Welcome to the Vienna Synchron Harp! This instrument comes with dedicated player software that offers you a pedal harp easy to manage and play, and not only for harpists. The samples include regular, harmonics, and bisbigliando play, each with ringing and dampened release.

The Vienna Synchron Harp is designed to manage the playing possibilities and pedals of the harp so as to give easy access not only to melodic/chromatic play but also to a feature that has always been one of the harp’s hallmarks: glissandos and arpeggios. You can play the harp on any common MIDI keyboard (minimum 88 keys recommended), using keyswitches, program changes, or other MIDI controllers to address the different settings and change keys, pedalling, glissando scales and variants, etc.
The harp’s PLAY tab gives an overview of all the harp’s settings, the MIX tab shows the audio channel configuration, including EQ, delay, reverb, and additional effects that can be defined per channel. The interface is scalable in steps from 75% to 200%, so it is retina-ready and will adapt to any screen size.