Manuals, Pedal, Stops

The Vienna Symphonic Library's Great Rieger Organ is configured like its material counterpart in the Vienna Konzerthaus. Here's an overview of which stops of what type each section offers.

Great Rieger Organ

With 116 stops for its five manuals and the pedal board, the Great Rieger Organ at Vienna Konzerthaus is the largest concert organ in continental Europe. It was built by the famous “Gebrüder Rieger” company of Jägerndorf, Silesia, and installed in 1913. The fact that it was originally installed in a concert hall makes this “Queen of Instruments” the ideal match for orchestral instruments playing on a scoring stage or in a concert hall. Note: due to technical difficulties the organ’s Fernwerk was unavailable at the time of recording, so that the fifth manual could not be included here.

MANUAL I (Hauptwerk)

Principals: Principal 16', Principal 8', Octave 4', Superoctave 2', Rauschquinte 2f, Mixtur 5f, Cymbel 3f, Kornett 3-5f Strings: Fugara 8', Gemshorn 8', Dulciana 8', Viola 4' Flutes: Bordun 16', Gedackt 8', Hohlfloete 8', Flute harmonique 8', Nasatquinte 5 1/3', Reedpipe 4' Reeds: Trumpet 16', Trumpet 8', Clarino 4'

MANUAL II (Positiv)

Principals: Principal 8', Octave 4', Sesquialtera 2f, Progressio harmonica 3-5f, Mixtur 2f Strings: Viola 16', Viola da Gamba 8', Salicional 8' Flutes: Quintatoen 16', Bordun 8', Flauto traverso 8', Clarabella 8', Unda maris 8', Flute octaviante 4', Gemshorn 4', Quintatoen 4', Woodpipe 2' Reeds: Clarinette 8', Krummhorn 8'

MANUAL III (Schwellwerk)

Principals: Octave 4' Strings: Violin-Principal 8', Echo Gamba 8', Aeoline 8', Vox coelestis 8', Aeolsharp 4', Harmonia aetherea 4f Flutes: Lieblich-Gedackt 16', Rohrfloete 8', Still-Gedeckt 8', Wiener Floete 8', Quintatoen 8', Flute octaviante 4', Zartfloete 4', Gemsquinte 2 2/3', Flautino 2', Terz 1 3_5', Larigotquinte 1 1_3', Septime 1 1_7', Piccolo 1' Reeds: Basson 16', Trompette harmonique 8', Oboe 8', Vox humana 8', Clairon harmonique 4'

MANUAL IV (Solowerk)

Principals: Quinte 2 2-3', Superoctave 2' Strings: Clarinophon 8', Solo Gamba 8', Gross-Cornett 3-5f Flutes: Bordun 16', Doppel-Gedackt 8', Concertflute 8', Rohrquinte 5 1_3', Octave 4', Soloflute 4' Reeds: Tuba mirabilis 8', Ophicleide 8', Clairon harmonique 4'

PEDAL (Pedalwerk)

Principals: Principalbass 32', Principalbass 16', Octavbass 8', Octave 4', Mixtur 4f Strings: Violon 16', Salicetbass 16', Cello 8', Dulcianbass 8' Flutes: Subbass 16', Echobass 16', Quintbass 10 2/3', Gedacktbass 8', Bassflute 8', Flauto 4', Campana 3f Reeds: Bombarde 32', Trombone 16', Trumpet 8', Clarino 4'

Synchron Molzer Organ

The Molzer Organ was recorded on the large Stage A of Vienna Synchron Stage, thus blending seamlessly with the ambience of all other Synchron Series libraries. The multiplex organ with 25 stops was built by Ferdinand Molzer in 1938. It is a beautiful salon organ, featuring two manuals and a pedal board, and three rows of flue pipes: principal, flutes, and strings. Its 267 pipes made of wood, zinc and organ metal alloy range from 10 mm (0.39in) to 2.5 meters (8.2ft) in length


Principals: Prinzipal 8', Oktav 4', Oktav 2' Strings: Salizional 4', Quinte 2 2/3', Terz 1 3/5', Sedezima 1' Flutes: Bordun 16', Gedeckt 8', Floete 4'


Principals: Prinzipal 4' Strings: Dulciana 8', Dolce 4', Salizet 2', Quinte 1 1/3', Oktav 1' Flutes: Gedecktfloete 8'


Principals: Prinzipal 4' Strings: Oktavbass 8', Choralbass 4', Salizet 1' Flutes: Oktav 32', Subbass 16', Gedecktbass 8', Quintbass 5 1/3'
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