The Loudness Pro measures loudness similar to the human perception of loudness and is used to compare different audio materials from a technically calibrated standpoint. It is also well suited to monitor the loudness in live and broadcast applications.
The Loudness Pro adheres to the EBU R-128 standard.
Shows the 4 graphs for the parameters Integrated/Short Term/Momentary/True Peak(see below). Click-drag to zoom, and right-click to reset.
RESET: Resets the loudness metering.
RATE: Metering timeline scroll rate. (5, 10, 30, 60 fps).
REF: Reference level for Loudness Unit metering. The default setting is the recommended ITU average of -23 Loudness Units.
SCALE: Choose between LUFS (Loudness Units relative to Full Scale) and LU (Loudness Units). SYNC: Synchronize with host transport. Resets values on transport play events.
INTEGRATED: Displays the actual perceived loudness averaged across the signal that passes through the plug-in, measured since the last reset(in LUFS or LU, depending on the SCALE setting).
SHORT TERM: Displays the perceived short-term loudness, measured over the past 3 seconds(displayed in LUFS or LU, depending on the SCALE setting).
MOMENTARY: Displays the momentary loudness levels of the past 400 milliseconds (displayed in LUFS or LU, depending on the SCALE setting).
RANGE: Displays the overall loudness range that passes through the plug-in (in Loudness Units), measured since the last reset.
TRUE PEAK: Displays (in dB relative to Full Scale) inter-sample peaks which do not register in the sample data but may occur during reproduction of the digital signal.
Background information about the EBU R.128 standard: