triggered with the staccato mark or the Technique text command "staccato". To switch back to sustain, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

03 Oboe d'amore

Use with Sibelius instrument and Manual Sound Sets program "Oboe d'Amore".

By default the "Sustain" patch gets triggered. "Staccato" can be triggered with the staccato mark or the Technique text command "staccato". To switch back to sustain, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal". "Legato" can be triggered by adding a slur.

04 Cornet

Use with Sibelius instrument "Cornet in Bb" and the program "Cornet" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

  • By default the "Sustain" patch gets triggered.

  • "Staccato" can be triggered with the staccato mark or the Technique text command "staccato". To switch back to sustain, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

  • "Legato" can be triggered by adding a slur.

  • "Portamento" can be triggered with the Technique text command "portamento". To switch back to sustain, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

05 Fanfare Trumpets a6

Use with one of the "Trumpet…" Sibelius instruments and the program "Trumpets - a6" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

Articulation changes are like "02 Woodwinds".

06 Epic Horns a8

Use with one of the "Horn in…" Sibelius instruments and the program "Horns – a8" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

Articulation changes are like "02 Woodwinds".

07 Timpani

Use with one of the "Timpani…" Sibelius instruments and the program "Timpani" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

"Single hits" get triggered by default. "Rolls" can be triggered by adding a tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad.

08 Percussion

Use with the program "Percussion" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page and one of the following Sibelius instruments: "Snare Drum", "Bass Drum", "Tambourine", "Triangle", "Tam-tam", "Cymbal A-D".

Single hits get triggered by default. Rolls can be triggered by adding a tremolo symbol with 3, 4 or 5 beams across the stem from the Sibelius keypad. Muted or closed variants (where available) can be triggered with the Technique text commands "mute" or "closed".To switch back to open sounds, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

11 Synchron Strings I (All) Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Strings" or "Strings [reduction]" and the program "Synchron Strings" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page. It's also possible to use the section instruments ending on "[VSL Synchron Strings]" from the Sibelius "Add or Remove Instruments" menu. For these instruments, please apply the programs "Synchron Violins", "...Violas", "...Celli", or "...Doublebasses" on the Manual Sound Sets page.

  • By default the "Soft lyrical vib" patch gets triggered.
  • "Short" can be triggered with the staccato mark or the Technique text command "staccato". To switch back, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
  • "Flautando" can be triggered with the Technique text command "flautando". To switch back to sustain, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

12 Synchron FX Strings I Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Strings" or "Strings [reduction]" and the program "Synchron FX-Strings" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

  • By default the "Vertical trem" patch gets triggered. To switch back from a different articulation, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
  • "Harmonic cluster" can be triggered by adding the Harmonic/Open articulation sign to the note (that's the small circle) or using the Technique text command "harmonics".
  • "Cluster glissando" can be triggered by using the Technique text command "glissando".
  • "Rise & hit detache" can be triggered by using the Technique text command "detache".

13 SYzd Appassionata Violins 1 Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Violin 1 [VSL Synchron Strings]" and the program "SYzd Appassionata Violins" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

By default the "Legato strong vib" patch gets triggered. "Slides up" can be triggered using the Technique text command "slide".To switch back, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".

14 SYzd Chamber Violins 1 Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Violin 1 [VSL Synchron Strings]" and the program "SYzd Chamber Violins" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

By default the "Legato vibrato" patch gets triggered. The patch "Halftone trill" can be triggered by adding a trill line.

20 Wagner Tubas All Players Light; 21-24 Wagner Tubas Player 1-4 Light

Use with one of the "Wagner Tuba…" Sibelius instruments and the program "Wagner Tuba" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

By default the "Sustain" patch gets triggered.

  • "Staccato" can be triggered by adding staccato marks to the notes.
  • "Portato" can be triggered by using the Technique text command "portato".To switch back, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
  • "Blare" can be triggered by using the Technique text command "blare".To switch back, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
  • "Marcato" can be triggered by using the keypad/marcato mark or the Technique text command "marcato".To switch back, use the Technique Text command "ord." or "normal".
  • The "All players" preset contains different player configurations in different parent slots. In order to trigger the right one, please don't forget to always state with the following Technique Text commands which players are playing a sequence:
    • "a4" or "tutti": Played by 4 players in unison;
    • "a2": Played by player 1 and 2 in unison;
    • "3.+4.": Played by player 3 and 4 in unison;
    • "1.": Played by player 1;
    • "2.": Played by player 2;
    • "3.": Played by player 3;
    • "4.": Played by player 4

Sibelius doesn't offer the possibility to play different voices of one staff on different MIDI channels. That's why it's not possible to have voice 1 of a staff played by Player 1 and voice 2 of a staff played by Player 2. So for detailed work it is recommended to have every player on a separate staff and MIDI channel.

31 Snare Drum - Kolberg Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Snare Drum" and the program "Synchron Drums" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

  • By default the single hits off-center get triggered.
  • Single hits center: Use the Technique text command "center". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • Single hits side: Use the Technique text command "side". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • Press rolls: Use the Buzz roll symbol (the one with the Z on the stem).
  • Rim hits: Use the Technique text command "rim". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • Rimshot: Use the Technique text command "rimshot". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • X-Stick: Use x-shaped note heads to trigger the X-Stick samples.
  • Stick on stick: Use the Technique text command "stick on stick". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • Shell: Use the Technique text command "shell". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

32 Bass Drum - Kolberg 36 Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Bass Drum" and the program "Synchron Drums" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

  • By default the normal single hits get triggered.
  • Mute release sample: Triggered with the "+" articulation sign or the Technique text command"mute". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • Roll: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."
  • Roll with short release sample: Use one of the tremolo symbols or the Technique text command "trem" or "roll" and the Technique text command "2". Switch back with the Technique text command "ord."

33 Tam-tam - 100cm Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Tam-tam" and the program "Synchron Tam-tam" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

Articulation changes are like "32 Bass Drum - Kolberg 36 Light".

35 Power Drums Tama Star Light

Use with Sibelius instrument "Drum Set"or "Drum Kit"and the program "Power Drums" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

To check out which note triggers which part of the drum set, please take a look at the Sibelius instrument mapping. This can be done under Home/Edit Instruments/Drum Set/Edit Instrument/Edit Staff Type.

41-44 Vienna Smart Spheres

Use with Sibelius instrument "Synthesizer"and the program "Vienna Smart Spheres" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

Depending on which preset you are using, you can remove the upper or the lower staff.

Jazz Drums and Synchron Power Drums (not part of Epic Orchestra)

Use with Sibelius instrument "Drum Set"or "Drum Kit"and the program "Power Drums" on the Sibelius Manual Sound Sets page.

To check out which note triggers which part of the drum set, please take a look at the Sibelius instrument mapping. This can be done under Home/Edit Instruments/Drum Set/Edit Instrument/Edit Staff Type.

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