
First of all: Please make sure that you have a valid iLok license on your iLok key or iLok cloud. You should also install the most recent version of the iLok License Manager which you can download here:

Even with MIR Pro 3D already installed and licensed on your system, you will have to have at least one of the MIR 3D RoomPacks installed before you can actually use MIR. RoomPacks contain the huge collections of multi impulse response data gathered from the great musical venues MIR is all about.

The Vienna Assistant will help you with downloading and installing the RoomPack(s) of your choice. If you later decide to change the installation path to a custom location, please make sure to add that path in MIR Pro 3D’s Preferences.

The default installation path is

  • [WIN] C:\\ProgramData\VSL\Vienna MIR Pro

  • [macOS] Macintosh HD/Library/Application Support/VSL/Vienna MIR Pro

MIR Projects are by default saved here:

  • [WIN] C:\\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\VSL\Vienna MIR Pro\Engine Projects

  • [macOS] /Users/USERNAME/Library/Application Support/VSL/Vienna MIR Pro/Engine Projects

macOS Silicon Native: If you are working on a recent Apple computer that uses Silicon processors (M1/M2), you can unleash the full potential of our MIR Pro 3D Software if your host software runs in Native Silicon Mode: Select your DAW app in Finder, press Command+I and make sure that “Open in Rosetta Mode” is not checked.

Defining the speaker setup in your host application

If you want to employ a different output configuration than the default (probably still mostly stereo) for your project, you will first of all have to define the desired output format in your DAW.

To get the right number of output channels in MIR Pro 3D, you can, e.g., create an audio channel in the desired format, and then define a MIR Pro 3D insert for the channel. The number of Capsule Outputs in the Output Editor of MIR Pro 3D will be set accordingly.


It is not possible to change the channel configuration after you've defined the settings of the first MIR Pro 3D insert! Trying to do so may destabilize your system. To prevent this, always start with the maximum speaker configuration. You can add stereo channels to a surround environment, but not the other way around.


As a panner in Cubase / Nuendo, the channel configurations of MIR Pro 3D and the host’s active “Main Mix” must be identical!

In VE Pro, click the New Project icon on the Menu Icon Bar at the top, or select the respective command from the “File” pull-down menu. A dialog window will open and ask you to select the desired channel configuration; please select a format from the list of pre-configured setups.


MIR Pro’s Output Format is not the to be confused with the overall channel setup! It is very well possible to have a MIR Pro stereo setup running in a VE Pro 5.1-surround frame. Likewise, choosing a surround setup for MIR Pro’s Main Microphone will not change VE Pro’s global channel settings.

The new Vienna Ensemble project will create a Master Bus with the chosen number of output channels, including a full-fledged panner.


While it is not strictly necessary to do so, it might be a good idea to delete any panning devices from VE Pro’s Mixer that aren’t needed, just for the sake of clarity. In fact, when working exclusively with MIR, no panners are needed at all as its engine takes care of all positioning issues.

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