Middle C: Define C3, C4 or C5 as middle C. Vienna Symphonic Library Default = C4
MIDI Dump CC: Assign MIDI CC to send a MIDI Dump signal via a MIDI controller
Pedal CC: Adjust the MIDI CC values for your pedal signals. Default: Sustain Pedal (CC64), Sostenuto Pedal (CC66), Soft Pedal (CC67), Fourth Pedal (CC75 - Synchron Fazioli F308, only)
Activate Continuous Sustain Pedal: Activate/deactivate continuous sustain pedal (CC 64). Only effective when the pedal hardware can send a continuous pedal signal. Default: OFF
Default Preload Size: Reduce RAM footprint and loading time with lower settings. Higher values can help to unburden the CPU to a certain degree. Default values depend on the drive speed scan. Usually '3072' samples.
Streaming Threads: Streaming threads define the number of simultaneous reads from the drive during playback. The default value (4) is appropriate in most cases.
Loading Threads: Loading threads define the number of simultaneous reads from the drive during loading into RAM. The default value (4) is appropriate in most cases.
Pan Law: Determines how the signal level in the slot rack mixer is affected by panning. The optimum value depends on the input source. Default: -3 dB
Enable Multicore Processing: Always activated for the Standalone Player. Optional, when using the player as a plug-in inside a host. The recommended setting is 'Active' for small or medium projects. For large projects, disabling this option might be more effective, depending on the host's multi-core process handling.
Unload Samples with Mixer Channels: When activated, all samples loaded with a specific channel will be unloaded when the mixer channel is disabled.
User Preset Folder: Shows the current location of your User Preset folder. The RED path indicates a wrong or missing storage location.
Default Location, Windows:
C: > Users > Public > Documents
Default Location, macOS:
Preset Folder Assignment Button: Assign any location to store and manage your user presets. The RED path indicates a wrong or missing path.
Volumes Scan Paths: Lists all sample library content paths known to the Synchron Player database. Multiple locations are possible.
Preload Size: The amount of samples that will be pre-loaded when opening a preset - according to the default value set under the 'Engine' tab. The preload size can be changed here on an individual base for each library.
Speed: Shows the measured drive speed.
Drive Information: Shows general information about the drive, when a path from the list above is selected.
Add/Remove Path: Add (or remove a selected) sample content path. Changes require a restart of your DAW. It is highly recommended NOT to make changes here as the database is managed by the Vienna Assistant software, now.
Reset Preload Sizes: In case the user has assigned non-default Preload Size values in the list above, this button resets all values.
Rescan Speeds: Allows for a re-scan of the drive speed values for the sample content locations. The measured drive speeds are only very rough (!) indicators to determine the form factor of the used sample drives (HDD or SSD). These values do not necessarily reflect the actual drive speed.