The Advanced View offers many new creative options. Take your time to explore these features with the help of our video tutorials and by studying this manual! This screenshot gives you a first overview. If you hover over any widgets, you'll see a tool-tip, providing you with a short description.

- Show Tooltips: Disables all mouse-over tooltips. ON by default.
- Auto Cell Naming: Enables/Disables automatic cell-naming when loading presets, matrices and patches. ON by default.
- Force Enabled Cells: Loads all cells enabled, when a preset or matrix was saved with disabled cells. OFF by default.
- Synchronize Control Map: When enabled, all Controller Mappings and the Real-Time Controller Area of all Vienna Instruments instances system-wide are synchronized whenever a parameter is changed.
- Double-click Disables Cells: When disabled, cells can only be disabled via the context menus. ON by default.
- Enable Cells on MIDI Activity: When enabled, disabled cells will load in the background when triggered by MIDI Notes. Default: Disabled
- Show PrgCh from 0: When enabled, Program Changes start at "0". Disabled, they start at "1". OFF by default.
- Confirm Preset Overwrite: Confirmation Question before overwriting Preset. ON by default.
- Confirm Matrix Overwrite: Confirmation Question before overwriting Matrix. ON by default.
Play around with the sliders to find the right settings for your screen, you can always go back to the default settings (Reset). The new settings will be applied after the host is restarted.
- Middle C: Define C3, C4 or C5 as middle C. Default: C4
- MIDI Dump CC: Choose a MIDI CC to trigger a MIDI Dump. Default: Off
- Default Preload:
- Allows to change the preload (precache) size in number of samples.
- For normal HDD a minimum size of 16384 is recommended, while a fast SSD drive can use lower settings.
- Using the "start-offset" setting will eat into the preload, thus a higher preload might be needed when adjusting start offset.
- Directory Manager offers the possibility to set different preload settings for different disks and/or directories.
- When Directory Manager settings are applied, this control will be disabled.
Streaming Threads: The number of threads devoted to sample streaming. The default value (4) is appropriate in most cases. Systems with more than one harddrive or SSD drives for sample streaming could benefit from setting a higher value. Streaming Threads define the number of simultaneous reads from the drive.
Mixing Threads (instance): The number of threads devoted to streaming PER INSTANCE. The default value (4) is appropriate in most cases, the threads are split per slots. Systems with more than one harddrive or SSD drives for sample streaming could benefit from setting a higher value. Too many used instances might result in crackling, in which case you should reduce the number.
Preallocated Voices: The number of voices allocated by the first instance of VI PRO. When more voices are required from the playback, additional voices will be allocated dynamically up to Maximum Voices.
Maximum Voices: The maximum amount of voices possible to playback. When this limit is reached, voice stealing will occur, and notes can start dropping out.
Instance Voices:
- A limit for the maximum number of voices allowed per VI PRO instance. Setting this to a lower value than Maximum Voices allows for voice stealing to first occur within the single instance.
- This can be useful for polyphonic instruments with long sustain, for example, piano or harp, since these might otherwise start stealing voices from more crucial instruments using less voices, such as a solo violin.
- Unlimited Bounce Polyphony: Checking this box will allow an unlimited number of voices to be played back on bounce. Memory will be allocated dynamically during bouncing to accommodate the extra voices.
- Full Reset: Resets the entire instrument to startup state.
- Disable All Cells: Disables all cells of an instance (un-loads all samples).
- Enable All Cells: Enables all cells of an instance (loads all samples).
- Auto-Name Cells: Applies Auto-Naming to all cells of the instance
- Reload Samples: Reloads all samples of an instance (can be useful for debugging WIN or OS X memory handling).
- Normalize Powerpan: Scales powerpan settings for the entire instrument. Resulting powerpan settings will be spread over the entire stereo panorama.
Streaming dropouts sound different from CPU dropouts and can be distinguished like this: when voices shot down with a "plopping" sound, you are experiencing Streaming drop-outs and you should increase the streaming threads. SSD drives will help tremendously in this situation.
When voices drop out with a digital crackle, it is a CPU dropout and you should increase the latency of your soundcard to compensate for the CPU demands.
Mixing threads is a new setting that was added specifically for Synchron Strings. It is applied per instance / system-wide. By default, Vienna Instruments was working with 1 mixing thread until now, meaning that sequential processing of all slots contained in a cell was applied.If you are using multiple slots in Vienna Instruments, like with the ROOM-MIX presets for Synchron Strings, a setting of 2 will be helpful and cut processing time for these presets in half.
- Show Licenses: Displays a list of available licenses
- About Software: Displays information about VI Pro
- Product Web-Site: Takes you to the VI Pro website