Matrix List / Matrix View

One Preset can consist of up to 127 Matrices that can be accessed by Key Switches, program changes. The Matrix View displays the currently selected Matrix and can contain up to 12x12 Cells.

  1. Matrix Strip:
  • Set current matrix by clicking on a matrix strip.
  • Drag & drop strip into matrix list to reorder.
  • To load a strip from a saved matrix, drag matrix from browser onto strip.
  • Double-click matrix in browser to replace current matrix.
  1. Key Switch:
  • Click-drag to set value.
  • Double-click to edit, enter to accept.
  • Right-click to enable MIDI-learn.
  • Right-click several boxes to enable consecutive MIDI-learn.
  1. Matrix Name: Double-Click to edit Matrix name.

  2. Add: Adds a new matrix at the end of the list.

  3. Copy: Copies current matrix and inserts it after current matrix.

  4. Clear: Clears all settings from current matrix

  5. Delete:

  • Deletes current matrix.
  • If only one matrix remains, deleting this will result in clearing (minimum of one matrix must exist).
  1. Auto-Scroll: Automatically scrolls matrix list to currently active matrix.

  2. KeySw/PrgCh: Toggles display of Program Change number or Key Switch assignment.

  1. Copy Matrix: Copies selected matrix.

  2. Paste Matrix: Pastes a copied matrix to current.

  3. Clear Matrix: Clears selected Matrix

  1. Matrix View:
  • Resize matrix by dragging borders or corners.
  • Resize operation that would cause loaded cells to be deleted produces verification dialog.
  • Dragging & dropping a matrix from browser onto matrix area will replace current matrix with the dragged one.
  • Drag & drop a patch from browser onto cell to load into Slot 1a.
  • Drag & drop a patch from browser into cell while pressing keys 1-8 will load patch in slot marked by numbers on GUI (displayed in Advanced View).
  • When in sequence mode, and sequences have been assigned a dedicated name, these names will be shown to the left of matrix.
  1. Matrix Cell:
  • Ctrl-drag or Shift-drag cell to another cell to copy.
  • Alt-drag cell to another cell to switch cells.
  • Double-click on a cell toggles enable/disable. Cell will display red if it contains patches which could not be found.
  1. Copy: Copies selected cell.

  2. Paste: Pastes a selected cell to current.

  3. Clear: Clears selected cell.

  4. Rename: Sets a custom name for cell.

  5. Replicate Rows: Replicates the first row of cells to all other rows

File Browser

The Vienna Instruments PRO File Browser comes with a great Search Engine and provides a quick overview. Choose between Preset, Matrix and Patch view.


If you accidentally loaded the wrong file, simply interrupt the loading process by loading a different, smaller patch, matrix or preset (it has to be the same file format)!

  1. Search:
  • Search for presets, matrices, or patches by clicking the search box and typing.
  • Search results will appear in real-time.
  • Search will look in folder names and preset/matrix/patch names.
  1. Browser:
  • Click-drag anywhere vertically to "drag" list for iPhone-type scrolling.
  • Click-drag scrollbar to scroll list normally.
  • Use mouse-wheel to scroll.
  1. Browser [Preset]:
  • Drag & drop preset into main area to load.
  • Double-click preset to load.
  • Currently loaded preset displays in green color.
  • Press "save" to save current preset, edit name if you wish to save to new preset.
  • Press load to load selected preset.
  • Press delete to delete selected preset.
  • Factory presets may not be deleted.
  • Hold down Alt while dropping/double-clicking will load presets with all cells disabled.
  1. Browser [Matrix]:
  • Drag & drop matrix into matrix slot or matrix area to load.
  • Double-click matrix to replace the matrix in the selected matrix strip.
  • Press "save" to save current matrix, edit name if you wish to save to new matrix.
  • Press load to load selected matrix.
  • Press delete to delete selected matrix.
  • Factory matrices may not be deleted.
  • Hold down Alt while dropping/double-clicking will load matrix with all cells disabled.
  1. Browser [Patch]:
  • Drag & drop patches into cell or slots to load.
  • Holding keys 1-8 while dropping patch into cell will load correspondingly marked slot. This is displayed in the Advanced View.
  1. Information Window:
  • Displays the saved information of the respective preset, matrix or patch.
  • Load/Save/Delete Buttons. Only customized files can be deleted.

Matrix Control Bars

The Matrix Control Bars let you decide how to move through the matrix. There are many controllers available to switch between different Matrix Cells that contain up to 8 slots (which in turn contain patches = articulations). The best way to learn more about these controllers is to watch the Video Tutorials.


X-Axis Controllers:

Y-Axis Controllers:

  1. Control menu: Sets controller type for corresponding axis / AB control.

  2. Control Bar (X-Axis): Shows different controls depending on control menu setting.

  3. Control Bar (Y-Axis): Shows different controls depending on control menu setting.

  4. Control Bar (AB): Shows different controls depending on control menu setting.

  5. Control Change:

  • Corresponding control bar will show range controls for the selected Control Change number.
  • Click & drag a range handle to adjust its value.
  1. Key Switch:
  • Control bar shows the active Key Switches.
  • Click-drag to change all subsequent Key Switches.
  • Click-drag with Alt key to only change current Key Switch value.
  • Double-click to edit, enter to accept.
  1. Pitch Wheel:
  • Use MIDI pitch wheel for controlling axis.
  • Control bar shows range controls.
  1. Speed:
  • Uses playing speed for controlling axis.
  • Control bar shows range controls.
  1. Velocity:
  • Use MIDI note-on velocity for controlling axis.
  • Control bar shows range controls.
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