Your DAW needs to have a ViennaKey containing the licenses for the given Vienna Instruments Collections connected. You will also need the content of your Vienna Instruments Collections available and assigned in your Directory Manager (described in your Vienna Instruments Manual)!
On a Mac, unzip the Vienna Instruments Software OS X installer and run the installation. After accepting the license agreement, you will be asked for a destination folder. On PC, run the Vienna Instruments Software WIN installer. You will also be asked for the location of your sequencer's VST plug-in folder. You can specify another directory for the plug-in, but it should remain within the sequencer's plug-in path. Find all VSL Software at MyVSL !
In your sequencer, insert Vienna Ensemble as a VST/VST3/AU/AAX instrument
The Vienna Ensemble Plug-in will open, and Vienna Ensemble SERVICE will open in the background.
Anew instance of Vienna Ensemble appears – and you can start exploring right away.
The components of this flexible software are described in detail on the following pages.

This folder contains the following programs:
Directory Manager: Manages the Sample Content of your Vienna Instruments Collections. Library Installer: For the installation of your sample content without the Vienna Download Manager. Uninstall Vienna Instruments (OS X only): Helpful if you want to roll back to an earlier version. Vienna Ensemble: Stand-alone 32-bit software. Windows only. Vienna Ensemble (64-bit): Stand-alone 64-bit software Vienna Ensemble Service: 32-bit Service that launches when inserting Vienna Ensemble as a plug-in in your sequencer. Windows only. Vienna Ensemble Service (64-bit): 64-bit Service version. Vienna Instruments Standalone: Stand-alone version of Vienna Instruments.The ViennaInstruments Installer also installs the following plug-ins (formats and paths selectable in the Installer):
Vienna Instruments: The standard Sample Player for all Vienna Instruments Collections. Vienna Ensemble: The plug-in that connects your sequencer with the Vienna Ensemble Service.