Synchron Player - Version History
Windows 10 and newer
macOS 11 and newer
v1.3.2148, March 18th, 2025
- Flow View for Synchron Woodwinds and Synchron Special Woodwinds
- Minor performance and stability tweaks
v1.3.2079, February 26, 2025
- Changing window size when opening and reopening the player GUI in a DAW
- Startup crash in Dorico
- Tuning System: Correctly react to changes of a folder node’s semitone transposition
- Tuning System: Getting rid of wrongly detuned notes in case of “update intonation while sustaining notes”
- Tuning System: Keyboard mappings “tuned to start note” work with scales with fewer than 12 notes
- Tuning System: Fixed blue tuning system buttons at launch, and after loading factory presets
- Tuning System: Use same start and tuning note C for Zimbabwe Mbira scale
- Tuning System: Save linked scl and kbm folders per Player type, not globally for all
- Tuning System: Don’t hide tuning note frequency spin completely when not available, display N/A and mouseOvers instead
- Tuning System: Crash when clicking the tuning system button, when an empty scl or kbm folder is linked
v1.3.2062, February 18th, 2025
- Support for alternative tuning systems via Midi Tuning standard (MTS), MTS-ESP master plug-in, VST/VST3 detune, Scala and keyboard mapping files and manual adjustments
- Flow Support for Synchron Smart Orchestra 2.0 IMPORTANT: Older player versions DO NOT SUPPORT presets/plugin data of Synchron Smart Orchestra created with this version. Create backups of important projects/templates before rolling back to an older player version.
- Copy/pasting a slot would potentially alter the parent node's node crossfades
- Erroneous node index when moving dimension controller via mouse
- Possible exit crash because of dangling NKS notification
- Broken NKS lights
- Broken "clear" command in context menu of folder nodes
- Changing slots will now leave repetition index intact
- On mixer preset (re)load: If either the old mixer state or the mixer preset contain a NONE output assignment, the new output assignment from the mixer preset is loaded for this channel. Other than that, the behavior remains unchanged (i.e. output assignments are cached).
- Mixer strips: fixed disappearing labels
- Flow View: Wrong keyboard play range when loading samples on MIDI activity
- Sound Variations: Update FLOW UI on SV changes
- Sound Variations: Corrupt "sound.path" entries in "*.keyswitch" files fixed (character limit was reached, we're truncating in such cases)
- Sound Variations: Set active nodes correctly if Dimension Controllers/CCs are used
- AUv3: now also works with more than 8 channels
- Mixer strips/AUX: Improved performance on silent mixer channels
- Attention macOS: Big Sur (11) is the new minimum system requirement
v 1.3.1865 - November 25th, 2024
- A Synchron Strings Pro update caused issues for Synchron Strings I users
v1.3.1836 - November 5th, 2024
- Support for Duality Strings Essentials
- New Splash Screen for Standalone
- Studio 1 Sound Variations: Fixed Sound Variations on the first loaded Flow Preset
v1.3.1785 - October 23rd, 2024
- Crash when opening Surround version
- Windows: Vienna Helper tool opened in Command Line
- Cubase on Windows: Slow GUI closing / crash when closing the session when GUI was open
- Implemented iLok's workaround for AMD Zen 5 CPUs
v 1.3.1748 - October 14th, 2024
- Ocasional Start-Up crash due to corrupted cache file
- Increased Output Channel Count to 11
- Digital Performer: Player reacts now to MIDI ALLSOUNDSOFF controller
- macOS: Ableton Live VST2 - Hang when loading a preset.
v 1.3.1674 - September 10th, 2024
- A crash when closing the GUI of the surround plug-in
- A crash when clicking/moving mouse on specific locations of Flow preset page
- A rare crash on sample loading when hosted in Vienna Ensemble Pro / Vienna Ensemble
- An update issue in the slot xfade editor
- A potential crash during initialization of Flow User Interface
- Keyboard events not passed on to host when in Flow View
- A potential crash upon loading
- Window size being stored/recalled incorrectly
- View size too large for AU plug-in in Digital Performer
- Studio One: Sound Variations not working properly when switching from Flow to Precision mode
- Digital Performer: Articulation Maps didn't work
- Performance when automating dimension controllers
- Threading optimizations
v 1.3.1657 - September 3rd, 2024
- Various stability fixes
- Flow support for Synchron Prime Edition
- New control switch: Interval
v1.3.1577 - August 7th, 2024
- Possible crash when loading large Vienna Ensemble Pro projects
- Envelope causing clicks after triggering a large amount of voices
- FL Studio: Sustain pedal hanging
- FL Studio: Mixdown hang
- Studio One: SoundVariations not working correctly for dimensions with slot crossfade enabled
v1.3.1499 - July 12th, 2024
- Possible crash when having multiple plug-ins using the same content
- Possible crash when scanning incompatible files
v1.3.1485 - July 5th, 2024
- Crash when triggering dimensions with a single slot and assigned continuous controller
- Crash when using time stretching
v1.3.1463 - July 2nd, 2024
- Master channel EQ not reset when loading mixer presets
- Compressor, Limiter and Expander losing sound after copying effect or restarting audio engine
- Limiter make-up gain ignored on bounce
- Possible exit crash
- Possible crash when unplugging iLok key
- Support for libraries using Lossless compression
- Slot Crossfade Editor
- New Slot Controller: Sequence
v1.3.1263 - April 11th, 2024
- Vienna Power House support
- Crash when scanning volumes with broken permissions/access
- When reloading a previously selected humanize preset, that preset was empty
v1.3.1242 - March 28th, 2024
- Clicking User tab in MIDI Loop Player caused a GUI crash
- ADSR Curve: Can increase Sustain value above 0
- Muted Sound and red meters when restarting playback in the middle of a MIDI region in Logic
- Tiny and miscolored menus after moving player to a second monitor
- Return channel names were not properly updated after loading some presets
- Handling of Transpose spinboxes in Edit view
v1.3.1137 - February 2nd, 2024
- A crash when renaming columns in the dimension tree
- Timbre Adjust functionality did not consider octave/tuning settings
- Inconsistent drag-n-drop reordering of slots
- A parameter sync issue which could cause DC offset on the output
- First slot not automatically renaming upon adding new patch
- Mixer channel names not updating properly to reflect the state of loaded presets
- Mixer FX view sync issue, not reflecting loaded preset
- NKS Lightguide not working properly with VST3 plugin
- Slot sometimes sticking to mouse pointer while dragging
- macOS: Bad performance on M1/M2 Ultra CPUs
- General performance on CPUs with high core counts
- Master Bus
v1.3.810 - August 18th, 2023
- Cmd/Ctrl-A command for selecting all text inside text field not working in certain hosts
- Pasting text would paste twice in certain hosts
- Dragging a patch name into a slot should auto-rename the slot, unless slot has been manually renamed
- Clearing the name of a slot does not allow the slot to be auto-renamed
- Loading of pasted sampler data could fail when rangeFrom/rangeTo is missing
- Opened FX editor becoming unresponsive after changing project sample rate
- FX slots not updating when loading Mixer Presets
- Faster loading of patches/presets (up to 3x faster for largest presets)
- Faster opening of Player GUI
- Faster addition/removal of mixer channels
- Faster switching between mixer BASIC/AUX/FX view
- Patch counter on status bar
v1.3.781 - Jul 26th, 2023
- Clicks in legatos of all Special Editions
v1.3.734 - Jul 4th, 2023
- Room Reverb and Plate Reverb modules cutting off sound too early if no input signal is present.
- High CPU load of room reverb DSP module
- Phasing issues when clicking with mouse on slots while using Dim.Ctrl/XFade
- Rare crash in voice triggering
- WIN: Volumes with file paths longer than 260 characters not working
- WIN: Clipboard could end up non-functional after paste operation
- Increased loading speed of presets/projects
- Lower realtime peak CPU usage
- Slot title now kept when creating folder from slot
- Last location now remembered when saving/loading mixer presets
- Renamed the classic “Dynamic Range” Controller to “Dynamic Compression” for all existing products
- Support for new libraries
- New “Dynamic Range” Controller that can now compress and expand the Dynamic Range
- Clear Slot option
- Humanize settings for upcoming libraries
v1.3.636 - May 15th, 2023
- Losing mixer settings after adjusting sample rate or buffer size
- Removed option to use buffer size 32 in standalone
v1.3.602 - April 25th, 2023
- Possible crash when using the Rotary DSP plugin followed by another plugin in a mixer channel
- Occasional distorted sound in DSP module Delay
- Crash when loading Vienna Power Drums Presets
- Occasionally not loading background image after changing preset
v1.3.526 - March 9th, 2023
- Delay FX plug-in could lead to sound bursts
- Sound Variations for Studio One didn't work (VST3)
- Program Changes were not handled
- After long idle time release samples were not triggered anymore
Improved WIN
- CPU performance when using XFade
v1.3.518 - March 1st, 2023
Improved macOS
- Apple Silicon ready
- Faster plug-in instantiation times
- Faster convolution engine
- Occasional crashes related to a now obsolete engine part
- A rare crash upon exit
- Attention Win: Windows 10 is the new minimum system requirement
v1.2.229 - January 30th, 2023
- Possible delay when closing the plugin
Fixed Win
- Crash at start, if the Windows user name contains special characters
- Logging
- Attention macOS: Mojave (10.14) is the new minimum system requirement
v1.2.220 - December 13th, 2022
- Possible crash when checking plugin updates while the plugin is being closed
- Possible crash on startup when an older version of Vienna Assistant is installed
- Possible crash when having unlicensed data volumes present
- Rare crash on preset loading
- GUI hang when loading certain user presets
- Occasionally, GUI would not correctly load background & controllers
- Possible crash when launching the player, if content on an external SSD is scanned
- Repaired "Set as default preset" in preset browser's right-click menu
- macOS: Possible crash during installation and subsequently when opening in Logic
- macOS: Correctly reset the Vienna Assistant popup during installation
- Win: Possible crash during installation
- Mouseovers
- Logging
v1.2.197 - October 3rd, 2022
- Crash when moving FX plugins on AUX channels
- Occasional crash during plugin close
- MIDI Loop Player not showing MIDI files
- macOS: Prevent Vienna Assistant from opening when using AU plugin
- Performance and behavior of Velocity Xfade
- Copy/Paste on PERFORM and CONTROL pages now only acts on its own page, added option to copy/paste settings of both
v1.2.174 - August 30th, 2022
- Recently saved user presets could not be opened
- macOS: Prevent GUI from opening during installation in Vienna Assistant on systems older than Monterey
v1.2.171 - August 25th, 2022
- Loading a project with missing impulse (missing content), and then saving it, caused the impulse information to be lost
- Some older user presets not loading
- Some elements in the "Perform" tab were greyed out, even though they were still functional
- Master Volume could load with wrong value in certain situations
- Standalone App not showing complete version number
- Digital Performer: VST2/VST3 plugins sometimes failing plugin scan
- macOS: Missing VST3 surround plugins
- macOS: Arrow keys not working inside of edit boxes in Standalone player
- Loading speed of presets and patches
- Instantiation speed of plug-in
- Faster operation when using iLok Cloud
- Drag-and drop of multiple paths from Finder/Explorer now works in database settings
- Software update check now using Vienna Assistant
- Performance of Vel.XF use with very large presets
- Performance of pitch shifting with very large presets
v1.2.124 - July 14th, 2022
- macOS: Sound Variations not working at all
v1.2.123 - July 8th, 2022
- Auto-guessing MIR instrument profiles when loading SYNCHRON-ized presets in VE Pro
- Potential crash when loading certain presets
v1.2.112 - March 30th, 2022
- Silent installer
- macOS: Magenta colored popup menus in plug-in menus in Logic on Apple M1
March 17th, 2022
- Switch from eLicenser to iLok protection
- Attention: All newer versions are iLok only
v1.1.2063 - Dec 9th, 2021
- General optimizations and maintenance
v1.1.2060 - Nov 24th, 2021
- MIDI Loop Player did not open
v1.1.2053 - Nov 15th, 2021
- Mac: Plugin GUI not showing on macOS Monterey
- General imorovements and stability updates
v1.1.2046 - Sept 20th, 2021
- Auto-humanize settings for new instruments
- Offset error in Control Change parameters for VST3
- A rare crash when loading presets
v1.1.2037 - July 13th, 2021
- Possibility to "set collapsed/expanded by default" for Factory and User Presets (right-click the folder to see the options)
- A bug concerning Velocity used as a controller to switch between slots in a dimension
- Removed CC1 a "default controller" from mouseover description
v1.1.2032 - July 6th, 2021
- Timbre Adjust feature
- Dark Mode support for Standalone Player
- Fullscreen Mode for Standalone Player
- Larger buttons for adding mixer channels
- Autohumanize settings for new libraries
- Widener insert effect
- Sound of patches with Velocity X-fade filtering
- Performance when triggering >256 voices at once
- Scripting performance
- A forward compatibility issue causing GUI hang when loading presets created with a newer version of Player
- Wrong position of preset button
- Slot output routing configuration could fail when switching between similar presets with different routing
- Visual Studio redistributable sometimes not installed
- Attention macOS: High Sierra (10.13) is the new minimum system requirement
v1.1.1976 - April 7th, 2021
- Poly Legato behavior
- A crash in Standalone Player on macOS 10.10 and 10.11
- Missing visual studio runtime requirement on some Windows 10 systems
- Possibly wrong slot output routing matrix when loading presets created prior to the introduction of this feature
v1.1.1967 - March 7th, 2021
- Polyphonic legato not working as intended
v1.1.1966 - March 5th, 2021
- Legato transition threshold support for upcoming content
- Humanization settings for new instruments
- A crash when increasing buffersize from small to large while playing
- A crash when hovering mouse on different presets in preset browser
- Improved behavior of file dialogs
- Using the "Disable MIR" option in VE Pro could cause unexpected behavior in mixer
- Excessive GUI logging causing lag for certain operations
- Clicking "info" buttons could cause multiple tabs to open in browser
v1.1.1954 - August 20th, 2020
- A memory leak in the key information window
- A memory leak in insert FX editors
- Possible crash when adjusting sample start offset parameter while playing
- Sample start offset parameter showing the wrong value when switching between slots
- MIDI Dump: Dumping current keyswitches and controllers (through midi driver) didn't work properly for slots having keyswitch set to "white notes"
- Updating player software on Windows uninstalling any installed VSL NKS content
v1.1.1949 - August 7th, 2020
- Missing mouseover help texts for various elements
- Slot Legato Mode "Off"
- Lowered RAM usage per player
- An issue that could cause streaming to drop out on machines with many CPU cores
- An issue that could cause a crash when setting a default preset in Synchron Pianos
- Mixing stacked slots with and without legato behaving improperly. A new option in the SLOT Legato Mode option (Off) solves this.
v1.1.1939 - July 17th, 2020
- Autohumanize entries for newer BBO: Brass products
- Flaw in the behaviour of Velocity XFade (introduced with 1.1.1937)
- An issue that sometimes no enabled keyswitch was found on NKS keyboard
v1.1.1937 - July 7th, 2020
- Feedback dialog upon application crash
- Link to online manuals in plugin header (
- Visibility of Xfade mode in the PERFORM Tab
- NKS keyswitches now latching when appropriate
Crash when scanning VST3 plug-in with Cubase 8.5
v1.1.1906 - May 25th, 2020
- Some preset descriptions not showing up when hovering over preset name in browser
- Problem displaying presets using international characters
Problem displaying GUI in Digital PerformerWIN
GUI positioning in Digital PerformerWIN
Standalone: Broken channel loading
- HotFix
: Possible Crash during update check on some systems
v1.1.1892 - May 13th, 2020
- Output slot routing for multi-mic patches
HiDPI installers
- Plugin opening times
- Automated crash reporting
: GUI responsiveness in CubaseWIN
: Switched to more modern folder selection dialogs
- Handling of plugin scaling in multi-monitor setups with mixed resolutions
- Crash when using samplerate other than 44.1kHz and leaving project idle for a long time
- Hang when pressing "Refresh" on context menu below preset/patch browsers
- Crash when repeatedly opening mixer context menu
- Copy/paste clipboard issues
- Non-legato samples not shut down when triggering legato samples
- Buggy window resizing behavior in certain VST/VST3 hosts
- Sample start offset attack initialized to 0ms even though 5ms was displayed
- Custom names of Perform page sliders behaving irregularly when adding/removing sliders
- Last mixer channel title not updating under certain circumstances
- A possible crash in context menu handling
- Scaling of Standalone when loaded on a non-primary display
- Folder- and file-dialogs not respecting monitor scale settings
- Settings in the "Invert" insert effect not updating properly after bypass on/off.
- Playing range display bug when using stacked patches in a slot
: Graphical glitch occuring when hosted in CubasemacOS
: Bad looks of Synchron Library Installer in Dark ModeWIN
: An issue that could cause a crash when closing host appWIN
: Mouse pointer position being off after tweaking knobs/spinboxes with display scaling
v1.1.1838 - March 6th, 2020
- Slot real-time time-stretching
- Design of slot editor
- Slot Editor not updating after copy/pasting slot settings
- Slot Editor not updating when switching between certain presets
- Impulse bypass not properly restored
- Crash when loading presets while playing
- (Rare) crash when hosted in Komplete Kontrol
v1.1.1780 - January 23rd, 2020
- Preset/Patch folder structures for all products
- Possible crash when loading Standalone
- Possible crash in Standalone when starting automatic update
- Crash after 12.5h of playback at 48kHz (6.25h at 96kHz)
- Reverb output setting not recalled properly
v1.1.1765 - December 16th, 2019
- Drag-n-drop of folders into database
- A problem with handling international characters in content paths, causing plugin to crash on open
v1.1.1760 - December 9th, 2019
- GUI Browser stability
- Possibility to label PERFORM page sliders
- Presets were loaded incorrectly on PERFORM page
- "Auto Select Slot on keyswitch" turned off by default (Preferences)
- Bugs when updating GUI elements like keyboard
- Lower part of active keyboard range now shows correct color
v1.1.1744 - November 18th, 2019
- Vel.XF parameter affecting voice xfade, gain and filter after voice has been released.
v1.1.1740 (macOS only) - November 13th, 2019
MacOS (AU)
Plug-in window could crash host upon closing.
v1.1.1735 - October 29th, 2019
- Release Samples now follow humanize settings
- Visibility of browser tabs
Visibility of active dimension
- A bug in the VST3 plugins, causing undefined behavior
- Potential crash when loading a preset
- Wrong keyboard colours if a white note keyswitch is present
- Wrong scaling of child windows on differently scaled monitors
- Load mixer settings from disk on blank instance didn't work
Junction Point paths not resolving for volume scan pathsWindows
Crashes when scanning plugin in Cubase 8.5 Vienna Symphonic Library
v1.1.1709 - October 8th, 2019
Catalina support- Support for new library updates
v1.1.1702 - September 25th, 2019
- Auto-humanization entries for English Horn
- File-system type detection in library installer
- behavior of Settings/Database
- Preset browser now always open with Factory presets open
- Menu behavior behaving erratically in EQ Window
- Impulse not loading after changing buffersize in host (Cubase and certain other hosts)
- Root drive not allowed as library location (Windows)
- Library installer sometimes not showing 100% upon completing installation
- Presets with disabled cells not loading on midi activity when using standalone player
v1.1.1680 - July 30th, 2019
- Standalone app
- MIDI Dump behaviour
- Midi Dump CC not synchronized between instances
v1.1.1644 - July 2nd, 2019
- Mixer Presets as separate browser tab
- Midi Dump
- Convolution backend
- Light Convolution sound
- Streaming optimization for Optane drives
v1.1.1621 - June 4th, 2019
- Search function for Presets and Patches
- Added "Light Convolution" Setting for CPU friendly convolution (Preferences / Engine)
- Setting for Auto selecting played slot in Slot Editor
- Added copy / paste function for mixer EQs only
- Slot Editor: Pitch, Volume, and Pan settings are viewed with the correct values, that are influenced from parent slots' values
- Can see full Mixer Preset name on hover
- Dimension Control not updating correctly when switching to another Dimension Control
v1.1.1559 - April 8th, 2019
- GUI bug when removing Impulse Response Reverb in integrated mixer
- Compatibility Improvements for Vienna Ensemble Pro 7
v1.1.1552 - April 3rd, 2019
- Faster saving speed
- Faster GUI creation / opening speed
- Responsiveness of the preset/patch browsers
- Added compression for data save, drastically reducing project sizes
- Smoothness of Velocity XFade
- Better logging
- Installer not compatible with macOS Mojave dark mode
"Dancing" parameters bug when loading certain presets- Humanize tuning bug with certain release samples
- Bugs in slot copy/paste functionality
- User preset description not shown properly when hovering over preset name
Possible hang when loading certain presets
- Compatibility improvements for upcoming Vienna Ensemble Pro 7
v1.1.1491 - February 18th, 2019
- When in help mode, help area shows current preset description when mouse is hovering over the description field (below the Preset Browser)
- User preset description not shown properly when hovering over preset name
v1.1.1469 - February 5th, 2019
- "Enable all slots" now available in the context menu of the root slot
- Occasional freeze when closing the plug-in or the session
- Channel FX not working after sample rate change
- Synchron Player showing too many control mapping parameters
Hang when closing Cubase
v1.1.1445 - January 9th, 2019
- 'Modulation/Auto Gain' mixer effect didn't correctly work with the Sync Option "N8"
v1.1.1443 - January 8th, 2019
- 'Modulation/Auto Gain' mixer effect for modulation of gain and stereo balance
- Performance when running at a sample rate higher than 44.1k
- Potential crashes when switching preset
- Broken sync behavior in 'Modulation / Flanger/Chorus' and 'Modulation / Phaser' mixer effects
- Missing controller assignment context menu for master volume knob in top bar
- Learning of new parameter assignment from Control tab add button not working properly
- Rendering producing silence in FL Studio
- Crash when sending VST3 note expression events to plug-in
v1.1.1336 - November 27th, 2018
- A possible crash when browsing MIDI loops (Synchron Power Drums)
VST2 plug-in editor showing blank in Cubase 10
v1.1.1327 - November 22nd, 2018
- Preset loading speeds
- Support for Synchron Power Drums
v1.1.1275 - October 26th, 2018
- When loading presets, the Dry/Wet Values of the impulse response module snapped to the default value.
v1.1.1268 - October 24th, 2018
- Missing items in PERFORM slider target context menu
- PERFORM page not updating when loading certain presets
- Possible silent outputs when quickly switching between presets
- Potential crash when enabling/disabling mixer channels
- FX Plug-in performance
v1.1.1226 - October 5th, 2018
- New, improved Noise Gate effect module
- potential crash when closing GUI
- Bug that could cause multi-microphone voices to have a filtered sound
- Broken delay and latency compensation for surround channels
- Slot Editor not showing current slot on first open
- Mixer channels not being reset to default settings when removing/adding mixer/aux channels
- Mixer can have up to 32 channels
v1.1.1172 - September 10th, 2018
- Effects rack per mixer channel
- Mixer Aux Sends and Returns
- Key Range Adjustment and Extension (one octave up/down)
- Possible Crash when switching presets
- Keyboard shortcuts not going through to host application when popup windows visible
- Playable keys visibility in parallel dimensions
- Key description visibility in parallel dimensions
v1.0.1141 - September 3rd, 2018
- Highest Preload setting causing clicks with certain waves (in Preferences).
v1.0.1140 - August 31st, 2018
- Separate LFE (mix) setting to surround panner
- Possible crash when activating disabled slots
- Release controls not functional for some slots
- Hanging notes when stopping playback in certain hosts
- Slot Velocity XFade mode (global/on/off) not respected
v1.0.1118 - July 30th, 2018
- GUI opening speed
- Impulse parameter control map naming
- Feature to synchronize slot colors when dimension name and level matches
- Crash that could occur while simultaneously playing many notes
- Possible crash when using multiple disabled slots
v1.0.1080 - July 13th, 2018
- Broken legato when using slot transpose functions
- GUI hang when double-clicking CPU meter icon
- (Rare) crash when playing back while loading
- An issue that could cause the wrong release velocity for repetition-legato notes
- Legato being triggered with a keyswitch placed close to a following note
- Drop-down menus not working in Ableton Live 10
- Auto-Naming slots (can be deactivated in Preferences => Interface)
- "SYNCHRON-ized" Impulse Reverb plug-in to mixer channel (available with SYNHRON-ized products only!)
- Memory usage when using the same patch in several slots - Improved: Loading speed
- Streaming performance
- Memory handling
v1.0.1036 - June 19th, 2018
- VelXFade On/Off can be learned on Perform Page
- Notes that were held down were released on Sustain Pedal up
- Fixed Hanging notes. When Playback stops, all Notes will receive a Note Off
- Occasional crashes on loading large sessions
- Freezes during offline bounces
- Disable all slots (in Root Slot context menu)
- General Stability
v1.0.919 - May 23rd, 2018
- Gain offset (6 dB louder)
- Voice Limit is now Global Voice Limit, not per Mic
- Copy/Paste on root slot context menu
- Copy/Paste for PERFORM tab context menu (right-click on menu item)